[Title Page Facsimile Image]Page 82
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Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931
(01) Magnus HirschfeldMagnus Hirschfeld (1868–1935), a German physician and one of the most influential sexologists of the time; Einar Wegener was examined at his Institute in March 1930 fik en dag på instituttet i BerlinBerlin (historical), capital of Germany 1929 besøg af det der senere blev en af hans omtalte patienter. Denne patient var dansker, og her kan man tilføje, at der mærkværdig nok er meget få internationalt kendte transsexuelle, der ikke på et eller andet tidspunkt er kommet i berøring med DanmarkDenmark is a Scandinavian country in northern Europe whose capital is Copenhagen.. Patienten hed Einar WegenerEinar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter; married to Gerda Wegener; died as Lili Elbe in Dresden, 1931. Uddannet kunstmaler, og gift med den meget populære illustrator Gerda WegenerGerda Maria Frederikke Gottlieb Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator; married to Einar Wegener. Han skabte megen blæst omkring sit navn ved at skrive den internationale bestseller: Fra Mand til Kvinde – Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931s bekendelser. Udgivet første gang på Hage & Clausens Forlag, KøbenhavnCopenhagen (historical), capital of Denmark 1931. En bog, der i dag kun findes i et begrænset antal, da den blev et oplagt emne for "bogudrensere" specielt før og under Verdenskrig II. I bogen står der bl.a. følgende selvbiografiske beskrivelse:
(02) "AndreasAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter (Einar WegenerEinar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter; married to Gerda Wegener; died as Lili Elbe in Dresden, 1931) havde allerede i mange år været syg, og de havde søgt talløse læger og specialister, men uden resultat. Nu var han træt, og livet var blevet ham for meget. -@Translator: MO Lægerne mente, at AndreasAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter var fuldstændig forrykt. Heri ville de fleste sikkert give dem ret, -@Translator: MO for AndreasAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter bestod af to væsener, af en mand: AndreasAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter, og af en kvinde: LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931.
-@Translator: MO(03) LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 var blevet Gerda WegenerGerda Maria Frederikke Gottlieb Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator; married to Einar Wegeners ynglingsmodel. -@Translator: MO Hendes slanke alfeskikkelse vandrede gennem alle GerdaGerda Maria Frederikke Gottlieb Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator; married to Einar Wegeners bedste arbejder. Hun var allerede blevet en type, en moderne kvindetype, skabt af en kunstners fantasi. -@Translator: MO I mit legeme boede to skarpt adskilte væsener, der stod fremmede og næsten fjendtlig overfor hinanden, fordi hver af dem kun havde plads for den ene."
-@Translator: MO(04) Den danske tandlæge Ellen BækgaardEllen Bækgaard (1895-c. 1982), a Danish dentist, friend of Magnus Hirschfeld, and a member of the World League of Sexual Reform der ofte boede på instituttetInstitute for Psychiatry (fictional), modeled on the Institut Für Sexualwissenschaft (Institute for Sexual Science) in Berlin, founded by Magnus Hirschfeld in 1919; Einar Wegener was initially examined there og havde kendt den transsexuelle DorchenDorchen (Dora) Richter (1891-1933), the first person to undergo genital transformation surgery at Hirschfeld’s Institute, måske verdens første opererede transsexuelle, hørte historien om Einar WegenerEinar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter; married to Gerda Wegener; died as Lili Elbe in Dresden, 1931 på "Sexualwissenschafliches InstitutInstitute for Psychiatry (fictional), modeled on the Institut Für Sexualwissenschaft (Institute for Sexual Science) in Berlin, founded by Magnus Hirschfeld in 1919; Einar Wegener was initially examined there" i BerlinBerlin (historical), capital of Germany:
(05) "Da DorchenDorchen (Dora) Richter (1891-1933), the first person to undergo genital transformation surgery at Hirschfeld’s Institute var på instituttetInstitute for Psychiatry (fictional), modeled on the Institut Für Sexualwissenschaft (Institute for Sexual Science) in Berlin, founded by Magnus Hirschfeld in 1919; Einar Wegener was initially examined there som stuepige, kom Einar WegenerEinar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter; married to Gerda Wegener; died as Lili Elbe in Dresden, 1931 der ned, og skulle testes før han kunne få sin operation udført på "Frauenklinik"Municipal Women's Clinic (fictional and historical) is the Staatliche Frauenklinik in Dresden, directed by Professor Kurt Warnekros from 1925 to 1948." i DresdenDresden (historical), city in Germany. Men for overhovedet at operere forlangte de, at han skulle testes på instituttetInstitute for Psychiatry (fictional), modeled on the Institut Für Sexualwissenschaft (Institute for Sexual Science) in Berlin, founded by Magnus Hirschfeld in 1919; Einar Wegener was initially examined there hos HirschfeldMagnus Hirschfeld (1868–1935), a German physician and one of the most influential sexologists of the time; Einar Wegener was examined at his Institute in March 1930 i BerlinBerlin (historical), capital of Germany, og have en udtalelse fra ham. Det har han i øvrigt også skrevet om i sin bog.
(06) Han kunne ikke lide instituttetInstitute for Psychiatry (fictional), modeled on the Institut Für Sexualwissenschaft (Institute for Sexual Science) in Berlin, founded by Magnus Hirschfeld in 1919; Einar Wegener was initially examined there, og det vidste de godt dernede, og de vidste hvad grunden var, for der blev sagt til ham en dag, at han skulle
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Einar WegenerEinar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter; married to Gerda Wegener; died as Lili Elbe in Dresden, 1931, foto fra bogen "Lili Elbes Bekendelser" 1931

Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931, fra bogen "Lili Elbes Bekendelser" 1931
(07) lægge mærke til DorchenDorchen (Dora) Richter (1891-1933), the first person to undergo genital transformation surgery at Hirschfeld’s Institute, for DorchenDorchen (Dora) Richter (1891-1933), the first person to undergo genital transformation surgery at Hirschfeld’s Institute havde fået lavet den operation han gerne ville have lavet nu. Og det passede jo bestemt ikke maleren at blive sammenlignet med DorchenDorchen (Dora) Richter (1891-1933), the first person to undergo genital transformation surgery at Hirschfeld’s Institute – en stuepige!"
