[Title Page Facsimile Image](01) Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931
(02) Fra mand til kvinde
(03) Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931s bekendelser
(04) Forord af Teit RitzauTeit Ritzau (b. 1956) is a Danish writer and filmmaker, co-author of Paradiset er ikke til salg (1984)
(05) Skippershoved
Page 1Forord
(01) Da "Fra mand til kvinde" -@Translator: MO udkom i 1931, var den yderst kontroversiel. Bogens emne, transsexualitet, har været ukendt for flertallet af datidens læsere, der utvivlsomt har betragtet den som en pikant historie.
(02) En transsexuel person er uvenner med sit biologiske køn. Han ønsker at skifte køn og er som Andreas SparreAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter i denne bog villig til at gennemgå alle mulige indgreb, operative, medicinske og kosmetiske, der kan ændre hans udseende og fremtoning. For Andreas SparreAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter er situationen den, at han med hensyn til kønsidentitet – forstået som den opfattelse en person har af sig selv som tilhørende det ene eller det andet køn, uanset hvilken kønsrolle man udadtil præsenterer – føler sig som 100% kvinde, der ved en "fejl" er blevet anbragt i en mands krop.
(03) Spørgsmålet om kønsidentitet har i dag fået fornyet aktualitet, og interessen for den yderste del af kønsidentitetens spektrum – de intersexuelle, transvestitter og transsexuelle – er stigende. Afgrænsningen af det kvindelige og det mandlige har altid optaget menneskeheden, men er i vor tid blevet forbundet med en voksende narcissisme – i andre sammenhænge karakteriseret som det moderne menneskes svaghed.
(04) "Kroppen er ikke en genstand, den er en situation", skrev den franske filosof Merleau-PontyMaurice Merleau-Ponty (1908-1961), a French phenomenologist, og vi har allesammen oplevet, hvordan kroppen har en speciel betydning i forholdet til sine omgivelser.
(05) Menneskets krop kan blive til en forbandelse gennem opdragelse og miljø. Det ses specielt tydeligt hos transexuelle mennesker, som denne bogs hovedperson, der er dømt til at have en krop og ikke være en krop.
(06) Men det er ikke kun mennesker, der har problemer med at definere grænsen mellem det mandlige og det kvindelige. "Gud", sagde den jødiske fortæller, skabte mennesket i sit eget tvekønnede billede. Som mand og som kvinde skabte han dem, for i ham var de begge forenede.
(07) Bogens mandlige hovedperson, Andreas SparreAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter, hed i virkeligheden Einer Throughout this introduction, the author spells Einar's name as "Einer." WegenerEinar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter; married to Gerda Wegener; died as Lili Elbe in Dresden, 1931. Han var kunstmaler og gift med den kendte illustrator Gerda WegenerGerda Maria Frederikke Gottlieb Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator; married to Einar Wegener – i bogen kaldet GreteGrete Sparre (fictional), modeled on Gerda Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator.
(08) I forbindelse med Einer WegenerEinar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter; married to Gerda Wegener; died as Lili Elbe in Dresden, 1931s forestående kønsskifteoperation blev han som beskrevet i bogen undersøgt på Institut für SexualwissenschaftInstitute for Psychiatry (fictional), modeled on the Institut Für Sexualwissenschaft (Institute for Sexual Science) in Berlin, founded by Magnus Hirschfeld in 1919; Einar Wegener was initially examined there
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EinarEinar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter; married to Gerda Wegener; died as Lili Elbe in Dresden, 1931 og Gerda WegenerGerda Maria Frederikke Gottlieb Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator; married to Einar Wegener i deres hjem. De giftede sig i 1904. Einar WegenerEinar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter; married to Gerda Wegener; died as Lili Elbe in Dresden, 1931 var født i 1882. Politikens Presse Foto.
(09) i BerlinBerlin (historical), capital of Germany. Grundlæggeren af dette verdens første sexologiske institutInstitute for Psychiatry (fictional), modeled on the Institut Für Sexualwissenschaft (Institute for Sexual Science) in Berlin, founded by Magnus Hirschfeld in 1919; Einar Wegener was initially examined there var professor Magnus HirschfeldMagnus Hirschfeld (1868–1935), a German physician and one of the most influential sexologists of the time; Einar Wegener was examined at his Institute in March 1930, som i bogen kaldes HardenfeldProfessor Hardenfeld (fictional), modeled on Magnus Hirschfeld (1868–1935), a German physician and one of the most influential sexologists of the time; Einar Wegener was examined at his Institute in March 1930. Han var pioner indenfor den sexologiske forskning – i AmerikaAmerica (historical), commonly used to refer to the United States of America omtalt som "Einstein of Sex" – og midtpunkt i et særegent og farverigt miljø. På hans institutInstitute for Psychiatry (fictional), modeled on the Institut Für Sexualwissenschaft (Institute for Sexual Science) in Berlin, founded by Magnus Hirschfeld in 1919; Einar Wegener was initially examined there flokkedes en række af datidens store kulturpersonligheder, bl.a. forfatteren Christopher IsherwoodChristopher Isherwood (1904-1986), a British-born writer whose Goodbye to Berlin (1939) chronicles his life in Berlin, beginning in 1929 when he stayed at Magnus Hirschfeld’s Institute, som omtaler HirschfeldMagnus Hirschfeld (1868–1935), a German physician and one of the most influential sexologists of the time; Einar Wegener was examined at his Institute in March 1930 og hans institutInstitute for Psychiatry (fictional), modeled on the Institut Für Sexualwissenschaft (Institute for Sexual Science) in Berlin, founded by Magnus Hirschfeld in 1919; Einar Wegener was initially examined there i erindringsbogen"Christopher og hans kreds". I øvrigt bygger filmen "Caberet" på samme IsherwoodChristopher Isherwood (1904-1986), a British-born writer whose Goodbye to Berlin (1939) chronicles his life in Berlin, beginning in 1929 when he stayed at Magnus Hirschfeld’s Institutes skildringer fra BerlinBerlin (historical), capital of Germany.
