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Marrakech 22/10 1933

(01) Kære PaulPoul Knudsen (1889-1974), Danish lawyer and writer, friend of the Wegeners, married to Vibeke from 1925 to 1938 -@Editor: PLC,

(02) Tak for Brev, som jeg har faaet igaar aftes. Jeg gaar nu ganske forretningsmæssigt til Værks og søger at besvare dine Spørgsmaal i Rækkefølge, for derefter at fortælle Dig andre Ting. Med Hensyn til mine Priser forstaar Du, det er lidt vanskeligt i Øjeblikket med den svingende Kurs. Men man maa jo tage Krisen i Betragtning og se at slaa Penge paa een eller anden Maade. Da jeg skrev til dig om PiazzaL'Edition d'Art H. Piazza (historical), a publishing house in Pariss Pris for “AndersenHans Christian Andersen (1805-1875), a famous Danish author known for his fairy tales”, saa har jeg vist taget Fejl. PiazzaL'Edition d'Art H. Piazza (historical), a publishing house in Paris betalte mig c. 1500 francs per Tegning, hvilket var Maximum af, hvad man paa det Tidspunkt betalte. Deri var iberegnet, at han beholdt Originalerne. Dette gælder for “hans Texter”. Han betalte mig apart for alle Smaa- Tegninger: Têtes de chapitre, culs de lampe etc. Jeg husker ikke hvad han betalte mig for de Smaating. Det var en “Prix global”. – Paa det Tidspunkt representerede 1500 francs c. 200 Kr. Lidt derover. Nu har jo imidlertid alt forandret sig, Kursen er en ganske anden og der er – Krisen.

(03) Altsaa: 1) Minimumspris burde være for en Tegning nu c. 100 Kr. Størrelse c. 16 × 23 cm. (Mine Øjne taaler ikke at lave dem mindre). Med Hensyn til Farvernes Antal, saa spiller det igen Rolle i Prisen.

(04) 2) Du forstaar herudfra, at min Maximumspris burde være fra 200 til 250 Kr. pr. Tegning. Men
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den tror jeg ikke det kan nytte, at Du insisterer paa i SkandinavienScandinavia (historical), a region in northern Europe encompassing the countries of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden i Øjeblikket. Maaske i EnglandEngland (historical), a country of the United Kingdom. – I Maximumsprisen (250 Kr.) er Originalen indbefattet. Minimumsprisen (100 Kr.) gælder Reproductionsretten og Originalen tilhører mig. –––

(05) 3) Dette drejer sig altsaa kun om Tegninger direkte udførte for Forlaget. – Du ved jo sikkert, at man altid i EnglandEngland (historical), a country of the United Kingdom har betalt Tegninger langt højere end i FrankrigFrance is a western European country whose capital is Paris.. – Kun har jeg aldrig haft Lyst til at leve i EnglandEngland (historical), a country of the United Kingdom. Voilà! Ellers havde jeg naturligvis tjent ganske andre Penge. Især da Konkurrencen der er uendelig langt mindre end i ParisParis (historical), capital of France, som jo er og bliver det store artistiske rendez-vous fra alle Leder og Kanter. (Det er sågar ikke Franskmændene, som gir Tonen an i kunstnerisk Henseende! Nej, det er alle de dygtigste Udlændinge, som kommer dertil, fordi Byen er behagelig og har en gammel Tradition!) ––– Med Hensyn til Priser for Clichérne saa kan jeg intet andet sige Dig, end hvad jeg sagde Dig i sidste Brev efter BriffautGeorges Briffaut (1886-1873), founder of a French publishing house with his brother Robert Briffaut. Gerda Wegener illustrated Une Aventure d’Amour à Venise (1927), published in Le Livre du Bibliophile, edited by Georges Briffaut.s Svar angaaende Reproductionerne af de Ting han allerede har lavet. Jeg vedføjer her et Brev som jeg lige har faaet fra BriffautGeorges Briffaut (1886-1873), founder of a French publishing house with his brother Robert Briffaut. Gerda Wegener illustrated Une Aventure d’Amour à Venise (1927), published in Le Livre du Bibliophile, edited by Georges Briffaut.. Jeg tænker Du kan læse hans Skrift. ––– Det er jo givet, at hvis man skulde kunne ordne det med Reproductionerne hos BriffautGeorges Briffaut (1886-1873), founder of a French publishing house with his brother Robert Briffaut. Gerda Wegener illustrated Une Aventure d’Amour à Venise (1927), published in Le Livre du Bibliophile, edited by Georges Briffaut., maa jeg have min Extrabetaling, – men det overlader jeg til Dig at ordne. Du er som sagt langt mere Forretningsmand end jeg. Du vil sikkert faa mere ud af det end jeg selv kunde faa. ––– (Jeg har heri og i (2) ogsaa besvaret Dit Spørgsmaal (4) angaaende Reproductionsretten og Ejendomsretten. “Politiken” betalte mig i sin Tid fra 100 til 150 Kr. Reproductionsretten til sine Forsider i Søndagsmagasinet. Originalerne var mine. Voilà.

