Style Guide
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1924. lørdag den 8. Marts
GerdaGerda Maria Frederikke Gottlieb Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator;
married to Einar Wegener og
Einar WegenerEinar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter; married to Gerda Wegener;
died as Lili Elbe in Dresden, 1931 fortæller
om ParisParis (historical), capital of France
(01) Kunstnerparret GerdaGerda Maria Frederikke Gottlieb Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator; married to Einar Wegener og Einar WegenerEinar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter; married to Gerda Wegener; died as Lili Elbe in Dresden, 1931 er kommen hertil fra ParisParis (historical), capital of France. I næste Uge aabner de en Fællesudstilling af Malerier i Ole Haslunds HusOle Hasland Hus (historical), art gallery in Copenhagen where the Wegeners exhibited, hvor vor Medarbejder i Gaar traf dem og bad dem fortælle om ParisParis (historical), capital of France, som den er i Dag:
"Gerda Wegener, som hun ser
Gerda WegenerGerda Maria Frederikke Gottlieb Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator; married to Einar Wegener, som hun ser ud.
(02) Gennem Sale med smukke, gamle Møbler, ad vildsomme Trapper, gennem labyrintiske Gange føres jeg til et lille lunt, godt gemt Kontor i Ole HaslundsOle Georg Haslund (1877–1962), co-owner of Ole Haslunds Hus, an art gallery in Copenhagen where the Wegeners exhibited gamle Hus paa ØstergadeØstergade (historical), a street in the old town section of Copenhagen. Dybt nedsænket i en Lænestol og svøbt i Pelsværk trods Kakkelovnens tropiske Varme sidder Gerda WegenerGerda Maria Frederikke Gottlieb Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator; married to Einar Wegener, Pariserinden, der trods fjorten Aars Udlændighed og Berømmelse stadig er vor Landsmandinde. Hun sidder og delikaterer sig med fire Stykker godt belagt, dansk Smørrebrød ovenpaa Rejsens Strabadser, mens hendes Mand og Kollega, Einar WegenerEinar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter; married to Gerda Wegener; died as Lili Elbe in Dresden, 1931, staar paa Hovedet i Reproduktioner af deres mest beundrede Billeder.
Den danske Nordpol.
(03) – Er det Dem, der har bragt Solskin og Tøvejr med Sydfra? spørger jeg.
(04) – Ja, det er det sikkert, ler Fru WegenerGerda Maria Frederikke Gottlieb Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator; married to Einar Wegener mellem to smaa Mundfulde Bøf med Løg. – Men sikken en Hjemkomst forøvrigt! Vi kom ad Søvejen til EsbjergEsbjerg (historical), a seaport town in Jutland, Denmark og havde haft det dejlig varmt paa Havet, saa at komme til EsbjergEsbjerg (historical), a seaport town in Jutland, Denmark var som at komme til Nordpolen gennem gyngende Isflager. Men nu er vi her altsaa.
(05) – Og befinder Dem forhaabentlig godt?
(06) – Ja, det vil sige: foreløbig føler vi os en Smule fattige. Det er ikke morsomt at veksle sine Penge og skulle give næsten fire Francs for en Krone.
(07) – Det lyder da nyt og yndigt i hjemlige Ører – indskyder jeg opmuntrende. – Hvad kan De sige om Deres Udstilling?
(08) – Kom og se den! ler Fru WegenerGerda Maria Frederikke Gottlieb Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator; married to Einar Wegener diplomatisk. Den har Vernissage paa Tirsdag Kl. 1, og paa Onsdag aabnes den for Offentligheden.
(09) Einar WegenerEinar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter; married to Gerda Wegener; died as Lili Elbe in Dresden, 1931, der aabenbart vil skaffe sin Frue Madro, rækker en smukt udstyret Bog frem imod mig.
Vikingesagaer paa Fransk.