(10) Da HirschfeldMagnus Hirschfeld (1868–1935), a German physician and one of the most influential sexologists of the time; Einar Wegener was examined at his Institute in March 1930 foruden sexolog tillige var jøde, pacifist, socialist og homosexuel, blev han hurtigt offer for nazistisk forfølgelse og måtte søge landflygtighed. InstituttetInstitute for Psychiatry (fictional), modeled on the Institut Für Sexualwissenschaft (Institute for Sexual Science) in Berlin, founded by Magnus Hirschfeld in 1919; Einar Wegener was initially examined there blev i 1933 stormet af nazisterne, arkiverne brændt og indboet ødelagt. Mange husker sikkert de dokumentariske filmoptagelser fra 30’ernes BerlinBerlin (historical), capital of Germany, hvor de fanatisk skrigende nazizter bærer en buste af Magnus HirschfeldMagnus Hirschfeld (1868–1935), a German physician and one of the most influential sexologists of the time; Einar Wegener was examined at his Institute in March 1930 til bålet.
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Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 og en sygeplejerske på FrauenklinikMunicipal Women's Clinic (fictional and historical) is the Staatliche Frauenklinik in Dresden, directed by Professor Kurt Warnekros from 1925 to 1948." i DresdenDresden (historical), city in Germany efter kønsskifteoperationen. Det kongelige Biblioteks billedsamling.
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(11) Einer WegenerEinar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter; married to Gerda Wegener; died as Lili Elbe in Dresden, 1931 fik foretaget den endelige kønsskifteoperation på FrauenklinikMunicipal Women's Clinic (fictional and historical) is the Staatliche Frauenklinik in Dresden, directed by Professor Kurt Warnekros from 1925 to 1948." i DresdenDresden (historical), city in Germany, og under navnet Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 vendte hun derefter tilbage til DanmarkDenmark is a Scandinavian country in northern Europe whose capital is Copenhagen.. Her mødte hun den tyske forfatter Ernst HarthernErnst Ludwig Harthern (née Jacobson) (1884–1969), German writer and editor of Man into Woman under the pseudonym, Niels Hoyer; Lili’s German friend in the narrative, der som udenrigskorrespondent havde bosat sig i KøbenhavnCopenhagen (historical), capital of Denmark. HarthernErnst Ludwig Harthern (née Jacobson) (1884–1969), German writer and editor of Man into Woman under the pseudonym, Niels Hoyer; Lili’s German friend in the narrative påtog sig, som nævnt i bogens forord, hvor han underskrev sig Niels HoyerNiels Hoyer (historical), pseudonym of Ernst Harthern, who composed and edited Man into Woman, at samle Lili ElbesLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 optegnelser med henblik på en bogudgivelse. Hans datter, Ruth Hanna Harthern-ThaningRuth (fictional), modeled on Ruth Hanna Hathern-Thaning (1915-1993), daughter of Ernst Harthern, som også omtales i bogen, var dengang 16 år. Hun fortæller følgende om Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931:
(12) "Ja, det var ikke hendes ydre fremtoning (ræverødt hår, knaldrøde negle og mund). Nej, det var hendes ganske væsen --- hun var en ægte kvinde. For jeg havde ikke kendt hende som mand. Det blev aftalt (Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 følte sig meget ensom, forstod jeg), at jeg skulle lære at male hos hende. Det var pinse -@Translator: MO næste dag. Næste morgen forlod jeg vores bolig i HavnegadeHavnegade (historical), a promenade in Copenhagen and port for ferries to Sweden. 47. Let om hjertet gik jeg gennem den solbeskinnede NyhavnNyhavn (historical), a district of Copenhagen til Kongens NytorvKongens Nytorv (historical), a public square in Copenhagen og kørte videre med sporvogn til ValbyValby (historical), a district of Copenhagen (historical), a district of Copenhagen, hvor denne ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 havde søgt ly i en kvistlejlighed hos pæne mennesker i en pæn villa. Hun havde allerede sat et staffeli frem, hvorpå der var placeret et færdigstrukket lærred, desuden var der farve, og hvad der ellers hørte til at male.