(06) Men det var altsaa da 100 Kr. var c. 700 Francs. –

(07) 5) Med Hensyn til mine Tegninger
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2) til AndersenHans Christian Andersen (1805-1875), a famous Danish author known for his fairy tales, saa havde jeg aldrig nogen Kontrakt med PiazzaHenri Jules Piazza (1861-1929), founder of the publishing house L’Édition d’art H. Piazza, som var en gammel Hædersmand, og hvis Ord var som en Kontrakt. (Jeg har heller aldrig haft med BriffautGeorges Briffaut (1886-1873), founder of a French publishing house with his brother Robert Briffaut. Gerda Wegener illustrated Une Aventure d’Amour à Venise (1927), published in Le Livre du Bibliophile, edited by Georges Briffaut., som er ganske lige saa honnet). Vi var simpelthen gode Venner og stolede gensidigt paa hinanden. – Desværre døde PiazzaHenri Jules Piazza (1861-1929), founder of the publishing house L’Édition d’art H. Piazza, netop som jeg havde mine Illustrationer næsten færdige. Han og hans Efterfølger betalte mig intégralement mit Arbejde. Men jeg har altsaa ikke et skriftligt Ord imellem os. Den unge Efterfølger havde først en Del vanskeligheder med Overtagelsen af det store Firma. Saa kom Krisen. Derfor ligger Bogen stadig og sover hos ham. Jeg vil nu skrive til ham og se, om der skulle være mulighed for at trække Tegningerne fra ham. Lad os nu se!

(08) Det er som sagt den smukkeste Bog jeg har lavet, – og jeg raser over at se den i 4 Aar begravet i en Bagbutik, uden at komme ud. De sidste Ting blev leveret netop nu for 4 Aar siden. Jeg havde lagt meget andet tilside for at lave den. ––– Den vilde jo kunne faa sikkert en stor succes i SkandinavienScandinavia (historical), a region in northern Europe encompassing the countries of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden og i EnglandEngland (historical), a country of the United Kingdom! Den er jo tilmed ganske uskyldig. Jeg vil gøre, hvad jeg kan for at faa Tegningerne. Men jeg tør naturligvis intet love. Med mindre Du kan give mig et tilbud, saa jeg eventuelt kan betale Forlæggeren i ParisParis (historical), capital of France et minimum for at faa Tegningerne igen. Du kender jo Franskmænd og penge!! Jeg vilde frygtelig gerne have den ud!

(09) 6) Du taler om en eventuel Provision til en Mellemmand i EnglandEngland (historical), a country of the United Kingdom. Det lader jeg dig ganske om, det er umuligt for mig herfra at sidde og ordne alt sligt i Detailler. Du er en af de meget faa, som jeg stoler paa, naar det gælder mine interesser. Se bare at slaa nogle Penge for mig.
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(10) À propos EnglandEngland (historical), a country of the United Kingdom: Saa har en gammel fin Englænderinde her ladet sig presentere hos mig for at tale med mig om LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931s Bog, som for nylig er udkommen i EnglandEngland (historical), a country of the United Kingdom, og som skal have en stormende Succes og være Dagens store Samtaleæmne. Man ved i LondonLondon (historical), capital of England, at det er mig, Gerda WegenerGerda Maria Frederikke Gottlieb Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator; married to Einar Wegener, som er GreteGrete Sparre (fictional), modeled on Gerda Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator i Bogen. Og min gamle engelske Veninde beklagede voldsomt, at jeg ikke kunde komme til LondonLondon (historical), capital of England i Øjeblikket, da hun paastaar, at jeg vilde blive “Dagens Heltinde”. Ser Du Mulighed for at “udnytte dette” paa en eller anden Maade for en Edition eller lignende ??? Men i saa Fald maatte det ikke vare for længe. Der skal jo altid smedes mens Jernet er varmt. Dette “à titre d’indication”. ––– LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931s Bog, (som jeg jo omtrent havde skrevet, og som kun er bleven banaliseret og omlavet af den skidne Jødetamp som hedder Nils HøyerNiels Hoyer (historical), pseudonym of Ernst Harthern, who composed and edited Man into Woman) giver mig saa at sige intet. Han har faaet det lavet saa snedigt, at jeg omtrent intet faar og han overholder ikke engang sin Kontrakt. Han skovler alt til sig. Min tidligere Svoger, Ingeneur T.C. ThomsenThomas Christian Thomsen (1883-1963), married to Einar’s sister, Christiane Thomsen, and father of Einar’s nephew, Sigurd Thomsen, som LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 havde overdraget Forretningsførelsen af Bogen med, synes at være i Ledtog med HøyerNiels Hoyer (historical), pseudonym of Ernst Harthern, who composed and edited Man into Woman. Hvad vil du have, at jeg skal gøre paa denne Afstand, kære? Jeg kan jo ikke sidde herfra og lave Høyer en Proces! Du, som er jurist, sig mig om der er noget at stille op? –––

(11) Hvis du ser VibekeVibeke Knudsen (dates unknown), married to Poul Knudsen from 1925 to 1938, saa hils hende kærligt fra mig. Jeg skriver snart til hende. Foreløbigt skal jeg flytte til 1ste November. Men derefter skriver jeg. – Min Adresse er og bliver den samme. Nando er jo altid i Konsulatet et Par Gange om Dagen.