(08) Og ganske rigtigt, det passede ikke Einar WegenerEinar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter; married to Gerda Wegener; died as Lili Elbe in Dresden, 1931 at blive sammenlignet med DorchenDorchen (Dora) Richter (1891-1933), the first person to undergo genital transformation surgery at Hirschfeld’s Institute, eller som han selv skriver i sin bog: "Han følte et moralsk ubehag":
(09) "Deres Ven" ... Disse ord fik 'Andreas’Andreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter (Einar WegenerEinar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter; married to Gerda Wegener; died as Lili Elbe in Dresden, 1931) hjerte til at banke, og da han lidt efter befandt sig i Professor HardenfeldProfessor Hardenfeld (fictional), modeled on Magnus Hirschfeld (1868–1935), a German physician and one of the most influential sexologists of the time; Einar Wegener was examined at his Institute in March 1930s (HirschfeldMagnus Hirschfeld (1868–1935), a German physician and one of the most influential sexologists of the time; Einar Wegener was examined at his Institute in March 1930) imponerende institut for SeksualforskningInstitute for Psychiatry (fictional), modeled on the Institut Für Sexualwissenschaft (Institute for Sexual Science) in Berlin, founded by Magnus Hirschfeld in 1919; Einar Wegener was initially examined there, gentog han dem for sig selv – ellers havde han ganske sikkert tabt modet ... Hvad har jeg her at gøre? Han følte et moralsk Ubehag ved det store Rum, som mere gjorde Indtryk af at være en Klub for seksuelt Abnorme: Kvinder, der saa ud som forklædte Mænd, og Mænd, om hvem man havde ondt ved at tro, at de virkelig var Mænd ... Den Maade, hvorpaa disse Mennesker underholdt sig med hinanden, deres Bevægelser, deres Stemmer, deres Paaklædning, alt bød ham inderligt imod...
(10) Endelig indfandt Professor HardenfeldProfessor Hardenfeld (fictional), modeled on Magnus Hirschfeld (1868–1935), a German physician and one of the most influential sexologists of the time; Einar Wegener was examined at his Institute in March 1930 sig og førte ham ind i sit Arbejds-
Page 84(11) værelse, hvor han underkastede ham et timelangt Forhør. Det var en ubarmhjertig Inkvisition, en sjælelig Tortur for AndreasAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter (Einar WegenerEinar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter; married to Gerda Wegener; died as Lili Elbe in Dresden, 1931) ... men det var vel nødvendigt. Da det var overstaaet, blev han affærdiget ganske kort: "I Morgen, samme Tid."
(12) Bogen om Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 står den dag i dag som en slags transsexuel bibel. Fx nævner den engelske forfatter Jan MorrisJan Morris (b. 1926), British travel writer whose 1974 memoir, Conundrum, is an often-cited narrative of transgender i sin selvbiografi "Conundrum", at bogen om Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 var en medvirkende grund til hans eget ønske om en kønsskifteoperation. Bogen er nok lidt hysterisk i form og indhold, et forhold jeg fik bedre belyst, da jeg ved et tilfælde fandt Einar WegenerEinar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter; married to Gerda Wegener; died as Lili Elbe in Dresden, 1931s / Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931s helt ukendte breve på Det Kgl. BibliotekDet Kongelige Bibliotek (The Royal Library) is the national library of Denmark located in Copenhagen.
(13) Brevene er til en bogforlægger og skrevet i 1931 kort før hans død. De indeholder en række kommentarer til "transformationen":
(14) "Det store Mirakel er, at hun (Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931) føler sig nyskabt – ren og jomfruelig – og absolut ikke sjæleligt et Mandfolk, der er blevet til et Pigebarn!!!"
(15) Og senere i samme brev et citat der ikke vil falde i god jord hos mange af de kvinder, han ellers ikke var bange for at sammenligne sig selv med:
(16) ""Jeg (Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931) ønsker netop at få frem, at jeg er koket, sorgløs, overfladisk og pjanket – og det har været mig om at faa frem, at hvad der er kunstnerisk, af Livsvisdom og alvorlig mandlig Viden, kommer fra AndreasAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter (Einar WegenerEinar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter; married to Gerda Wegener; died as Lili Elbe in Dresden, 1931), en rar Kunstner og et honnet Mandfolk, medens min indsats er en vis letbenet og tøset Filosofi! (Du ser, der er i Virkeligheden en Nedskrivning af Aktiverne)."
(17) Der er økonomi bag meget, og at det også er tilfældet her fremgår af følgende:
(18) "Kære PoulPoul Knudsen (1889-1974), Danish lawyer and writer, friend of the Wegeners, married to Vibeke from 1925 to 1938, jeg ejer nu lidt over 75 Kr. Saa Penge begynder at interessere mig. Der skal noget til de daglige Silkestømper."
(19) Det kan ikke undre, at der også fulgte en social deroute efter operationen på "FrauenklinikMunicipal Women's Clinic (fictional and historical) is the Staatliche Frauenklinik in Dresden, directed by Professor Kurt Warnekros from 1925 to 1948."" i DresdenDresden (historical), city in Germany. Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 brugte for resten Elbe som efternavn, fordi floden Die ElbeElbe River (historical), river in Central Europe that runs through Dresden passerer DresdenDresden (historical), city in Germany.
(20) Der er mange dunkle og uoplyste sider omkring maleren Einar WegenerEinar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter; married to Gerda Wegener; died as Lili Elbe in Dresden, 1931s transformation til Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931. En af de mest overraskende er nok, at Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 ikke skrev bogen om sig selv. Eller rettere sagt; hun gjorde det indirekte.
(21) Bogen har et forord af en person med navnet Niels HoyerNiels Hoyer (historical), pseudonym of Ernst Harthern, who composed and edited Man into Woman. Problemet er blot, at der aldrig har eksisteret nogen Niels HoyerNiels Hoyer (historical), pseudonym of Ernst Harthern, who composed and edited Man into Woman. Bag dette navn skjuler der sig en tysk flygtning – Ernst HarthernErnst Ludwig Harthern (née Jacobson) (1884–1969), German writer and editor of Man into Woman under the pseudonym, Niels Hoyer; Lili’s German friend in the narrative. Han var i 1931 flygtet til DanmarkDenmark is a Scandinavian country in northern Europe whose capital is Copenhagen. som følge af Nazisternes forfølgelser. Det var ham der skrev, eller rettere sagt redigerede, teksten om Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931. Denne oplysning blev verificeret, da hans datter fru Ruth Hanna Harthern-ThanningRuth Hanna Hathern-Thaning (1915-1993), daughter of Ernst Harthern skrev et langt brev til mig, hvor hun redegør for de nærmere omstændigheder omkring bogens
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Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 umiddelbart før rejsen til DresdenDresden (historical), city in Germany, hvor hun døde i 1931. Pressefoto
(22) tilblivelse. Det gør ikke sagen mindre spændende, at hun fik et personligt og tæt forhold til Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931:
(23) "Det var min far, Ernst HarthernErnst Ludwig Harthern (née Jacobson) (1884–1969), German writer and editor of Man into Woman under the pseudonym, Niels Hoyer; Lili’s German friend in the narrative, an den sich Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 wendete denn mein VaterErnst Ludwig Harthern (née Jacobson) (1884–1969), German writer and editor of Man into Woman under the pseudonym, Niels Hoyer; Lili’s German friend in the narrative ... (, som Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 henvendte sig til, for min farErnst Ludwig Harthern (née Jacobson) (1884–1969), German writer and editor of Man into Woman under the pseudonym, Niels Hoyer; Lili’s German friend in the narrative) ... var tysk korrespondent i DanmarkDenmark is a Scandinavian country in northern Europe whose capital is Copenhagen. for Scherl-forlaget. Jeg var dengang 16 år gammel
Page 86(24) og husker den dag i foråret 1931, da jeg desværre ikke mere kunne vende tilbage til min elskede skole i StadeStade (historical), city in Germany ved HamburgHamburg (historical), city in Germany, for forholdene tillod det ikke, på grund af en vis AdolfAdolf Hitler (1889-1945), Chancellor then Führer of Germany, 1933-1945, and leader of the Nazi Party. Ikke mange dage efter kom min far ind i mit værelse, og det lykkedes ham endnu engang at fortælle mig noget mærkværdigt: Om lidt kommer der en dame, der engang var en mand ... Da kimede dørklokken. Jeg løb straks tilbage til mit værelse. Jeg hørte en dyb stemme der lignede Sarah LeanderZarah Leander (1907-1981), a Swedish singer popular in Nazi Germany.s.
