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LindevangenLindevangen (historical), a street in Frederiksberg, Denmark 8-10


(01) Kære store PaulPoul Knudsen (1889-1974), Danish lawyer and writer, friend of the Wegeners, married to Vibeke from 1925 to 1938 -@Translator: KEJ,

(02) Tusind Tak for Dit Brev.

(03) Jeg skal med Sorg rette mig efter Dit Ønske og forandre Heltens Navn.

(04) Han kommer saa til at hedde Hjalmar HvideNiels Hvide (fictional), modeled on Poul Knudsen (1889-1974), Danish lawyer and writer, friend of the Wegeners, married to Vibeke 1925-1938. Du skal ikke forbavses over, at jeg skriver pænt og korrekt om en Ven – jeg hører jo ikke rigtig med i Lumskebugten her hjemme.

(05) Hvor jeg glæder mig til at høre om VibekeVibeke Knudsen (née Edmund, 1894-1961), a Danish singer married to Poul Knudsen from 1925 to 1938.s Triumpher I Julen! -@Translator: KEJ

(06) Den vidunderlige i DresdenDresden (historical), city in Germany hedder:

(07) Prof. Dr. Kurt WarnekrosKurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist who performed all but the first of four surgeries on Lili Elvenes; director of the Women’s Clinic in Dresden (Staatliche Frauenklinik) from 1925 to 1948

(08) Det staar endogsaa skrevet med dobbelt W. i mit Hjærte – ja, er endogsaa deri graveret!

(09) Det glæder mig meget at Herr Ervin MagnusErwin Magnus (1881-1947), a German literary agent, author, and translator, born in Hamburg, died in Copenhagen. -@Translator: KEJ tror paa Bogen. Men jeg maa bede Dig forklare ham følgende:

(10) Naar jeg ikke har skrevet Bogen som en Levnedsskildring, er det for at faa frem, at det drejer sig om to Personer AndreasAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter og LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 , der sjæleligt ikke hører sammen.

(11) Det fremgaar nok mest af sidste Del, at der [er] en Dualitet – eller var.

(12) Det er først AndreasAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter, der fortæller sine Erindringer til PoulPoul Knudsen (1889-1974), Danish lawyer and writer, friend of the Wegeners, married to Vibeke from 1925 to 1938, medens AndreasAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter havde overtaget, hvorpaa LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 fortæller Erindringer til PoulPoul Knudsen (1889-1974), Danish lawyer and writer, friend of the Wegeners, married to Vibeke from 1925 to 1938 fra den Tid, hvor hun begyndte at arbejde sig frem
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og fik Hovedparten af Aktiverne i deres Fællesbo – og til sidst Eneindehaver.

(13) Det fremgaar tydeligt af sidste Del, at det endogsaa er en absolut Livsbetingelse for LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931, at hun aandeligt intet har at skaffe med AndreasAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter – og det store Mirakel er, at hun føler sig nyskabt – ren og jomfruelig – og absolut ikke sjæleligt et Mandfolk, der er bleven til et Pigebarn!!!

(14) Anden Del viser ogsaa, hvorledes Werner von KreutzProfessor Werner Kreutz (fictional), modelled on Kurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist altid har holdt de to ude fra hinanden.

(15) Det er Hovedpointet i Bogen, at der var to Sjæle i et Legeme – og at en genial Kirurg redder Pigebarnet ud af fælles Skibbrud. -@Translator: KEJ

(16) Saa er jeg tilmed bange for, at den anden Form skulde tynge Bogen, og jeg ønsker netop at faa frem, at jeg er koket, sorgløs, overfladisk og pjanket – og det har været mig om at faa frem, at hvad der er af kunstnerisk, af Livsvisdom og alvorlig mandig Viden, kommer fra AndreasAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter, der var Kunstner og et honnet Mandfolk, medens min Indsats er en vis letbenet og tøset Filosofi! (Du ser, det er i Virkeligheden en Nedskrivning af Aktiverne) Bed Her Herr Ervin MagnusErwin Magnus (1881-1947), a German literary agent, author, and translator, born in Hamburg, died in Copenhagen. -@Translator: KEJ at ville høre med Sympathi paa dette mit Forsvar for Bogens Form.