(13) På de få dage i hendes liv blev det til et selvportræt og to stilleben. Det var sikkert også af andre grunde, at hun lod mig komme indenfor, the det arme menneskeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 havde forelsket sig stærkt i sin velgører: professorenKurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist who performed all but the first of four surgeries on Lili Elvenes; director of the Women’s Clinic in Dresden (Staatliche Frauenklinik) from 1925 to 1948 -@Translator: MO fra "Frauenklinik"Municipal Women's Clinic (fictional and historical) is the Staatliche Frauenklinik in Dresden, directed by Professor Kurt Warnekros from 1925 to 1948." i DresdenDresden (historical), city in Germany.
(14) Frygteligt sørgeligt. Det var godt, jeg allerede dengang så klart forstod, at man ikke kan sende sådanne breve. Hvad denne lægeKurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist who performed all but the first of four surgeries on Lili Elvenes; director of the Women’s Clinic in Dresden (Staatliche Frauenklinik) from 1925 to 1948 havde gjort med den operation var måske slet ikke så godt for dette ulykkelige menneske. Hun havde en evig kamp med sig selv.
(15) Jeg skammede mig, troede hun, når jeg oversatte hendes kærlighedsbreve til ham fra dansk til tysk. I virkeligheden ændrede jeg dem til kun at være venlige takkebreve. Naturligvis måtte det være ubehageligt for lægenKurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist who performed all but the first of four surgeries on Lili Elvenes; director of the Women’s Clinic in Dresden (Staatliche Frauenklinik) from 1925 to 1948. Det blev ikke til mange breve.
(16) Pludselig bad hun mig om ikke at komme mere. Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 var pludselig rejst til DresdenDresden (historical), city in Germany. Det var vel det bedste. 48 år gammel døde Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 den 13. september 1931 på "FrauenklinikMunicipal Women's Clinic (fictional and historical) is the Staatliche Frauenklinik in Dresden, directed by Professor Kurt Warnekros from 1925 to 1948."" og er begravet i DresdenDresden (historical), city in Germany på Trinitatis-kirkegårdenTrinitatisfriedhof (Trinitatis Cemetery) is the cemetery near the Women’s Clinic, where Lili Elvenes is buried. -@Translator: MO. Jeg har hørt, at graven er meget forfalden, gravstenen er nemlig væltet, men jeg har også hørt, at man tænker på at sætte den i stand igen."
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Gerda WegenerGerda Maria Frederikke Gottlieb Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator; married to Einar Wegener med sin italienske mand Fernando PortaFernando Porta (b. 1897), Gerda Wegener’s second husband – i bogen kaldet Ridolfo FeruzziRidolfo Feruzzi (fictional), modeled on Fernando Porta (b. 1897), Gerda Wegener’s second husband. Gerda WegenerGerda Maria Frederikke Gottlieb Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator; married to Einar Wegener blev betragtet som "et virkelig fænomenalt tegnetalent". Hun vandt en position i 20’ – 30’ernes ParisParis (historical), capital of France som ingen anden dansk kunstner. Og, som kunsthistorikeren Else Kai SassElse Kai Sass (1912-1987), a Danish art historian skriver: "På korte besøg i KøbenhavnCopenhagen (historical), capital of Denmark duperede hun fuldstændig sine omgivelser med at optræde med en elegance og en udfordrende parisisk chic, der var hidtil ukendt her på bjerget". Gerda WegenerGerda Maria Frederikke Gottlieb Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator; married to Einar Wegener døde 1940, 55 år gammel. Politikens Presse Foto.
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Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931, Poul KnudsenPoul Knudsen (1889-1974), Danish lawyer and writer, friend of the Wegeners, married to Vibeke from 1925 to 1938 og Gerda WegenerGerda Maria Frederikke Gottlieb Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator; married to Einar Wegener t.h. fotograferet sammen formodentlig i BerlinBerlin (historical), capital of Germany. Poul KnudsenPoul Knudsen (1889-1974), Danish lawyer and writer, friend of the Wegeners, married to Vibeke from 1925 to 1938 var jurist og forfatter. Han skrev især mange skuespil og filmmanuskripter, bl.a. var han medforfatter til Carl Th. Dreyers Vredens Dag. Det kongelige biblioteks billedsamling.
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(17) "Fra mand til kvinde" står den dag i dag som en transsexuel bibel. Eksempelvis nævner den engelske forfatter Jan MorrisJan Morris (b. 1926), British travel writer whose 1974 memoir, Conundrum, is an often-cited narrative of transgender i sin selvbiografi "Conundrum", at skildringen af Andreas SparreAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter/Einer WegenerEinar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter; married to Gerda Wegener; died as Lili Elbe in Dresden, 1931s transformation til Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 indvirkede på hans beslutning om at undergå kønsskifte.