-@Editor: PLC(25) Tilsidst måtte jeg sidde med ved middagsbordet i spisestuen sammen med de andre. Ja, det var ikke hendes ydre fremtoning (ræverødt hår, knaldrøde negle og mund). Nej, det var hendes ganske væsen ... hun var en ægte kvinde. For jeg havde ikke kendt hende som mand. Det blev aftalt (Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 følte sig meget ensom, forstod jeg), at jeg skulle lære at male hos hende. Det var Pinse næste dag. Næste morgen forlod jeg vores bolig i HavnegadeHavnegade (historical), a promenade in Copenhagen and port for ferries to Sweden. 47. Let om hjertet gik jeg gennem den solbeskinnede NyhavnNyhavn (historical), a district of Copenhagen til Kongens NytorvKongens Nytorv (historical), a public square in Copenhagen, og kørte videre med sporvogn til Valby, hvor denne ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 havde søgt ly i en kvistlejlighed hos pæne mennesker i en pæn villa. Hun havde allerede sat et staffeli frem, hvorpå der var placeret et færdigstrukket lærred, desuden var der farve, og hvad der ellers hørte til at male.
(26) På de få dage i hendes liv blev det til et selvportræt og to stilleben. Det var sikkert også af andre grunde, at hun lod mig komme indenfor, thi det arme menneske havde forelsket sig stærkt i sin velgører: Professoren fra "FrauenklinikMunicipal Women's Clinic (fictional and historical) is the Staatliche Frauenklinik in Dresden, directed by Professor Kurt Warnekros from 1925 to 1948."" i DresdenDresden (historical), city in Germany.
(27) Frygtelig sørgeligt. Det var godt, at jeg allerede dengang så klart forstod, at man ikke kan sende sådanne breve. Hvad denne lægeKurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist who performed all but the first of four surgeries on Lili Elvenes; director of the Women’s Clinic in Dresden (Staatliche Frauenklinik) from 1925 to 1948 havde gjort med den operation var måske slet ikke så godt for dette ulykkelige menneske. Hun havde en evig kamp med sig selv.
(28) Jeg skammede mig, troede hun, når jeg oversatte hendes kærlighedsbreve til ham fra dansk til tysk. I virkeligheden ændrede jeg dem til kun at være venlige takkebreve. Naturligvis måtte det være ubehageligt for lægenKurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist who performed all but the first of four surgeries on Lili Elvenes; director of the Women’s Clinic in Dresden (Staatliche Frauenklinik) from 1925 to 1948. Det blev ikke til mange breve.
(29) Pludselig bad hun mig om ikke at komme mere. Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 var pludselig rejst til DresdenDresden (historical), city in Germany. Det var vel det bedste. 48 år gammel døde Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 den 13.9.31 på "FrauenklinikMunicipal Women's Clinic (fictional and historical) is the Staatliche Frauenklinik in Dresden, directed by Professor Kurt Warnekros from 1925 to 1948."" og er begravet i DresdenDresden (historical), city in Germany på TrinitatiskirkegårdenTrinitatisfriedhof (Trinitatis Cemetery) is the cemetery near the Women’s Clinic, where Lili Elvenes is buried.. Jeg har hørt, at graven er meget forfalden, gravstenen er nemlig væltet, men jeg har også hørt, at man tænker på at sætte den i stand igen.
(30) Hun var et hjertensgodt menneske. Sagde man f.eks.: "Jeg synes godt om Deres halskæde". Straks ville hun skænke smykket til én, men naturligvis afviste man tilbuddet. Eller: "Gå hen til bageren, og køb en borgmesterstang". Hvorefter hun serverede hvidvin. Så kunne jeg godt blive ganske svimmel. Hun var en boheme, men samtidigt et kært menneske.
(31) Min ældre søster har mit selvportræt (af Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931) hængende på den bedste plads i en guldramme. Jeg kendte Lili Elbes søsterChristiane Wegener Thomsen (1881–1954), Einar Wegener’s only sister, og hun fortalte mig, at Einar WegenerEinar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter; married to Gerda Wegener; died as Lili Elbe in Dresden, 1931 havde været en rigtig dreng, og aldrig havde leget med dukker. Hun var adskillige år ældre. Min farErnst Ludwig Harthern (née Jacobson) (1884–1969), German writer and editor of Man into Woman under the pseudonym, Niels Hoyer; Lili’s German friend in the narrative skrev bogen efter LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931s optegnelser, hun så aldrig den færdige bog.
(32) Undskyld dette lange brev
(33) Ruth Hanna Harthern-ThaningRuth Hanna Hathern-Thaning (1915-1993), daughter of Ernst Harthern."
Page 87(34) De sidste sider i bogen er en rystende, men samtidig en noget sentimental beskrivelse af en dødskamp:
(35) "...Jeg kan ikke skrive noget om min sidste Operation – det var en Afgrund af Lidelser, godt at GerdaGerda Maria Frederikke Gottlieb Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator; married to Einar Wegener intet vidste."
(36) Og dog, Gerda WegenerGerda Maria Frederikke Gottlieb Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator; married to Einar Wegener vidste nok mere end Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 antyder her. Hun havde året før giftet sig med en italienerFernando Porta (b. 1897), Gerda Wegener’s second husband, og skrev i 1932 hjem til DanmarkDenmark is a Scandinavian country in northern Europe whose capital is Copenhagen., fra CasablancaCasablanca (historical), port city in Morocco hvor hun og hendes nye mandFernando Porta (b. 1897), Gerda Wegener’s second husband havde bosat sig, til den føromtalte forlægger:
(37) "MarrakechMarrakech (historical), a city in Morocco 11.9 1933
(38) Kære PoulPoul Knudsen (1889-1974), Danish lawyer and writer, friend of the Wegeners, married to Vibeke from 1925 to 1938,
(39) ...Du som ved, hvor højt jeg elskede min LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931, vil bedre end de fleste forstå, hvor stærkt jeg føler mig attacheut -@Translator: MO til dem, der var gode mod hende. Du hører jo også til dem, kære PoulPoul Knudsen (1889-1974), Danish lawyer and writer, friend of the Wegeners, married to Vibeke from 1925 to 1938! – Imorgen, den 12te er det to Aar siden jeg mistede hende. Jeg er endnu aldrig kommet over det! – Jeg har ellers den sødeste og skønneste – Mand på denne Jord."