(10) – Hér skal De se noget morsomt, siger han. „La Livre des Vikings. Apres les anciennes Sagas.” Det er simpelthen de gamle Vikingesagaer, som jeg paa Opfordring af det kendte store Piazzi’s ForlagL'Edition d'Art H. Piazza (historical), a publishing house in Paris har omplantet paa Fransk. Det er tilmed blevet en stor Sukces. Det er kun en Maaned siden, den udkom, og som De vil se af dette Eksemplar, er den allerede kommet i otte Oplag.
(11) Mens jeg beundrer den smukke Bog, der – selvfølgelig – er forsynet med gratiøse Vignetter af Gerda WegenerGerda Maria Frederikke Gottlieb Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator; married to Einar Wegener, gør Fruen en lile Pavse i Maaltidet for at nippe til en Cigaret –
(12) – Det, jeg er mest glad for at møde Igen herhjemme, siger hun næsten med et Suk, er Rugbrød, Spegesild og Snaps! Jeg synes i Øjeblikket, at de tre Ting rummer DanmarkDenmark is a Scandinavian country in northern Europe whose capital is Copenhagen. for mig!
(13) – Men ParisParis (historical), capital of France? spørger Jeg. – Nu undgaar De ikke det Spørgsmaal, som De vil høre tyve Gange hver Dag: Hvordan er ParisParis (historical), capital of France efter Krigen?
(14) Fru WegenerGerda Maria Frederikke Gottlieb Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator; married to Einar Wegener spidser eftertænksomt sin lille, røde Mund –
(15) – Nu er den yndig! forsikrer hun.
(16) – Nu er den blevet sig selv igen. Man taler overhovedet ikke om Krigen dernede.
(17) – Er det berømte parisiske Natteliv blomstret op Igen?
Udenlandsk „Pariserstemning”.
(18) – Det er det sikkert! ler Fruen. – Jeg hører nu ikke selv til Natkafémenneskene. Jeg har f. Eks. ikke været paa MontmartreMontmartre (historical), a hilltop section of Paris, renowned locate for artists and intellectuals in the 1920s i …… jeg ved ikke hvor mange Aar. Der kommer forøvrigt Pariserne aldrig selv, og slet ikke de parisiske Kunstnere. Det er deres udenlandske Kolleger, der sidder dér og laver deres egen lille private „Pariserstemning” blandt Turister og andre, der tror, at dette er ParisParis (historical), capital of France!
(19) – Er Bohèmelivet da paa Retur?
(20) – Ja, i gammeldags Forstand. Helt oppe paa MontmartresMontmartre (historical), a hilltop section of Paris, renowned locate for artists and intellectuals in the 1920s Top, paa „Butte Montmartre”Montmartre (historical), a hilltop section of Paris, renowned locate for artists and intellectuals in the 1920s gøres der ganske vist et Forsøg paa at koge Bohèmelivet op. Der findes en Kunstnersammenslutning, der kalder sig „Republique de Montmartre”, der har deres Præsident og vælger deres „Montmartres Dronning”. Men det er lidt kunstigt. Umiddelbarheden er gaaet af det.
(21) – Skyldes det svigtende Livsglæde?
(22) – Nej! falder Einar WegenerEinar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter; married to Gerda Wegener; died as Lili Elbe in Dresden, 1931 helt forarget ind. – De skulde opleve en Karnevalsmaaned i ParisParis (historical), capital of France! Den har vi desværre netop maattet rejse fra i Aar. Jeg elsker at gaa paa Karneval, mens det keder min Kone. Jeg husker engang, jeg var klædt ud som ung Pige. Jeg maa have illuderet fortræffeligt – i hvert Fald oplevede jeg til min Forbløffelse at blive gjort heftigt Kur til af ingen ringere end en engelsk Biskop! – Nej, Livsglæde mangler ParisParis (historical), capital of France sandelig ikke.
(23) – Røget Aal er yndigt! kommer det som en lille indskudt Bemærkning fra Gerda WegenerGerda Maria Frederikke Gottlieb Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator; married to Einar Wegener, der har genoptaget Maaltidet. Og igen forstyrrer jeg hendes Madro –
Kubismens Endeligt.
(24) – De moderne Kunstretninger, de der ender paa –isme, dominerer de stadig Udstillingerne?