(18) Om bogens modtagelse i EnglandEngland (historical), a country of the United Kingdom fortæller Gerda WegenerGerda Maria Frederikke Gottlieb Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator; married to Einar Wegener i et brev fra 1933:
(19) "Kære -@Translator: MO PoulPoul Knudsen (1889-1974), Danish lawyer and writer, friend of the Wegeners, married to Vibeke from 1925 to 1938,
(20) ...A propos EnglandEngland (historical), a country of the United Kingdom: Så -@Translator: MO har en gammel fin Englænderinde her ladet sig præsentere hos mig for at tale med mig om LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931s bog -@Translator: MO, som for nyligt er udkommet -@Translator: MO i EnglandEngland (historical), a country of the United Kingdom, og som skal have en stormende Succes og være -@Translator: MO Dagens store Samtaleemne. Man ved i LondonLondon (historical), capital of England, at det er mig, Gerda WegenerGerda Maria Frederikke Gottlieb Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator; married to Einar Wegener som er GreteGrete Sparre (fictional), modeled on Gerda Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator i Bogen. Og min gamle engelske Veninde beklagede voldsomt, at jeg ikke kunne komme til LondonLondon (historical), capital of England i Øjeblikket, da hun paastod, at jeg ville blive "Dagens Heltinde".
(21) "Poul"Poul Knudsen (1889-1974), Danish lawyer and writer, friend of the Wegeners, married to Vibeke from 1925 to 1938 var Gerda WegenerGerda Maria Frederikke Gottlieb Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator; married to Einar Wegener og Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931s fælles ven, juristen og forfatteren Poul KnudsenPoul Knudsen (1889-1974), Danish lawyer and writer, friend of the Wegeners, married to Vibeke from 1925 to 1938, som i bogen kaldes Niels HvideNiels Hvide (fictional), modeled on Poul Knudsen (1889-1974), Danish lawyer and writer, friend of the Wegeners, married to Vibeke 1925-1938.
(22) Om baggrunden for bogens form, som måske kan forekomme lidt eksalteret og kulørt, forklarer Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 i et brev til samme Poul KnudsenPoul Knudsen (1889-1974), Danish lawyer and writer, friend of the Wegeners, married to Vibeke from 1925 to 1938:
(23) "LindevangenLindevangen (historical), a street in Frederiksberg, Denmark 8-10, 22.I-31.
(24) Kære store PaulPoul Knudsen (1889-1974), Danish lawyer and writer, friend of the Wegeners, married to Vibeke from 1925 to 1938 -@Editor: PLC.
(25) Tusind Tak for Dit Brev.
(26) Jeg skal med Sorg rette mig efter Dit Ønske og forandre Heltens Navn.
(27) Han kommer saa til at hedde Hjalmar HvideNiels Hvide (fictional), modeled on Poul Knudsen (1889-1974), Danish lawyer and writer, friend of the Wegeners, married to Vibeke 1925-1938 (senere ændret til Niels Hvide, T.R.Niels Hvide (fictional), modeled on Poul Knudsen (1889-1974), Danish lawyer and writer, friend of the Wegeners, married to Vibeke 1925-1938) Du skal ikke forbavses over, at jeg skriver pænt og korrekt om en Ven – jeg hører jo ikke rigtig med i Lumskebugten herhjemme. Hvor jeg glæder mig til at høre om VibekeVibeke Knudsen (dates unknown), married to Poul Knudsen from 1925 to 1938s Triumftur i Julen!
(28) Den vidunderlige i DresdenDresden (historical), city in Germany hedder: Prof. Dr. Kurt WarnekrosKurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist who performed all but the first of four surgeries on Lili Elvenes; director of the Women’s Clinic in Dresden (Staatliche Frauenklinik) from 1925 to 1948. Det staar endogsaa skrevet med dobbelt W i mit hjærte -@Translator: MO – ja, endogsaa deri graveret!
(29) Det glæder mig meget at Herr Ervin MagnusErwin Magnus (historical), a German literary agent, author, and translator tror paa Bogen. Men jeg maa bede dig forklare ham følgende:
(30) Naar jeg ikke har skrevet Bogen som en Levnedsskildring er det for
Page 8(31) at faa frem, at det drejer sig om to Personer AndreasAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter og LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931, der sjæleligt ikke hører sammen.
(32) Det fremgaar nok mest af sidste Del, at der er Dualitet – eller var. Det er først AndreasAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter, der fortæller om sine Erindringer til PaulPoul Knudsen (1889-1974), Danish lawyer and writer, friend of the Wegeners, married to Vibeke from 1925 to 1938, mens AndreasAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter havde Overtaget, hvorpaa LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 fortæller Erindringer til PaulPoul Knudsen (1889-1974), Danish lawyer and writer, friend of the Wegeners, married to Vibeke from 1925 to 1938 fra den Tid, hvor hun begyndte at arbejde sig frem og fik hovedparten -@Translator: MO af Aktiverne -@Translator: MO i deres Fællesbo – og til sidst Eneindehaver.