(40) Dette brev, som også findes i Det Kgl. BiblioteksDet Kongelige Bibliotek (The Royal Library) is the national library of Denmark located in Copenhagen Håndskriftsafdeling, vidner om Gerda WegenerGerda Maria Frederikke Gottlieb Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator; married to Einar Wegeners kendskab til den sidste del af Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931s liv. Men også hun ville have del i den succes Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931s bog opnåede. Det fik hun ikke, specielt ikke økonomisk, hvad hun også giver udtryk for i et brev til Poul KnudsenPoul Knudsen (1889-1974), Danish lawyer and writer, friend of the Wegeners, married to Vibeke from 1925 to 1938:
(41) "MarrakechMarrakech (historical), a city in Morocco 22.10 1933
(42) Kære PoulPoul Knudsen (1889-1974), Danish lawyer and writer, friend of the Wegeners, married to Vibeke from 1925 to 1938,
(43) ...A propos EnglandEngland (historical), a country of the United Kingdom: Saa har en gammel fin Englænderinde har ladet sig præsentere hos mig for at tale med mig om LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931s Bog, som for nyligt er udkommen i EnglandEngland (historical), a country of the United Kingdom, og som skal have en stormende Succes og været Dagens store Samtaleemne. Man ved i LondonLondon (historical), capital of England, at det var mig, Gerda WegenerGerda Maria Frederikke Gottlieb Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator; married to Einar Wegener, som er GreteGrete Sparre (fictional), modeled on Gerda Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator i Bogen. Og min engelske Veninde beklagede voldsomt, at jeg ikke kunne komme til LondonLondon (historical), capital of England i Øjeblikket, da hun paastod, at jeg ville blive "Dagens Heltinde". Har du mulighed for at udnytte dette paa en eller anden Maade for en Edition eller lignende??? Men i saa Fald maatte det ikke vare for længe. Der skal jo altid smedes mens Jernet er varmt. Dette á LilieLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 d’indication – LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931s Bog (som jeg jo omtrent havde skrevet, og som kun er bleven banaliseret og omlavet af den skidne Jødetamp som hedder Niels HøjerNiels Hoyer (historical), pseudonym of Ernst Harthern, who composed and edited Man into Woman) – giver mig saa at sige intet. Han har faaet det lavet saa snedigt; at jeg omtrent intet faar og han overholder ikke engang sin Kontrakt. Han skovler alt til sig. Min tidligere Svoger, Ingeniør T.L. ThomsenThomas Christian Thomsen (1883-1963), married to Einar’s sister, Christiane Thomsen, and father of Einar’s nephew, Sigurd Thomsen, som LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 havde overdraget Forretningsførelsen af
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Et af Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931s breve, skrevet otte måneder før hendes død (Det kongelige BibliotekDet Kongelige Bibliotek (The Royal Library) is the national library of Denmark located in Copenhagen). Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931s jonglering med navne kan godt virke noget forvirrende. I brevet kalder hun sit tidligere, mandlige jeg for AndreasAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter. I "Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931s bekendelser" kom han til at hedde Andreas SparreAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter, ikke som nævnt i brevet Hjalmar Hvide. -@Editor: PLC Werner von KreuzProfessor Werner Kreutz (fictional), modelled on Kurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist er bogens pseudonym for kirurgen Kurt WarnekrosKurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist who performed all but the first of four surgeries on Lili Elvenes; director of the Women’s Clinic in Dresden (Staatliche Frauenklinik) from 1925 to 1948, som "skabte" LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931. Og hun underskriver sig Lili ElvenesLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931
(44) LindevangenLindevangen (historical), a street in Frederiksberg, Denmark 8-10, 22-1-31.
(45) Kære store PaulPoul Knudsen (1889-1974), Danish lawyer and writer, friend of the Wegeners, married to Vibeke from 1925 to 1938 -@Editor: PLC
(46) Tusind Tak for Dit Brev. Jeg skal med Sorg rette mig efter Dit Ønske og forandre Heltens Navn. Han kommer saa til at hedde Hjalmar HvideNiels Hvide (fictional), modeled on Poul Knudsen (1889-1974), Danish lawyer and writer, friend of the Wegeners, married to Vibeke 1925-1938. Du skal ikke forbavses over, at jeg skriver pænt og korrekt om en Ven – jeg hører jo ikke rigtig med i LumskebugtenLumskebugten (historical), one of the oldest restaurants in Copenhagen herhjemme. Hvor jeg glæder mig til at høre om VibekeVibeke Knudsen (dates unknown), married to Poul Knudsen from 1925 to 1938s Triumftur i Julen! Den vidunderlige i DresdenDresden (historical), city in Germany hedder: Prof. Dr. Kurt. -@Translator: MO WarnekrosKurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist who performed all but the first of four surgeries on Lili Elvenes; director of the Women’s Clinic in Dresden (Staatliche Frauenklinik) from 1925 to 1948. Det staar endogsaa skrevet med W i mit Hjærte – ja er endogsaa deri graveret! Det glæder mig meget at Herr Ervin MagnusErwin Magnus (historical), a German literary agent, author, and translator tror paa Bogen. Men jeg må bede dig forklare ham følgende:
(47) Naar jeg ikke har skrevet Bogen som en Levnedsskildring, er det for at faa frem, at det drejer sig om to Personer AndreasAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter og LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931, der sjæleligt ikke hører sammen. Det fremgaar nok mest af sidste Del, at der er en Dualitet – eller var. Det er først AndreasAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter, der fortæller sine Erindringer til PoulPoul Knudsen (1889-1974), Danish lawyer and writer, friend of the Wegeners, married to Vibeke from 1925 to 1938 medens AndreasAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter havde overtaget, hvorpå LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 fortæller Erindringer til PoulPoul Knudsen (1889-1974), Danish lawyer and writer, friend of the Wegeners, married to Vibeke from 1925 to 1938 fra den Tid, hvor hun begyndte at arbejde sig frem og fik Hovedparten af Aktiverne i deres Fællesbo – og til sidst Eneindehaver.
(48) Det fremgaar tydeligt af sidste Del, at det endogsaa
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I "Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931s Bekendelser" kaldes rofessor WarnekrosKurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist who performed all but the first of four surgeries on Lili Elvenes; director of the Women’s Clinic in Dresden (Staatliche Frauenklinik) from 1925 to 1948p Werner KreutzProfessor Werner Kreutz (fictional), modelled on Kurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist. LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 var ingen systematiker. I brevet staver hun KreuzProfessor Werner Kreutz (fictional), modelled on Kurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist, i bogen KreutzProfessor Werner Kreutz (fictional), modelled on Kurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist
(49) er en absolut Livsbetingelse for LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931, at hun aandeligt intet har at skaffe med AndreasAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter – og det store Mirakel er, at hun føler sig nyskabt – ren og jomfruelig – og absolut ikke sjæleligt et Mandfolk, der er bleven til et Pigebarn!!! Anden del viser ogsaa, hvorledes Werner von KreuzProfessor Werner Kreutz (fictional), modelled on Kurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist altid har holdt de to ude fra hinanden. Det er Hovedpointet i Bogen, at der var to sjæle i et Legeme – og at en genial Kirurg redder Pigebarnet ud af et fælles Skibbrud. Saa er jeg tilmed bange for, at den anden Form skulde tynge Bogen, og jeg ønsker netop at faa frem, at jeg er koket, sorgløs, overfladisk og pjanket – og det har været mig om at få frem, at hvad der er af kunstnerisk, af Livsvisdom og alvorlig mandig Viden, kommer fra AndreasAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter, der var Kunstner og et honnet Mandfolk, medens min Indsats er en vis letbenet og tøset Filosofi! (Du ser, det er i virkeligheden en nedskrivning af Aktierne). Bed Herr Ervin MagnusErwin Magnus (historical), a German literary agent, author, and translator at ville høre med Sympati på dette mit Forsvar for Bogens Form.