(25) – Nej, siger Fruen. De er saa godt som forsvundet. Paa sidste „Salon d’Automne” var der næsten slet ingen, og paa „Independence” var det udelukkende Russerne og Svenskerne, der var Kubister. De sled endnu Frankrigs aflagte Tøj. Men forøvrigt har Kubismen jo gjort sin gode Virkning. Den var – hvis jeg maa udtrykke mig drastisk – det uartige Ord, der tiltrænges midt i al Pænheden. Jeg og min Mand var gode Venner af Kubisternes Fører, Guillaume ApollinaireGuillaume Apollinaire (1880-1918), a famous French avant-garde poet and critic. Han fandt oprindelig paa Kubismen som en Spøg. Men da den slog an, og da han saa de alvorlige Spor, den satte i Kunsten, saa tog han den ogsaa selv alvorligt og gik i Spidsen for den. Han fik forøvrigt en tragisk Skæbne: han døde af Krigen. Han havde faaet en Granatsplint i Hovedet, blev opereret og fik saa La grippe, som Franskmændene kalder den spanske Syge.
(26) – Er De stolt af at have faaet et Billede paa Luxembourg-MusaeetLuxembourg Museum (historical), a museum of contemporary art located in Paris?
(27) – Ja, det kan jeg ikke nægte! siger Fru WegenerGerda Maria Frederikke Gottlieb Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator; married to Einar Wegener beskedent. Men hendes Mand falder ind for at bøde paa Beskedenheden –
Den femte danske Kunstner paa LuxembourgLuxembourg (historical), a European country bordered by France, Belgium, and Germany.
(28) – Det har hun ogsaa Grund til, oplyser han. Foruden min Kone findes
Gerda WegenerGerda Maria Frederikke Gottlieb Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator;
married to Einar Wegener, som hun selv
synes hun ser ud.
der kun Billeder af fire andre danske Kunstnere, nemlig: KrøyerPeder Severin Krøyer (1851-1909), a Danish painter, Julius PaulsenJulius Paulsen (1860-1940), a Danish painter and a professor at the Royal Danish Academy
of Fine Arts, where the Wegeners studied, AchenGeorg Achen (1860-1912), a Danish artist of domestic interior scenes og IlstedPeter Ilsted (1861-1933), a Danish artist of domestic interior scenes. Det Billede, Staten købte til
Ophængning, var forøvrigt slet ikke det, man oprindelig vilde have haft. Men
da det andet,
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som var større, allerede v a r solgt paa
Udstillingen, tog de det mindre ……
(29) – …… som var bedre! supplerer Fruen. Det hænger nu ved Siden af KrøyerPeder Severin Krøyer (1851-1909), a Danish painter og ovenover ZornAnders Zorn (1860-1920), a Swedish artist, og det er morsomt at sammenligne de tre forskellige Malemaader.
(30) – De er vist meget flittig, forlyder det heroppe?
(31) Fru WegenerGerda Maria Frederikke Gottlieb Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator; married to Einar Wegener sukker blot og ryster opgivende paa Hovedet. Igen maa hendes Mand supplere –
(32) – Det er man simpelthen nødt til i ParisParis (historical), capital of France, forklarer han. Publikum forlanger, at man er repræsenteret paa saa og saa mange Udstillinger. Denne Rejse er ligefrem en Ferie til at trække Vejret i. Forrige Aar udstillede min Kone paa otte Udstillinger, hvoraf den ene var hendes egen. Ialt 70 Billeder – der dog selvfølgelig ikke alle var malet det Aar.
Det rige FrankrigFrance is a western European country whose capital is Paris..
(33) – Er Franskmændene fattige efter Krigen? spørger jeg Einar WegenerEinar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter; married to Gerda Wegener; died as Lili Elbe in Dresden, 1931 for at unde hans Frue et lille Pusterum med den Cigaret, hun lige har tændt.