(33) Det fremgår tydeligt af sidste Del, at det endogsaa er en absolut Livsbetingelse for LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931, at hun aandeligt intet har at skaffe med AndreasAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter – og det store Mirakel er, at hun føler sig nyskabt – ren og jomfruelig og absolut ikke sjæleligt et Mandfolk, der er bleven til et Pigebarn!!!
(34) Anden Del viser ogsaa, hvorledes Werner von KreuzProfessor Werner Kreutz (fictional), modelled on Kurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist altid har holdt de to ude fra hinanden.
(35) Det er Hovedpointet i Bogen, at der var to Sjæle i et Legeme – og at en genial Kirurg redder Pigebarnet ud af et fælles Skibbrud. Saa er jeg tilmed bange for, at den anden Form skulde tynge Bogen, og jeg ønsker netop at faa frem, at jeg er koket, sorgløs, overfladisk og pjanket – og det har været mig om at faa frem, at hvad der er af kunstnerisk, af Livsvisdom og alvorlig mandig Viden, kommer fra AndreasAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter, der var Kunstner og et honnet Mandfolk, mens -@Translator: MO min Indsats er en vis letbenet og tøset Filosofi . -@Translator: MO (Du ser, det er i Virkeligheden en Nedskrivning af Aktiverne). Bed Herr Ervin MagnusErwin Magnus (historical), a German literary agent, author, and translator at ville høre med Sympati på dette mit forsvar -@Translator: MO for Bogens Form.
(36) Din stakkels Veninde
(37) LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931"
(38) HellerupHellerup (historical), a district in the suburbs of Copenhagen, den 20 juli 1988
(39) Teit RitzauTeit Ritzau (b. 1956) is a Danish writer and filmmaker, co-author of Paradiset er ikke til salg (1984)
[Title Page Facsimile Image](01) Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931
(02) From Man into Woman
(03) Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931’s Confessions
(04) Foreword by Teit RitzauTeit Ritzau (b. 1956) is a Danish writer and filmmaker, co-author of Paradiset er ikke til salg (1984)
(05) Skippershoved
Page 1Foreword
(01) When "From Man into Woman" was first published in 1931, it was highly controversial. The subject matter of the book, transsexuality, had been unknown to the majority of the readers of that time who no doubt considered it as a risqué story.
(02) A transsexual person is on bad terms with his or her -@Translator: MO biological gender. He wants to change his sex and like Andreas SparreAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter in this book he is willing to go through all kinds of procedures, surgical, medical, and cosmetic, that can change his looks and appearance. For Andreas SparreAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter when it comes to gender identity – understood as the view a person has of him- or herself -@Translator: MO as belonging to one gender or the other, regardless of which gender role you represent on the outside – he feels as a 100% woman who by "mistake" has been placed in a man’s body.
(03) The question of gender identity has had renewed relevance today, and the interest in the extreme part of the spectrum of gender identity – intersexual, transvestites, and transsexuals – is growing. The delimitation of the feminine and the masculine has always concerned humanity but has in our time been associated with a growing narcissism – in other contexts characterised as the weakness of modern man.
(04) "The body is not an object, it is a situation", the French philosopher Merleau-PontyMaurice Merleau-Ponty (1908-1961), a French phenomenologist wrote, and we have all experienced how the body has a special meaning in relation to its surroundings.
(05) The human body can become a curse through upbringing and environment. This is particularly evident in transsexual people, as the main character of this book, who are doomed to have a body and not be a body.
(06) But it is not only humans who have the problem of defining the boundary between the masculine and the feminine. "God", the Jewish storyteller said, created humans in his own bisexual image. He created them as male and female because in him they were both united.
(07) The male protagonist of the book, Andreas SparreAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter, was really named Einer WegenerEinar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter; married to Gerda Wegener; died as Lili Elbe in Dresden, 1931 -@Editor: PLC. He was a painter and married to the well-known illustrator Gerda WegenerGerda Maria Frederikke Gottlieb Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator; married to Einar Wegener – in the book called GreteGrete Sparre (fictional), modeled on Gerda Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator.
(08) In connection with Einer WegenerEinar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter; married to Gerda Wegener; died as Lili Elbe in Dresden, 1931’s planned sex change operation he was examined at Institut für SexualwissenschaftInstitute for Psychiatry (fictional), modeled on the Institut Für Sexualwissenschaft (Institute for Sexual Science) in Berlin, founded by Magnus Hirschfeld in 1919; Einar Wegener was initially examined there
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EinarEinar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter; married to Gerda Wegener; died as Lili Elbe in Dresden, 1931 and Gerda WegenerGerda Maria Frederikke Gottlieb Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator; married to Einar Wegener in their home. They married in 1904. Einar WegenerEinar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter; married to Gerda Wegener; died as Lili Elbe in Dresden, 1931 was born in 1882. Politiken Press Photo.