(50) Din stakkels lille Veninde
(51) LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931
(52) Lili ElvenesLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931. Mille baisers á VibekeVibeke Knudsen (dates unknown), married to Poul Knudsen from 1925 to 1938
(53) LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931
Page 90(54) Bogen med, synes at være i ledtog med HøjerNiels Hoyer (historical), pseudonym of Ernst Harthern, who composed and edited Man into Woman. Hvad vil du have, at jeg skal gøre paa denne Afstand, kære? Jeg kan jo ikke sidde herfra, og lave HøjerNiels Hoyer (historical), pseudonym of Ernst Harthern, who composed and edited Man into Woman en Proces! Du, som er jurist, sig mig om der er noget at stille op? –"
(55) Men der var noget Gerda WegenerGerda Maria Frederikke Gottlieb Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator; married to Einar Wegener sandsynligvis ikke vidste – under den sidste operation på Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 blev der, hvis historien ellers er sandfærdig, indopereret kvindelige kønsorganer. En fuldstændig vanvittig operation, også rent videnskabeligt, i 1933.
(56) Derfor er der grund til at tro, at Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 døde af den autoimmune reaktion der følger implantation af vævsuforligelige organer.
(57) "Nu ved jeg Døden kommer ... Jeg har drømt om MorAne Marie Wegener (historical), Einar Wegener’s mother i Nat ... hun tog mig i sine Arme og sagde LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 til mig ... og FarVilhelm Wegener (historical), Einar Wegener’s father var der også."
Page 82CHAPTER 5
From Gender to Gender
Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931
(01) One day in 1929 Magnus HirschfeldMagnus Hirschfeld (1868–1935), a German physician and one of the most influential sexologists of the time; Einar Wegener was examined at his Institute in March 1930 had a visit at the instituteInstitute for Psychiatry (fictional), modeled on the Institut Für Sexualwissenschaft (Institute for Sexual Science) in Berlin, founded by Magnus Hirschfeld in 1919; Einar Wegener was initially examined there in BerlinBerlin (historical), capital of Germany by what later became one of his most talked about patients. This patient was a Dane and one could add that oddly enough there are very few internationally known transsexuals who have not at some point been in touch with DenmarkDenmark is a Scandinavian country in northern Europe whose capital is Copenhagen.. The patient’s name was Einar WegenerEinar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter; married to Gerda Wegener; died as Lili Elbe in Dresden, 1931. A skilled painter and married to the very popular illustrator Gerda Wegener.Gerda Maria Frederikke Gottlieb Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator; married to Einar Wegener He became the center of controversy by writing the international best seller From Man into Woman – The Confessions of Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931. First published by Hage & Clausen, CopenhagenCopenhagen (historical), capital of Denmark 1931. A book that today only exists in a limited number of copies as it became an obvious target for "book cleansers" especially before and during World War II. The book contains, among other things, this autobiographical description:
-@Translator: MO(02) "AndreasAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter (Einar WegenerEinar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter; married to Gerda Wegener; died as Lili Elbe in Dresden, 1931) had already been ill for many years and they had sought countless doctors and specialists but without result. Now he was tired and life had become too much for him. The doctors thought that AndreasAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter was completely mad. Most people would probably agree with them on this because For AndreasAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter consisted of two beings, of a man: AndreasAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter, and of a woman: LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931.
(03) LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 had become GerdaGerda Maria Frederikke Gottlieb Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator; married to Einar Wegener’s favourite model. Her slim elf’s figure walked through all of GerdaGerda Maria Frederikke Gottlieb Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator; married to Einar Wegener’s best works. She had already become a type, a modern type of woman, created by the imagination of an artist. In my body lived two sharply separated beings who were alien and almost hostile to each other, because each of them only had room for one."
(04) The Danish dentist Ellen BækgaardEllen Bækgaard (1895-c. 1982), a Danish dentist, friend of Magnus Hirschfeld, and a member of the World League of Sexual Reform who often stayed at the instituteInstitute for Psychiatry (fictional), modeled on the Institut Für Sexualwissenschaft (Institute for Sexual Science) in Berlin, founded by Magnus Hirschfeld in 1919; Einar Wegener was initially examined there and had known the transsexual DorchenDorchen (Dora) Richter (1891-1933), the first person to undergo genital transformation surgery at Hirschfeld’s Institute, perhaps the first operated transsexual in the world, heard the story of Einar WegenerEinar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter; married to Gerda Wegener; died as Lili Elbe in Dresden, 1931 at the "Sexualwissenschaftliches InstitutInstitute for Psychiatry (fictional), modeled on the Institut Für Sexualwissenschaft (Institute for Sexual Science) in Berlin, founded by Magnus Hirschfeld in 1919; Einar Wegener was initially examined there" in BerlinBerlin (historical), capital of Germany:
(05) "When DorchenDorchen (Dora) Richter (1891-1933), the first person to undergo genital transformation surgery at Hirschfeld’s Institute was at the instituteInstitute for Psychiatry (fictional), modeled on the Institut Für Sexualwissenschaft (Institute for Sexual Science) in Berlin, founded by Magnus Hirschfeld in 1919; Einar Wegener was initially examined there as a maid, Einar WegenerEinar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter; married to Gerda Wegener; died as Lili Elbe in Dresden, 1931 came down there to be tested before he could have his operation performed at "FrauenklinikMunicipal Women's Clinic (fictional and historical) is the Staatliche Frauenklinik in Dresden, directed by Professor Kurt Warnekros from 1925 to 1948."" in DresdenDresden (historical), city in Germany. But to operate at all, they demanded that he should be tested by HirschfeldMagnus Hirschfeld (1868–1935), a German physician and one of the most influential sexologists of the time; Einar Wegener was examined at his Institute in March 1930 at the instituteInstitute for Psychiatry (fictional), modeled on the Institut Für Sexualwissenschaft (Institute for Sexual Science) in Berlin, founded by Magnus Hirschfeld in 1919; Einar Wegener was initially examined there in BerlinBerlin (historical), capital of Germany, and have an opinion from him. He has also written about this in his book.