(17) Din stakkeles lille Veninde,

Lili ElvenesLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931

Mille baisers à VibekeVibeke Knudsen (née Edmund, 1894-1961), a Danish singer married to Poul Knudsen from 1925 to 1938.


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LindevangenLindevangen (historical), a street in Frederiksberg, Denmark 8-10


(01) Dear big PaulPoul Knudsen (1889-1974), Danish lawyer and writer, friend of the Wegeners, married to Vibeke from 1925 to 1938 -@Translator: KEJ,

(02) Thousand thanks for your letter.

(03) It is with regret that I will comply with your wish and change the name of the hero.

(04) He will then be called Hjalmar HvideNiels Hvide (fictional), modeled on Poul Knudsen (1889-1974), Danish lawyer and writer, friend of the Wegeners, married to Vibeke 1925-1938. You should not be surprised, that I am writing nicely and correctly about a friend – I do not quite belong to the in crowd at home.

(05) How happy I am to hear about VibekeVibeke Knudsen (née Edmund, 1894-1961), a Danish singer married to Poul Knudsen from 1925 to 1938.’s triumph in Julen!

(06) The wonderful person in DresdenDresden (historical), city in Germany is called:

(07) Prof. Dr. Kurt WarnekrosKurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist who performed all but the first of four surgeries on Lili Elvenes; director of the Women’s Clinic in Dresden (Staatliche Frauenklinik) from 1925 to 1948

(08) It is even written with W. in my heart – yes, it is even there engraved!

(09) I am very pleased that Mr. Ervin MagnusErwin Magnus (1881-1947), a German literary agent, author, and translator, born in Hamburg, died in Copenhagen. -@Translator: KEJ believes in the book. But I must ask you to explain to him the following:

(10) Since I have not written the book as a biography, it is important to emphasize that it is about two people AndreasAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter and LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 , who do not belong together mentally.

(11) It might appear, especially from the last part, that there [is] a duality – or was.

(12) It is first AndreasAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter, who tells his memories to PoulPoul Knudsen (1889-1974), Danish lawyer and writer, friend of the Wegeners, married to Vibeke from 1925 to 1938, while AndreasAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter was dominant, whereafter LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 tells memories to PoulPoul Knudsen (1889-1974), Danish lawyer and writer, friend of the Wegeners, married to Vibeke from 1925 to 1938 from the time where she began to work upward
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and got the majority of the assets in their common estate – and eventually became sole owner.

(13) It appears clearly from the last part that it is even an absolute foundation of life for LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931, that spiritually she has nothing to do with AndreasAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter – and the big miracle is that she feels newly created – clean and virginal – and absolutely not mentally a man, who has become a girl!!!

(14) The second part also shows how Werner von KreutzProfessor Werner Kreutz (fictional), modelled on Kurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist has always held the two separate from one another.

(15) That is the main point in the book, that there were two souls in one body – and that a brilliant surgeon saves the girl from a mutual disaster.

(16) So I am even afraid that the other form should weigh down the book and I really wish to show that I am coquettish, carefree, superficial, and giddy – and it has been important to me to show that what is of artistic, wisdom and seriously manly knowledge, comes from AndreasAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter, who was an artist and a respectable man, while my contribution is a certain shallow and girlish philosophy! (You see, it is in reality a writing down of the assets) Ask Mr. Ervin MagnusErwin Magnus (1881-1947), a German literary agent, author, and translator, born in Hamburg, died in Copenhagen. -@Translator: KEJ to listen with sympathy to this my defense of the form of the book.

(17) Your poor little friend,

Lili ElvenesLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931

A thousand kisses to VibekeVibeke Knudsen (née Edmund, 1894-1961), a Danish singer married to Poul Knudsen from 1925 to 1938.