(09) in BerlinBerlin (historical), capital of Germany as described in the book. The founder of this the first institute of sexologyInstitute for Psychiatry (fictional), modeled on the Institut Für Sexualwissenschaft (Institute for Sexual Science) in Berlin, founded by Magnus Hirschfeld in 1919; Einar Wegener was initially examined there was professor Magnus HirschfeldMagnus Hirschfeld (1868–1935), a German physician and one of the most influential sexologists of the time; Einar Wegener was examined at his Institute in March 1930 who is called HardenfeldProfessor Hardenfeld (fictional), modeled on Magnus Hirschfeld (1868–1935), a German physician and one of the most influential sexologists of the time; Einar Wegener was examined at his Institute in March 1930 in the book. He was a pioneer within sexological research – in AmericaAmerica (historical), commonly used to refer to the United States of America referred to as the "Einstein of Sex" – and the centre of a peculiar and colourful milieu. A number of well-known cultural figures of the time flocked to his institute, among them the writer Christopher IsherwoodChristopher Isherwood (1904-1986), a British-born writer whose Goodbye to Berlin (1939) chronicles his life in Berlin, beginning in 1929 when he stayed at Magnus Hirschfeld’s Institute who mentions HirschfeldMagnus Hirschfeld (1868–1935), a German physician and one of the most influential sexologists of the time; Einar Wegener was examined at his Institute in March 1930 and his instituteInstitute for Psychiatry (fictional), modeled on the Institut Für Sexualwissenschaft (Institute for Sexual Science) in Berlin, founded by Magnus Hirschfeld in 1919; Einar Wegener was initially examined there in his memoirs "Christopher and His Kind". The film "Caberet", incidentally, is based on IsherwoodChristopher Isherwood (1904-1986), a British-born writer whose Goodbye to Berlin (1939) chronicles his life in Berlin, beginning in 1929 when he stayed at Magnus Hirschfeld’s Institute’s descriptions of BerlinBerlin (historical), capital of Germany.
(10) As HirschfeldMagnus Hirschfeld (1868–1935), a German physician and one of the most influential sexologists of the time; Einar Wegener was examined at his Institute in March 1930 in addition to being a sexologist was also a Jew, a pacifist, a socialist, and a homosexual, he quickly became a victim of Nazi persecution and had to go into exile. The instituteInstitute for Psychiatry (fictional), modeled on the Institut Für Sexualwissenschaft (Institute for Sexual Science) in Berlin, founded by Magnus Hirschfeld in 1919; Einar Wegener was initially examined there was stormed by the Nazis in 1933, the records burned and the furniture destroyed. Many probably remember the documentary film shots from the BerlinBerlin (historical), capital of Germany of the 30s where the fanatically screaming Nazis carry a bust of Magnus HirschfeldMagnus Hirschfeld (1868–1935), a German physician and one of the most influential sexologists of the time; Einar Wegener was examined at his Institute in March 1930 to the fire.
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Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 and a nurse at FrauenklinikMunicipal Women's Clinic (fictional and historical) is the Staatliche Frauenklinik in Dresden, directed by Professor Kurt Warnekros from 1925 to 1948." in DresdenDresden (historical), city in Germany after the sex change operation. The Royal Library, The Collection of Prints and Photographs.
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(11) Einer WegenerEinar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter; married to Gerda Wegener; died as Lili Elbe in Dresden, 1931 underwent the final sex change operation at FrauenklinikMunicipal Women's Clinic (fictional and historical) is the Staatliche Frauenklinik in Dresden, directed by Professor Kurt Warnekros from 1925 to 1948." in DresdenDresden (historical), city in Germany, and under the name Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 she then returned to DenmarkDenmark is a Scandinavian country in northern Europe whose capital is Copenhagen.. Here she met the German writer Ernst HarthernErnst Ludwig Harthern (née Jacobson) (1884–1969), German writer and editor of Man into Woman under the pseudonym, Niels Hoyer; Lili’s German friend in the narrative, who as a foreign correspondent had settled in CopenhagenCopenhagen (historical), capital of Denmark. HarthernErnst Ludwig Harthern (née Jacobson) (1884–1969), German writer and editor of Man into Woman under the pseudonym, Niels Hoyer; Lili’s German friend in the narrative took it upon himself, as mentioned in the preface of the book where he signed himself Niels HoyerNiels Hoyer (historical), pseudonym of Ernst Harthern, who composed and edited Man into Woman, to collect Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931’s notes in preparation for a book publication. His daughter, Ruth Hanna Harthern-ThanningRuth (fictional), modeled on Ruth Hanna Hathern-Thaning (1915-1993), daughter of Ernst Harthern, who is also mentioned in the book, was 16 years old at that time. She tells the following about Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931:
(12) "Yes, it was not her outer appearance (fox-red hair, bright red nails and mouth). No, it was her entire manner --- she was a real woman. For I had not known her as a man. It was agreed (Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 felt very lonely, I understood) that I should learn to paint with her. It was Whitsun the next day. The next morning, I left our flat in HavnegadeHavnegade (historical), a promenade in Copenhagen and port for ferries to Sweden. 47. With a light heart I walked through the sunny NyhavnNyhavn (historical), a district of Copenhagen to Kongens NytorvKongens Nytorv (historical), a public square in Copenhagen and went on by tram to ValbyValby (historical), a district of Copenhagen (historical), a district of Copenhagen where this ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 had taken shelter in an attic flat in a nice villa with nice people. She had already put out an easel on which a prepared stretched canvas was placed, besides this there was paint and everything else that belonged to painting.