(34) – Nej, forsikrer han livligt. – Der er tværtimod mange Penge mellem Folk. Det er ganske uretfærdigt og misvisende, at Francen er saa langt nede. Alene til at genopbygge NordfrankrigNorthern France (historical), France is a western European country. We had to distinguish Northern France from France because in some languages Northern France is one word and can signify a specific region with its unique identity. er der foreløbig skaffet 80 Milliarder. Det vilde man ikke kunne gøre blandt en fattig Befolkning. Blot som agerbrugende Land er FrankrigsFrance is a western European country whose capital is Paris. Rigdomme uudtømmelige. Og den Dag, da de ikke længer vil betale Kul fra EnglandEngland (historical), a country of the United Kingdom, har de deres Vandfald og Floder til Erstatning. Der er f.Eks. et Projekt om at lade Rhone producere Elektricitet til hele FrankrigFrance is a western European country whose capital is Paris.. Tænk saa ogsaa paa, at det har Havet aabent til tre Sider og derved de rigeste Muligheder for Skibsfart. Før Krigen var Landet imidlertid saa rigt, at det slet ikke udnyttede disse Muligheder. Ja, selv Landbruget behøvede de ikke at modernisere. Den Dag idag kan man, ved Siden af moderne Landbrugsmaskiner, se Bønder, der gaar og skærer deres Korn af paa gammeldags Vis med Segl.
Det flittige FrankrigFrance is a western European country whose capital is Paris..
(35) Dertil kommer, at den franske Befolkning er umaadelig flittig. ParisParis (historical), capital of France er f. Eks. slet ikke den Natcafé-By, Folk tror. Det er Turisterne, der giver den det Præg. Men den jævne Middelstand arbejder. En ung Snedkersvend er stolt, naar han fortæller, at hans Far og hans Bedstefar var Snedkere. Der er gammel og solid Tradition i Haandværket. Dets Udøvere føler sig som en Mellemting mellem Haandværker og Kunstner. Derfor er der intet, der hedder Klassehad, i den Forstand som det findes andre Steder.
(36) – Hænger det sammen med det franske Gemyt?
(37) – Ja, Franskmændene er dejlige Mennesker. Ingen Steder kan man som Kunstner træffe større Elskværdighed, Hjælpsomhed og Kollegialitet. De har et udmærket Princip dernede: at man skal hjælpe hinanden paa alle tænkelige Maader."
(38) – Ja, indfletter Fru WegenerGerda Maria Frederikke Gottlieb Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator; married to Einar Wegener, der har bekræftet sin Mands Begejstring med smaa Nik og indskudte Bemærkninger. – Og det skyldes netop nævnte Princip, at vi slog os ned i ParisParis (historical), capital of France. Da vi i sin Tid rejste Sydpaa, gjaldt vort Pas til SpanienSpain is a European country on the Iberian Peninsula whose capital is Madrid.. Men vi besluttede at gøre et fjorten Dages Ophold i ParisParis (historical), capital of France. Og nu har de fjorten Dage varet i fjorten Aar!
(39) – Hvor længe bliver De herhjemme?
(40) – En Maaned. – Vi har end ikke Tid til at blive og hilse paa det danske Foraar. Til Gengæld glæder jeg mig til det parisiske. Det er om muligt endnu dejligere!
FrankrigFrance is a western European country whose capital is Paris. og DanmarkDenmark is a Scandinavian country in northern Europe whose capital is Copenhagen..
(41) – Hvad mener man i FrankrigFrance is a western European country whose capital is Paris. om DanmarkDenmark is a Scandinavian country in northern Europe whose capital is Copenhagen.?