(06) He did not like the instituteInstitute for Psychiatry (fictional), modeled on the Institut Für Sexualwissenschaft (Institute for Sexual Science) in Berlin, founded by Magnus Hirschfeld in 1919; Einar Wegener was initially examined there and they knew that down there, and they knew what the reason was, because he was told one day that he should
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Einar WegenerEinar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter; married to Gerda Wegener; died as Lili Elbe in Dresden, 1931, photo from the book "The confessions of Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931" 1931

Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931, from the book "The confessions of Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931" 1931
(07) take notice of DorchenDorchen (Dora) Richter (1891-1933), the first person to undergo genital transformation surgery at Hirschfeld’s Institute, because DorchenDorchen (Dora) Richter (1891-1933), the first person to undergo genital transformation surgery at Hirschfeld’s Institute had had the operation done that he would like to have done now. And it did not at all suit the painterEinar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter; married to Gerda Wegener; died as Lili Elbe in Dresden, 1931 to be compared to DorchenDorchen (Dora) Richter (1891-1933), the first person to undergo genital transformation surgery at Hirschfeld’s Institute – a maid!"
(08) And quite so, it did not suit Einar WegenerEinar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter; married to Gerda Wegener; died as Lili Elbe in Dresden, 1931 to be compared to DorchenDorchen (Dora) Richter (1891-1933), the first person to undergo genital transformation surgery at Hirschfeld’s Institute, or as he writes in his book himself: "He felt a moral discomfort":
(09) "Your friend" ...These words made AndreasAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter’ (Einar WegenerEinar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter; married to Gerda Wegener; died as Lili Elbe in Dresden, 1931) heart beat, and when shortly afterwards he found himself in Professor HardenfeldProfessor Hardenfeld (fictional), modeled on Magnus Hirschfeld (1868–1935), a German physician and one of the most influential sexologists of the time; Einar Wegener was examined at his Institute in March 1930’s (HirschfeldMagnus Hirschfeld (1868–1935), a German physician and one of the most influential sexologists of the time; Einar Wegener was examined at his Institute in March 1930) Institute of Sexual ScienceInstitute for Psychiatry (fictional), modeled on the Institut Für Sexualwissenschaft (Institute for Sexual Science) in Berlin, founded by Magnus Hirschfeld in 1919; Einar Wegener was initially examined there he repeated them to himself – otherwise he would no doubt have lost courage... What am I doing here? He felt a moral discomfort with this large room that seemed more like a club for the sexually abnormal: Women who looked like men in disguise and men about whom it was hard to believe that they were really men... The manner in which these people conversed with each other, their movements, their voices, their attire, everything he disliked heartily...
(10) At last Professor HardenfeldProfessor Hardenfeld (fictional), modeled on Magnus Hirschfeld (1868–1935), a German physician and one of the most influential sexologists of the time; Einar Wegener was examined at his Institute in March 1930 appeared and led him into his study
Page 84(11) where he subjected him to an hour-long interview. It was a relentless inquisition, a mental torture for AndreasAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter (Einar WegenerEinar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter; married to Gerda Wegener; died as Lili Elbe in Dresden, 1931)... but it was probably necessary. When it was over, he was briefly dismissed: "Tomorrow, same time."
(12) The book about Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 stands as a kind of transsexual bible even today. For instance, the English writer Jan MorrisJan Morris (b. 1926), British travel writer whose 1974 memoir, Conundrum, is an often-cited narrative of transgender mentions in his autobiography "Conundrum" that the book about Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 was a contributory reason for his own wish for a sex change operation. The book may be a little hysterical in form and content, a fact that became more obvious to me when by accident I found Einar WegenerEinar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter; married to Gerda Wegener; died as Lili Elbe in Dresden, 1931’s / Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931’s quite unknown letters at the Royal LibraryDet Kongelige Bibliotek (The Royal Library) is the national library of Denmark located in Copenhagen.
(13) The letters are to a publisher and written in 1931 shortly before his death. They contain a number of comments on the "transformation".
(14) "The great miracle is that she (Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931) feels reborn – pure and virginal – and mentally absolutely not a man who has become a girl!!!"
(15) And later in the same letter a quotation that will not be well received by many of the women he was otherwise not afraid to compare himself to:
(16) "I (Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931) wish exactly to make known that I am coquette, carefree, superficial and silly – and I have been keen to make it known that what is artistic, of wisdom and serious male knowledge, comes from AndreasAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter (Einar WegenerEinar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter; married to Gerda Wegener; died as Lili Elbe in Dresden, 1931), a kind artist and an honourable man, while my contribution is a certain shallow and girlie philosophy! (You see, there really is a devaluation of the assets)."
(17) Economy is behind many things and that this is also the case here is apparent from this:
(18) "Dear PoulPoul Knudsen (1889-1974), Danish lawyer and writer, friend of the Wegeners, married to Vibeke from 1925 to 1938, I now own a little more than 75 kroner. So money is beginning to interest me. It takes something to provide the daily silk stockings.
(19) It is not surprising that a social comedown also followed the operation at "FrauenklinikMunicipal Women's Clinic (fictional and historical) is the Staatliche Frauenklinik in Dresden, directed by Professor Kurt Warnekros from 1925 to 1948."" in DresdenDresden (historical), city in Germany. Incidentally Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 used Elbe as her surname because the river Die ElbeElbe River (historical), river in Central Europe that runs through Dresden passes through DresdenDresden (historical), city in Germany.
(20) There are many obscure and undisclosed sides to the painter Einar WegenerEinar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter; married to Gerda Wegener; died as Lili Elbe in Dresden, 1931’s transformation into Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931. One of the most surprising is probably that Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 did not write the book about herself. Or rather; she did so indirectly.
(21) The book has a preface by a person with the name Niels HoyerNiels Hoyer (historical), pseudonym of Ernst Harthern, who composed and edited Man into Woman. Only the problem is that a Niels HoyerNiels Hoyer (historical), pseudonym of Ernst Harthern, who composed and edited Man into Woman has never existed. Behind this name hides a German refugee – Ernst HarthernErnst Ludwig Harthern (née Jacobson) (1884–1969), German writer and editor of Man into Woman under the pseudonym, Niels Hoyer; Lili’s German friend in the narrative. He had fled to DenmarkDenmark is a Scandinavian country in northern Europe whose capital is Copenhagen. in 1931 as a result of the Nazis’ persecutions. He was the one who wrote or rather edited the text about Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931. This information was verified when his daughter Mrs. Ruth Hanna Harthern-ThanningRuth Hanna Hathern-Thaning (1915-1993), daughter of Ernst Harthern wrote a long letter to me where she accounts for the details around the
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Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 immediately before the journey to DresdenDresden (historical), city in Germany where she died in 1931. Press photo
(22) creation of the book. It does not make the case less interesting that she got a personal and close relationship to Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931:
(23) "It was my father, Ernst HarthernErnst Ludwig Harthern (née Jacobson) (1884–1969), German writer and editor of Man into Woman under the pseudonym, Niels Hoyer; Lili’s German friend in the narrative, an den sich Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 wendete denn mein VaterErnst Ludwig Harthern (née Jacobson) (1884–1969), German writer and editor of Man into Woman under the pseudonym, Niels Hoyer; Lili’s German friend in the narrative... (who Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 turned to because my fatherErnst Ludwig Harthern (née Jacobson) (1884–1969), German writer and editor of Man into Woman under the pseudonym, Niels Hoyer; Lili’s German friend in the narrative) ...was a German correspondent in DenmarkDenmark is a Scandinavian country in northern Europe whose capital is Copenhagen. for the publishing company Scherl. I was 16 years old then
Page 86(24) and remember the day in the spring of 1931 when unfortunately, I could no longer return to my beloved school in StadeStade (historical), city in Germany near HamburgHamburg (historical), city in Germany because the conditions did not allow it on account of a certain AdolfAdolf Hitler (1889-1945), Chancellor then Führer of Germany, 1933-1945, and leader of the Nazi Party. Not many days later, my fatherErnst Ludwig Harthern (née Jacobson) (1884–1969), German writer and editor of Man into Woman under the pseudonym, Niels Hoyer; Lili’s German friend in the narrative came into my room and once again he succeeded in telling me something extraordinary: In a little while a lady will come who was once a man... Then the doorbell rang. I immediately ran back to my room. I heard a deep voice that sounded like Sarah LeanderZarah Leander (1907-1981), a Swedish singer popular in Nazi Germany.’s.