(13) In the few days of her life a self-portrait and two still lives materialised. It was probably also for other reasons that she let me in for the poor womanLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 -@Translator: MO had fallen deeply in love with her benefactor: the ProfessorKurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist who performed all but the first of four surgeries on Lili Elvenes; director of the Women’s Clinic in Dresden (Staatliche Frauenklinik) from 1925 to 1948 from "FrauenklinikMunicipal Women's Clinic (fictional and historical) is the Staatliche Frauenklinik in Dresden, directed by Professor Kurt Warnekros from 1925 to 1948."" in DresdenDresden (historical), city in Germany.
(14) Terribly sad. It was a good thing that already then, I so clearly understood that you cannot send such letters. What this doctorKurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist who performed all but the first of four surgeries on Lili Elvenes; director of the Women’s Clinic in Dresden (Staatliche Frauenklinik) from 1925 to 1948 had done with that operation was perhaps not quite beneficial for this unhappy person. She struggled endlessly with herself.
(15) She thought I was embarrassed when I translated her love letters to him from Danish into German. In fact, I changed them into being only kind letters of thanks. Of course, it had to be unpleasant for the doctorKurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist who performed all but the first of four surgeries on Lili Elvenes; director of the Women’s Clinic in Dresden (Staatliche Frauenklinik) from 1925 to 1948. It did not amount to many letters.
(16) Suddenly she asked me not to come anymore. Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 had suddenly gone to DresdenDresden (historical), city in Germany. That was probably the best thing. At the age of 48 Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 died on the 13 September 1931 at "FrauenklinikMunicipal Women's Clinic (fictional and historical) is the Staatliche Frauenklinik in Dresden, directed by Professor Kurt Warnekros from 1925 to 1948."" and is buried in DresdenDresden (historical), city in Germany at the Trinitatis cemeteryTrinitatisfriedhof (Trinitatis Cemetery) is the cemetery near the Women’s Clinic, where Lili Elvenes is buried.. I have heard that the grave is in a state of great disrepair, that is the headstone has been turned over, but I have also heard that they are considering restoring it again."
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Gerda WegenerGerda Maria Frederikke Gottlieb Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator; married to Einar Wegener with her Italian husband Fernando PortaFernando Porta (b. 1897), Gerda Wegener’s second husband – called Ridolfo FeruzziRidolfo Feruzzi (fictional), modeled on Fernando Porta (b. 1897), Gerda Wegener’s second husband in the book. Gerda WegenerGerda Maria Frederikke Gottlieb Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator; married to Einar Wegener was considered "a really phenomenal drawing talent". She won a position in ParisParis (historical), capital of France of the 20s and 30s like no other Danish artist. And as the art historian Else Kai SassElse Kai Sass (1912-1987), a Danish art historian writes: "On short visits in CopenhagenCopenhagen (historical), capital of Denmark she completely impressed her surroundings by conducting herself with an elegance and a provocative Parisian chic that was so far unknown in these parts -@Translator: MO." Gerda WegenerGerda Maria Frederikke Gottlieb Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator; married to Einar Wegener died in 1940, at the age of 55. Politiken Press Photo.
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Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931, Poul KnudsenPoul Knudsen (1889-1974), Danish lawyer and writer, friend of the Wegeners, married to Vibeke from 1925 to 1938 and Gerda WegenerGerda Maria Frederikke Gottlieb Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator; married to Einar Wegener (right) photographed together probably in BerlinBerlin (historical), capital of Germany. Poul KnudsenPoul Knudsen (1889-1974), Danish lawyer and writer, friend of the Wegeners, married to Vibeke from 1925 to 1938 was a lawyer and a writer. He especially wrote many plays and film scripts, among other things he was the co-writer of Carl Th. Dreyer’s Day of Wrath. The Royal Library, The Collection of Prints and Photographs.
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(17) "From Man into Woman" stands as a transsexual bible even today. As an example, the English writer Jan MorrisJan Morris (b. 1926), British travel writer whose 1974 memoir, Conundrum, is an often-cited narrative of transgender in her autobiography "Conundrum" mentions that the description of Andreas SparreAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter/Einer WegenerEinar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter; married to Gerda Wegener; died as Lili Elbe in Dresden, 1931’s transformation into Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 affected her decision to undergo a sex change.