(42) – Man tror stadigvæk, at der gaar Isbjørne rundt i Gaderne. Men alligevel er vores lille Land ikke ganske ukendt af Franskmændene. De elsker H. C. AndersenHans Christian Andersen (1805-1875), a famous Danish author known for his fairy tales – hvis Eventyr min Mand forøvrigt nu skal oversætte til Piazzi’s ForlagL'Edition d'Art H. Piazza (historical), a publishing house in Paris som en samlet Udgave, hvilket hidtil aldrig har foreligget. Nogle af Billedhuggerne kender ogsaa ThorvaldsenBertel Thorvaldsen (1770–1844), a Danish artist who lived primarily in Italy. A museum dedicated to his work is located in central Copenhagen.. Georg BrandesGeorg Brandes (1842-1927), a Danish art critic and leading influence on the "Modern Breakthrough" in Scandinavian art and culture in the late 19th century kender de og beundrer. Og Rudolph TegnerRudolph Tegner (1873-1950), a controversial Danish sculptor of the early 20th century, influenced by Nietzsche and the writings of Georg Brandes. A museum named for him is located north of Copenhagen.……
(43) – Og saa hører man dem forøvrigt tale kyndigt og beundrende om det danske Landbrugs høje Standard, indskyder Einar WegenerEinar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter; married to Gerda Wegener; died as Lili Elbe in Dresden, 1931. Og ligeledes om vore udmærkede Hospitaler, der er kendt som Mønsterhospitaler.
(44) – Og først og fremmest, slutter Gerda WegenerGerda Maria Frederikke Gottlieb Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator; married to Einar Wegener og ser forskræmt paa Uret, er de Franskmænd, der har besøgt DanmarkDenmark is a Scandinavian country in northern Europe whose capital is Copenhagen., alle som én rørte og begejstrede over dansk Gæstfrihed. Jeg har truffet en Alpejæger, der var paa Graadens Rand af glade Minder, da han hørte, at jeg var Dansk. Han havde Lommerfulde af Prospektkort fra KøbenhavnCopenhagen (historical), capital of Denmark! – Tror du, vi naar Toget til HellerupHellerup (historical), a district in the suburbs of Copenhagen, EinarEinar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter; married to Gerda Wegener; died as Lili Elbe in Dresden, 1931? Ja, undskyld, men vi skal nemlig til Middag hos gode Venner……!
Thorkil BarfodThorkil Barfod (1889-1947?), a Danish writer and journalist.
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8 March 1924
GerdaGerda Maria Frederikke Gottlieb Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator;
married to Einar Wegener and Einar WegenerEinar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter; married to Gerda Wegener;
died as Lili Elbe in Dresden, 1931 Talk about ParisParis (historical), capital of France
(01) The artist couple GerdaGerda Maria Frederikke Gottlieb Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator; married to Einar Wegener and Einar WegenerEinar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter; married to Gerda Wegener; died as Lili Elbe in Dresden, 1931 have come here from ParisParis (historical), capital of France. Next week they will open a joint exhibition of paintings in Ole Haslund’s HusOle Hasland Hus (historical), art gallery in Copenhagen where the Wegeners exhibited, where our reporter met them yesterday and asked them to talk about ParisParis (historical), capital of France, as it is today:
"Gerda Wegener as she
Gerda WegenerGerda Maria Frederikke Gottlieb Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator; married to Einar Wegener as she looks.
(02) Through rooms with beautiful old furniture, by winding staircases, through labyrinthine corridors, I am led to a small, cosy well-hidden office in Ole Haslund’sOle Georg Haslund (1877–1962), co-owner of Ole Haslunds Hus, an art gallery in Copenhagen where the Wegeners exhibited old house in ØstergadeØstergade (historical), a street in the old town section of Copenhagen. Deeply submerged in an easy chair and wrapped in fur despite the tropical heat of the stove Gerda WegenerGerda Maria Frederikke Gottlieb Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator; married to Einar Wegener sits, the Parisienne who in spite of fourteen years of exile and fame is still our fellow countrywoman. She is treating herself to four smørrebrød after the hardships of the journey, while her husband and colleague, Einar WegenerEinar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter; married to Gerda Wegener; died as Lili Elbe in Dresden, 1931, is up to his neck in reproductions of their most admired pictures.
The Danish North Pole.
(03) “Is it you who has brought sunshine and thaw with you from the south?” I ask.
(04) “Yes, it probably is,” Mrs. WegenerGerda Maria Frederikke Gottlieb Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator; married to Einar Wegener laughs between two little mouthfuls of steak and onion. “By the way, what a homecoming it was! We came by sea to EsbjergEsbjerg (historical), a seaport town in Jutland, Denmark and had been nice and warm at sea, so coming to EsbjergEsbjerg (historical), a seaport town in Jutland, Denmark was like coming to the North Pole through floating ice floes. But now we are here.”