(25) Finally I had to sit at the dinner table in the dining room with the others. Yes, it was not her outer appearance (fox-red hair, bright red nails and mouth). No, it was her entire being... she was a real woman. For I had not known her as a man. It was arranged (Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 felt very lonely, I understood) that I should learn to paint with her. It was Whitsun the next day. The next morning I left our flat -@Translator: MO in HavnegadeHavnegade (historical), a promenade in Copenhagen and port for ferries to Sweden. 47. With a light heart I walked through the sunny NyhavnNyhavn (historical), a district of Copenhagen to Kongens NytorvKongens Nytorv (historical), a public square in Copenhagen and went on by tram to Valby where this ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 had taken shelter in an attic flat with nice people in a nice villa. She had already put out an easel on which a prepared stretched canvas was placed, besides this there was paint and everything else that belonged to painting.
(26) In the few days of her life a self-portrait and two still lives materialised. It was probably also for other reasons that she let me in for the poor woman -@Translator: MO had fallen deeply in love with her benefactor: The ProfessorKurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist who performed all but the first of four surgeries on Lili Elvenes; director of the Women’s Clinic in Dresden (Staatliche Frauenklinik) from 1925 to 1948 from "FrauenklinikMunicipal Women's Clinic (fictional and historical) is the Staatliche Frauenklinik in Dresden, directed by Professor Kurt Warnekros from 1925 to 1948."" in DresdenDresden (historical), city in Germany.
(27) Terribly sad. It was a good thing that already then I so clearly understood that you cannot send such letters. What this doctorKurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist who performed all but the first of four surgeries on Lili Elvenes; director of the Women’s Clinic in Dresden (Staatliche Frauenklinik) from 1925 to 1948 had done with the operation was perhaps not quite as beneficial for this unhappy person. She struggled endlessly with herself.
(28) I was embarrassed, she thought, when I translated her love letters to him from Danish into German. In fact, I changed them into being only kind letters of thanks. Of course, it had to be unpleasant for the doctorKurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist who performed all but the first of four surgeries on Lili Elvenes; director of the Women’s Clinic in Dresden (Staatliche Frauenklinik) from 1925 to 1948. It did not amount to many letters.
-@Translator: MO(29) Suddenly she asked me not to come any more. Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 had suddenly gone to DresdenDresden (historical), city in Germany. That was probably best. At the age of 48 Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 died on the 13th September 1931 at "FrauenklinikMunicipal Women's Clinic (fictional and historical) is the Staatliche Frauenklinik in Dresden, directed by Professor Kurt Warnekros from 1925 to 1948."" and is buried in DresdenDresden (historical), city in Germany at the Trinitatis cemeteryTrinitatisfriedhof (Trinitatis Cemetery) is the cemetery near the Women’s Clinic, where Lili Elvenes is buried.. I have heard that the grave is very neglected, for the headstone has been turned over, but I have also heard that it is being considered to restore it again.
(30) She was a kind-hearted person. If you said, "I like your necklace", immediately she would give the piece of jewelery to you, but of course, you would decline the offer. Or: "Go to the baker’s and buy a cake." After which she would serve white wine. Then I could become quite dizzy. She was a bohemian but at the same time a dear person.
(31) My older sister has my self-portrait ( of -@Translator: MO Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931) hanging in the best spot in a gold frame. I knew Lili Elbe’s sisterChristiane Wegener Thomsen (1881–1954), Einar Wegener’s only sister and she told me that Einar WegenerEinar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter; married to Gerda Wegener; died as Lili Elbe in Dresden, 1931 had been a real boy and had never played with dolls. She was several years older. My fatherErnst Ludwig Harthern (née Jacobson) (1884–1969), German writer and editor of Man into Woman under the pseudonym, Niels Hoyer; Lili’s German friend in the narrative wrote the book from LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931’s notes, she never saw the finished book.
(32) I apologise for this long letter.
(33) Ruth Hanna Harthern-ThaningRuth Hanna Hathern-Thaning (1915-1993), daughter of Ernst Harthern."
Page 87(34) The last pages in the book is an appalling but at the same time a somewhat sentimental description of a death struggle:
(35) "...I cannot write anything about my last operation – it was an abyss of suffering. It is a good thing that GerdaGerda Maria Frederikke Gottlieb Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator; married to Einar Wegener knew nothing."
(36) And yet, Gerda WegenerGerda Maria Frederikke Gottlieb Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator; married to Einar Wegener probably knew more than Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 suggests here. She had married an ItalianFernando Porta (b. 1897), Gerda Wegener’s second husband the year before and wrote home to DenmarkDenmark is a Scandinavian country in northern Europe whose capital is Copenhagen. in 1932, from CasablancaCasablanca (historical), port city in Morocco where she and her new husbandFernando Porta (b. 1897), Gerda Wegener’s second husband had settled, to the aforementioned publisher:
(37) "MarrakechMarrakech (historical), a city in Morocco 11.9 1933
(38) Dear PoulPoul Knudsen (1889-1974), Danish lawyer and writer, friend of the Wegeners, married to Vibeke from 1925 to 1938,
(39) ...You, who know how much I loved my LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931, will understand better than most how strongly I feel attached to those who were kind to her. You are one of them too, dear PoulPoul Knudsen (1889-1974), Danish lawyer and writer, friend of the Wegeners, married to Vibeke from 1925 to 1938! – Tomorrow the 12th it is two years since I lost her. I have still not gotten over it! – And I have the sweetest most wonderful – Man on this earth."