(18) About the reception of the book in EnglandEngland (historical), a country of the United Kingdom Gerda WegenerGerda Maria Frederikke Gottlieb Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator; married to Einar Wegener relates in a letter from 1933:
(19) "Dear PoulPoul Knudsen (1889-1974), Danish lawyer and writer, friend of the Wegeners, married to Vibeke from 1925 to 1938,
(20) ...Speaking of EnglandEngland (historical), a country of the United Kingdom: An old English lady has let herself be introduced to me here to talk to me about Lili’s Book that has recently been published in EnglandEngland (historical), a country of the United Kingdom and is supposed to be a tremendous success and the main subject of conversation of the day. It is known in LondonLondon (historical), capital of England that it is me, Gerda WegenerGerda Maria Frederikke Gottlieb Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator; married to Einar Wegener, who is GreteGrete Sparre (fictional), modeled on Gerda Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator in the book. And my old English friend deeply regretted that I was not able to come to LondonLondon (historical), capital of England at the moment as she claimed that I would be "the heroine of the day".
(21) "PoulPoul Knudsen (1889-1974), Danish lawyer and writer, friend of the Wegeners, married to Vibeke from 1925 to 1938" was Gerda WegenerGerda Maria Frederikke Gottlieb Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator; married to Einar Wegener and Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931’s mutual friend, the lawyer and writer Poul KnudsenPoul Knudsen (1889-1974), Danish lawyer and writer, friend of the Wegeners, married to Vibeke from 1925 to 1938 who is called Niels HvideNiels Hvide (fictional), modeled on Poul Knudsen (1889-1974), Danish lawyer and writer, friend of the Wegeners, married to Vibeke 1925-1938 in the book.
(22) About the reason for the form of the book, which may seem a little overwrought and sensational, Lili ElbeLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 explains in a letter to the said Poul KnudsenPoul Knudsen (1889-1974), Danish lawyer and writer, friend of the Wegeners, married to Vibeke from 1925 to 1938:
(23) "LindevangenLindevangen (historical), a street in Frederiksberg, Denmark 8-10, 22.I-31.
(24) Dear big PaulPoul Knudsen (1889-1974), Danish lawyer and writer, friend of the Wegeners, married to Vibeke from 1925 to 1938 -@Editor: PLC.
(25) Thank you so much for your letter.
(26) It is with regret that I will comply with your wish and change the name of the hero.
(27) He will then be called Hjalmar HvideNiels Hvide (fictional), modeled on Poul Knudsen (1889-1974), Danish lawyer and writer, friend of the Wegeners, married to Vibeke 1925-1938 (later changed to Niels Hvide, T.R.Niels Hvide (fictional), modeled on Poul Knudsen (1889-1974), Danish lawyer and writer, friend of the Wegeners, married to Vibeke 1925-1938) Do not be surprised that I write nicely and correctly about a friend – I do not really belong to the in crowd at home. How I look forward to hearing about VibekeVibeke Knudsen (dates unknown), married to Poul Knudsen from 1925 to 1938’s triumphal trip during Christmas!
(28) The name of the wonderful person in DresdenDresden (historical), city in Germany is Prof. Kurt WarnekrosKurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist who performed all but the first of four surgeries on Lili Elvenes; director of the Women’s Clinic in Dresden (Staatliche Frauenklinik) from 1925 to 1948. It is even written with a W in my heart – yes even therein engraved!
(29) I am very pleased that Mr. Ervin MagnusErwin Magnus (historical), a German literary agent, author, and translator believes in the book. But I must ask you to explain the following to him:
(30) When I have not written the book as a biography it is to
Page 8(31) make it clear that it is about two people AndreasAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter and LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 who are not mentally connected.
(32) It is probably most apparent from the last part that there is a duality – or was. First it is AndreasAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter who tells PaulPoul Knudsen (1889-1974), Danish lawyer and writer, friend of the Wegeners, married to Vibeke from 1925 to 1938 his memories from when AndreasAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter was dominant after which LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 tells PaulPoul Knudsen (1889-1974), Danish lawyer and writer, friend of the Wegeners, married to Vibeke from 1925 to 1938 memories from the time when she began to work her way forward and got the greater part of the assets in their common estate – and eventually became the sole proprietor.
(33) It appears clearly from the last part that it is even of absolutely vital importance to LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 that spiritually she has nothing to do with AndreasAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter – and the great miracle is that she feels reborn – pure and virginal – and mentally absolutely not a man who has become a girl!!!
(34) The second part also shows how Werner von KreuzProfessor Werner Kreutz (fictional), modelled on Kurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist has always distinguished between the two.
(35) The main point of the book is that there were two souls in one body – and that a brilliant surgeon saves the girl from a joint shipwreck. I am also afraid that the other form would weigh down the book and I precisely wish to show that I am coquettish, carefree, superficial and silly – and it has been important to me to show that what there is of artistic, philosophical, and serious male knowledge, comes from AndreasAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter who was an artist and an honourable man while my contribution is a certain shallow and girlish philosophy. (You see, it is really a devaluation of the assets). Ask Mr. Ervin MagnusErwin Magnus (historical), a German literary agent, author, and translator to listen with sympathy to this my defence of the form of the book.
(36) Your poor little friend
(37) LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931"
(38) HellerupHellerup (historical), a district in the suburbs of Copenhagen, 20 July 1988
(39) Teit RitzauTeit Ritzau (b. 1956) is a Danish writer and filmmaker, co-author of Paradiset er ikke til salg (1984)