(05) “And hopefully finding yourself well?”
(06) “Yes, that is: so far we are feeling a bit poor. It is not amusing to change your money and have to pay almost four Francs for a Krone.”
(07) “That sounds new and lovely to local ears,” I add encouragingly. “What can you say about your exhibition?”
(08) “Come and see it!” Mrs. WegenerGerda Maria Frederikke Gottlieb Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator; married to Einar Wegener laughs diplomatically. “There is a private view on Tuesday at 1 pm and on Wednesday it will be open to the public.”
(09) Einar WegenerEinar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter; married to Gerda Wegener; died as Lili Elbe in Dresden, 1931, who apparently wants to secure his wife peace during her meal, holds out a beautifully got up book towards me.
Viking Sagas in French.
(10) “Let me show you something interesting," he says. “‘La Livre des Vikings Apres les anciennes Sagas.’ It is simply the old Viking sagas that I have transplanted into French on request by the well-known large publishing house PiazziL'Edition d'Art H. Piazza (historical), a publishing house in Paris. It has even become a great success. It is only a month since it was published and as you will see from this copy, it has already appeared in eight impressions.”
(11) While I admire the beautiful book, which is, of course, equipped with graceful vignettes by Gerda WegenerGerda Maria Frederikke Gottlieb Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator; married to Einar Wegener, madam makes a pause in her meal to light a cigarette:
(12) “What I am most happy to meet again in this country,” she says almost with a sigh, “is rye bread, salt herring, and aquavit! At the moment, I think that these three things contain DenmarkDenmark is a Scandinavian country in northern Europe whose capital is Copenhagen. to me!”
(13) “But ParisParis (historical), capital of France?” I ask. “Now you will not avoid the question that you will hear twenty times every day: How is ParisParis (historical), capital of France after the war?”
(14) Mrs. WegenerGerda Maria Frederikke Gottlieb Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator; married to Einar Wegener thoughtfully purses her little, red mouth:
(15) “Now it is lovely!” she asserts.
(16) “Now it has become itself again. Nobody speaks of the war down there.”
(17) “Is the famous Parisian nightlife flourishing again?”
Foreign “Parisian atmosphere.”
(18) “I am sure it is!” madam laughs. “I am not a late-night café person myself, however. I have for instance not been at MontmartreMontmartre (historical), a hilltop section of Paris, renowned locate for artists and intellectuals in the 1920s in …… I do not know how many years. Incidentally, the Parisians never go there, let alone the Parisian artists. It is their foreign colleagues who sit there and make their own ‘Parisian atmosphere’ among tourists and others who think that this is ParisParis (historical), capital of France!”
(19) “But is the bohemian life style on the decline?”
(20) “Yes, in the old-fashioned sense. Right at the top of MontmartreMontmartre (historical), a hilltop section of Paris, renowned locate for artists and intellectuals in the 1920s, at ‘Butte Montmartre,’Montmartre (historical), a hilltop section of Paris, renowned locate for artists and intellectuals in the 1920s an attempt is admittedly made to revive the bohemian life. There is an association of artists who call themselves ‘Republique de Montmartre’ who have their president and choose their ‘Queen of Montmartre.’ But it is a bit artificial. The spontaneity has worn off.”
(21) “Is that due to failing joie de vivre?”
(22) “No!” Einar WegenerEinar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter; married to Gerda Wegener; died as Lili Elbe in Dresden, 1931 joins in quite outraged. “You should experience a carnival month in ParisParis (historical), capital of France! Unfortunately, we just had to leave it this year. I love going to the carnival, but it bores my wife. I remember once I was dressed up as a young girl. I must have created an excellent illusion – at least to my astonishment I was vehemently courted by no less a person than an English arch bishop! – No, ParisParis (historical), capital of France is certainly not lacking in joie de vivre.”
(23) “Smoked eel is lovely!” It comes as a little interposed remark from Gerda WegenerGerda Maria Frederikke Gottlieb Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator; married to Einar Wegener who has resumed her meal. And again I disturb her peace:
The Death of Cubism.