(40) This letter, which is also in the manuscript collection of the Royal LibraryDet Kongelige Bibliotek (The Royal Library) is the national library of Denmark located in Copenhagen, shows Gerda WegenerGerda Maria Frederikke Gottlieb Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator; married to Einar Wegener’s knowledge of the last part of Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931’s life. But she too wanted to have a share in the success that Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931’s book gained. She did not get that, particularly not financially which she also conveys in a letter to Poul KnudsenPoul Knudsen (1889-1974), Danish lawyer and writer, friend of the Wegeners, married to Vibeke from 1925 to 1938:
(41) "MarrakechMarrakech (historical), a city in Morocco 22.10 1933
(42) Dear PoulPoul Knudsen (1889-1974), Danish lawyer and writer, friend of the Wegeners, married to Vibeke from 1925 to 1938,
(43) ...Speaking of EnglandEngland (historical), a country of the United Kingdom: An old English lady has let herself be introduced to me to talk to me about LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931’s Book that has recently been published in EnglandEngland (historical), a country of the United Kingdom and is supposed to be a tremendous success and the main subject of conversation of the day. It is known in LondonLondon (historical), capital of England that it was me, Gerda WegenerGerda Maria Frederikke Gottlieb Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator; married to Einar Wegener, who is GreteGrete Sparre (fictional), modeled on Gerda Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator in the book. And my English friend deeply regretted that I was not able to come to LondonLondon (historical), capital of England at the moment as she claimed that I would be "the heroine of the day". Are you able to use this in some way for an edition or the like??? But in that case it should not take too long. You always have to strike while the iron is hot. This á LilieLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 d’indication -@Translator: MO – LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931’s book (which I had more or less written and which has only been trivialized and changed by the filthy Jew -@Translator: MO called Niels HøjerNiels Hoyer (historical), pseudonym of Ernst Harthern, who composed and edited Man into Woman) – gives me practically nothing. He has arranged things so cleverly that I get almost nothing and he does not even keep to his contract. He rakes everything in. My former brother in law engineer T.L. ThomsenThomas Christian Thomsen (1883-1963), married to Einar’s sister, Christiane Thomsen, and father of Einar’s nephew, Sigurd Thomsen, to whom LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 had handed over the marketing of
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One of Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931's letters written eight months before her death (the Royal LibraryDet Kongelige Bibliotek (The Royal Library) is the national library of Denmark located in Copenhagen). Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931’s juggling of names can seem a little confusing. In the letter she calls her former male self AndreasAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter. In "The Confessions of Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931" he was called Andreas SparreAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter, not Hjalmar Hvide as mentioned in the letter. Werner von KreutzProfessor Werner Kreutz (fictional), modelled on Kurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist is the book’s pseudonym for the surgeon Kurt WarnekrosKurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist who performed all but the first of four surgeries on Lili Elvenes; director of the Women’s Clinic in Dresden (Staatliche Frauenklinik) from 1925 to 1948 who "created" LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931. And she signs herselfLili ElvenesLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931
(44) LindevangenLindevangen (historical), a street in Frederiksberg, Denmark 8-10, 22-1-31.
(45) Dear big PaulPoul Knudsen (1889-1974), Danish lawyer and writer, friend of the Wegeners, married to Vibeke from 1925 to 1938 -@Editor: PLC
(46) Thank you so much for your letter. It is with regret that I will comply with your wish and change the name of the hero. He will then be called Hjalmar HvideNiels Hvide (fictional), modeled on Poul Knudsen (1889-1974), Danish lawyer and writer, friend of the Wegeners, married to Vibeke 1925-1938. Do not be surprised that I write nicely and correctly about a friend – I do not really belong to LumskebugtenLumskebugten (historical), one of the oldest restaurants in Copenhagen -@Translator: MO at home. How I look forward to hearing about VibekeVibeke Knudsen (dates unknown), married to Poul Knudsen from 1925 to 1938’s triumphal trip during Christmas! The name of the wonderful person in DresdenDresden (historical), city in Germany is Prof. Kurt WarnekrosKurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist who performed all but the first of four surgeries on Lili Elvenes; director of the Women’s Clinic in Dresden (Staatliche Frauenklinik) from 1925 to 1948. It is even written with a W in my heart – yes even therein engraved! I am very pleased that Mr. Ervin MagnusErwin Magnus (historical), a German literary agent, author, and translator believes in the book. But I must ask you to explain the following to him:
(47) When I have not written the book as a biography it is to make it known that it is about two people AndreasAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter and LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 who are not mentally connected. It is probably most apparent from the last part that there is a duality – or was. First it is AndreasAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter who tells PoulPoul Knudsen (1889-1974), Danish lawyer and writer, friend of the Wegeners, married to Vibeke from 1925 to 1938 his memories from when AndreasAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter was dominant after which LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 tells PoulPoul Knudsen (1889-1974), Danish lawyer and writer, friend of the Wegeners, married to Vibeke from 1925 to 1938 memories from the time when she began to work her way forward and got the greater part of the assets in their common estate – and eventually became the sole proprietor.
(48) It appears clearly from the last part that it is even
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In "The Confessions of Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931" Professor WarnekrosKurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist who performed all but the first of four surgeries on Lili Elvenes; director of the Women’s Clinic in Dresden (Staatliche Frauenklinik) from 1925 to 1948 is called Werner KreutzProfessor Werner Kreutz (fictional), modelled on Kurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist. LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 was no systematist. In the letter she spells KreuzProfessor Werner Kreutz (fictional), modelled on Kurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist, in the book KreutzProfessor Werner Kreutz (fictional), modelled on Kurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist.
(49) of absolutely vital importance to LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 that spiritually she has nothing to do with AndreasAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter – and the great miracle is that she feels reborn – pure and virginal – and mentally absolutely not a man who has become a girl!!! The second part also shows how Werner von KreuzProfessor Werner Kreutz (fictional), modelled on Kurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist has always distinguished between the two. The main point of the book is that there were two souls in one body – and that a brilliant surgeon saves the girl from a joint shipwreck. -@Translator: MO I am also afraid that the other form would weigh down the book and I precisely wish to show that I am coquettish, carefree, superficial and silly – and it has been important to me to show that what there is, which is artistic, of wisdom and serious male knowledge, comes from AndreasAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter who was an artist and an honourable man while my contribution is a certain shallow and girlish philosophy! (You see, it is really a devaluation of the assets). Ask Mr. Ervin MagnusErwin Magnus (historical), a German literary agent, author, and translatorto listen with sympathy to this my defence of the form of the book.
(50) Your poor little friend
(51) LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931
(52) Lili ElvenesLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931. Mille baisers á VibekeVibeke Knudsen (dates unknown), married to Poul Knudsen from 1925 to 1938
-@Translator: MO(53) LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931
Page 90(54) The book seemed to be acting in collusion with HøjerNiels Hoyer (historical), pseudonym of Ernst Harthern, who composed and edited Man into Woman. What do you want me to do at this distance, dear? I cannot sit here and make a lawsuit against HøjerNiels Hoyer (historical), pseudonym of Ernst Harthern, who composed and edited Man into Woman! You who are a lawyer tell me if there is anything to be done? – "
(55) But there was something that Gerda WegenerGerda Maria Frederikke Gottlieb Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator; married to Einar Wegener probably did not know – during the last operation on Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 female sexual organs were implanted, that is if the story is true. A completely mad operation, also scientifically, in 1933.
(56) That is why there is reason to believe that Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 died from an autoimmune reaction following the implantation of tissue incompatible organs.
(57) "Now I know that death will come ...I dreamed of MotherAne Marie Wegener (historical), Einar Wegener’s mother last night ... she took me in her arms and called me LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 ... and FatherVilhelm Wegener (historical), Einar Wegener’s father was there too."