(24) “The modern schools of art, those ending in –ism, do they still dominate the exhibitions?”
(25) “No,” madam says. “They are as good as gone. At the latest ‘Salon d’Automne’ there were hardly any and at ‘Independence’ it was exclusively the Russians and the Swedes who were Cubists. They were still wearing France’s discarded clothes. But apart from this, Cubism has had its good effect. It was – if I may express myself drastically – the dirty word needed in the middle of all the niceness. I and my husband were good friends of the leader of the Cubists, Guillaume Apollinair eGuillaume Apollinaire (1880-1918), a famous French avant-garde poet and critic. He originally invented Cubism as a joke. But as it became popular and as he saw the serious traces it left in art, he also took it seriously himself and led it. Apart from this he had a tragic fate: he died in the war. He was hit in the head by a shell splinter, was operated on, and then had La grippe as the French call the Spanish flu.”
(26) “Are you proud of having a picture at the Luxembourg MuseumLuxembourg Museum (historical), a museum of contemporary art located in Paris?”
(27) “Yes, I cannot deny that!” Mrs. WegenerGerda Maria Frederikke Gottlieb Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator; married to Einar Wegener says modestly. But her husband joins in to remedy the modesty:
The Fifth Danish Artist at LuxembourgLuxembourg (historical), a European country bordered by France, Belgium, and Germany.
(28) “She has cause to be so,” he informs us. “Besides my wife there are
Gerda WegenerGerda Maria Frederikke Gottlieb Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator;
married to Einar Wegener as she thinks
she looks.
only pictures by four other Danish artists, namely: KrøyerPeder Severin Krøyer (1851-1909), a Danish painter, Julius PaulsenJulius Paulsen (1860-1940), a Danish painter and a professor at the Royal Danish Academy
of Fine Arts, where the Wegeners studied, AchenGeorg Achen (1860-1912), a Danish artist of domestic interior scenes og IlstedPeter Ilsted (1861-1933), a Danish artist of domestic interior scenes. Incidentally, the picture that the
state bought for display was not at all the one they originally wanted. But
as the other one,
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which was bigger, already h a d been sold at
the exhibition, they took the smaller one ……”
(29) “…… which was better!” madam adds. “It now hangs next to KrøyerPeder Severin Krøyer (1851-1909), a Danish painter and above ZornAnders Zorn (1860-1920), a Swedish artist, and it is interesting to compare the three different styles of painting.”
(30) “I believe you are very busy, it is said up here?”
(31) Mrs. WegenerGerda Maria Frederikke Gottlieb Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator; married to Einar Wegener just sighs and shakes her head resignedly. Again her husband has to add something:
(32) “In ParisParis (historical), capital of France you simply have to,” he explains. “The public demands that you are represented at so and so many exhibitions. This journey is actually a holiday to take a respite. Last year my wife exhibited at eight exhibitions of which one was her own. 70 pictures in total – that of course had not all been painted that year though.”
The Rich FranceFrance is a western European country whose capital is Paris..
(33) “Are the French poor after the war?” I ask Einar WegenerEinar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter; married to Gerda Wegener; died as Lili Elbe in Dresden, 1931 to give his wife a little breathing room with a cigarette she has just lit.
(34) “No,” he asserts animatedly. “On the contrary people have a great deal of money. It is quite unfair and misleading that the Franc is so low. To rebuild Northern FranceNorthern France (historical), France is a western European country. We had to distinguish Northern France from France because in some languages Northern France is one word and can signify a specific region with its unique identity. alone 80 billion have been raised. That would not have been possible among a poor population. As an agricultural nation alone the riches of FranceFrance is a western European country whose capital is Paris. are inexhaustible. And the day they no longer want to pay for coal from EnglandEngland (historical), a country of the United Kingdom, they have their water falls and rivers as compensation. There is for instance a project about letting the waters of the Rhone produce electricity for the whole of FranceFrance is a western European country whose capital is Paris.. Also consider that it has the open sea on three sides and thus plenty of opportunity for navigation. Before the war the country was so rich, however, that it did not make use of these possibilities at all. Yes, even the farming industry did not have to modernise. Even today, you can see peasants cutting their corn with a sickle in the old-fashioned way next to modern agricultural machines.
The Industrious FranceFrance is a western European country whose capital is Paris..
(35) “In addition to this the French population is tremendously hard-working. ParisParis (historical), capital of France is for example not the late-night café city that people think. It is the tourists who give it that quality. But the ordinary middleclass work. A young joiner’s assistant is proud when he tells you that his father and grandfather were joiners. There is an old and strong tradition within the crafts. Its practitioners feel like a cross between a craftsman and an artist. For that reason, there is no such thing as class hatred in the sense that it exists elsewhere.”
(36) “Does that have to do with the French character?”
(37) “Yes, the French are lovely people. Nowhere will you meet greater kindness, helpfulness and collegiate spirit as an artist. They have an excellent principle down there: that you must help each other in all possible ways.”
(38) “Yes,” Mrs. WegenerGerda Maria Frederikke Gottlieb Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator; married to Einar Wegener, who has confirmed her husband’s enthusiasm with little nods and inserted remarks, puts in. “And it is because of the principle just mentioned that we settled down in ParisParis (historical), capital of France. When we travelled south some time ago, our passports were valid for SpainSpain is a European country on the Iberian Peninsula whose capital is Madrid.. But we decided to stop in ParisParis (historical), capital of France for two weeks. And now the fourteen days have turned into fourteen years!”
(39) “For how long will you stay in this country?”
(40) “A month. We do not even have the time to stay and greet the Danish spring. On the other hand, I look forward to the Parisian one. It is even lovelier if possible!”
FranceFrance is a western European country whose capital is Paris. and DenmarkDenmark is a Scandinavian country in northern Europe whose capital is Copenhagen..
(41) “What do they think about DenmarkDenmark is a Scandinavian country in northern Europe whose capital is Copenhagen. in FranceFrance is a western European country whose capital is Paris.?”
(42) “They still think that Polar bears walk around in the streets. Yet our little country is not entirely unknown to the French. They love Hans Christian AndersenHans Christian Andersen (1805-1875), a famous Danish author known for his fairy tales – whose fairy tales, by the way, my husband is going to translate for Piazzi’s publishing houseL'Edition d'Art H. Piazza (historical), a publishing house in Paris as a collected edition, which has never been available until now. Some of the sculptors also know ThorvaldsenBertel Thorvaldsen (1770–1844), a Danish artist who lived primarily in Italy. A museum dedicated to his work is located in central Copenhagen.. Georg BrandesGeorg Brandes (1842-1927), a Danish art critic and leading influence on the "Modern Breakthrough" in Scandinavian art and culture in the late 19th century they know and admire. And Rudolph TegnerRudolph Tegner (1873-1950), a controversial Danish sculptor of the early 20th century, influenced by Nietzsche and the writings of Georg Brandes. A museum named for him is located north of Copenhagen.……”
(43) “And besides one hears them speak knowledgeably and admiringly about the high standard of Danish agriculture,” Einar WegenerEinar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter; married to Gerda Wegener; died as Lili Elbe in Dresden, 1931 adds. “And also about our excellent hospitals that are known as model hospitals.”
(44) “And above all,” Gerda WegenerGerda Maria Frederikke Gottlieb Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator; married to Einar Wegener ends and looks anxiously at the clock, “those Frenchmen who have visited DenmarkDenmark is a Scandinavian country in northern Europe whose capital is Copenhagen. are one and all moved and enthusiastic about Danish hospitality. I have met a mountain hunter who was on the verge of tears from happy memories when he heard that I was Danish. He had pockets full of picture postcards from CopenhagenCopenhagen (historical), capital of Denmark! Do you think we will catch the train to HellerupHellerup (historical), a district in the suburbs of Copenhagen, EinarEinar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter; married to Gerda Wegener; died as Lili Elbe in Dresden, 1931? Yes, please excuse us, but we are going to dinner with good friends……!”
Thorkil BarfodThorkil Barfod (1889-1947?), a Danish writer and journalist.