(12) Hjærteligste Hilsner fra os begge samt fra to Hundedrenge og en rød Kattepige.

(13) Din hengivne

GerdaGerda Maria Frederikke Gottlieb Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator; married to Einar Wegener

P.S. Læs nu BriffautGeorges Briffaut (1886-1873), founder of a French publishing house with his brother Robert Briffaut. Gerda Wegener illustrated Une Aventure d’Amour à Venise (1927), published in Le Livre du Bibliophile, edited by Georges Briffaut.s Brev, og om du vil skriv selv til ham. Du ser, hvad han siger om Decameron! men måske var den noget for EnglandEngland (historical), a country of the United Kingdom?? Hold mig altid a jour med Din Adresse. -@Editor: RJP


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Marrakech 22 October 1933

(01) Dear PaulPoul Knudsen (1889-1974), Danish lawyer and writer, friend of the Wegeners, married to Vibeke from 1925 to 1938 -@Editor: PLC,

(02) Thank you for your letter, which I got yesterday evening. I will now proceed in a businesslike manner and try to answer your questions one by one, and tell you other things afterwards. As to my prices, you understand it is a little difficult at the moment with the fluctuating rate of exchange. But you have to take the crisis into account and try to make money one way or the other. When I wrote to you about PiazzaL'Edition d'Art H. Piazza (historical), a publishing house in Paris’s price for “AndersenHans Christian Andersen (1805-1875), a famous Danish author known for his fairy tales”, I think I must have been wrong. PiazzaL'Edition d'Art H. Piazza (historical), a publishing house in Paris paid me about 1500 francs per drawing, which was the maximum of what was paid then. Therein was included that he kept the originals. This applies to “his texts”. He paid me [apart] privately for all minor drawings: Têtes de chapitre, culs de lampe [headings of chapters and vignettes] etc. I do not remember what he paid me for those minor items. It was a “Prix global” [overall price]. – At that time 1500 francs represented about 200 crowns. A little more. But now everything has changed as you know, the rate is quite different and there is – the crisis.

(03) So: 1) A minimum price should now be for a drawing about 100 crowns. Size about 16 × 23 cm. (My eyes cannot stand making them smaller). As to the number of colours, it does not matter to the price.

(04) 2) From this you understand that my maximum price should be from 200 to 250 crowns per drawing. But
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I think that it will be hopeless to insist on that in ScandinaviaScandinavia (historical), a region in northern Europe encompassing the countries of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden at the moment. Perhaps in EnglandEngland (historical), a country of the United Kingdom. – In the maximum price (250 crowns) the original is included. The minimum price (100 crowns) covers the right of reproduction and the original belongs to me. –––

(05) 3) This only applies to drawings done directly for the publisher. – You probably know that in EnglandEngland (historical), a country of the United Kingdom a far higher price has always been paid for drawings than in FranceFrance is a western European country whose capital is Paris.. – Only I have never felt like living in EnglandEngland (historical), a country of the United Kingdom. Voilà! Otherwise I would of course have earned quite different money. Especially as there is infinitely less competition there than in ParisParis (historical), capital of France, which is and always will be the great artistic rendez-vous in every way. (It is not even the French who set the tone in artistic terms! No, it is all the cleverest foreigners who come here because the city is comfortable and has an old tradition!) ––– As to prices for the clichés [negatives], I can tell you no more than what I said to you in my last letter after BriffautGeorges Briffaut (1886-1873), founder of a French publishing house with his brother Robert Briffaut. Gerda Wegener illustrated Une Aventure d’Amour à Venise (1927), published in Le Livre du Bibliophile, edited by Georges Briffaut.’s answer regarding the reproductions of the things he had already done. I enclose a letter here that I have just had from BriffautGeorges Briffaut (1886-1873), founder of a French publishing house with his brother Robert Briffaut. Gerda Wegener illustrated Une Aventure d’Amour à Venise (1927), published in Le Livre du Bibliophile, edited by Georges Briffaut.. I think you can read his handwriting. ––– It is certain, of course, that if it should be possible to arrange it with the reproductions at BriffautGeorges Briffaut (1886-1873), founder of a French publishing house with his brother Robert Briffaut. Gerda Wegener illustrated Une Aventure d’Amour à Venise (1927), published in Le Livre du Bibliophile, edited by Georges Briffaut.’s, I must have my extra payment, – but I leave it to you to arrange that. As I said, you are far more a business man than I. You will probably get more out of it than I would be able to have myself. ––– (In this and in (2) I have also answered your question (4) regarding the right of reproduction and the right of ownership. In the past, “Politiken” paid me from 100 to 150 crowns for the right of reproduction to its covers in Søndagsmagasinet [The Sunday Magazine]. The originals were mine. – Voilà.

(06) But that was when 100 crowns were about 700 Francs. –

(07) 5) As to my drawings
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2) for AndersenHans Christian Andersen (1805-1875), a famous Danish author known for his fairy tales, I never had any contract with PiazzaHenri Jules Piazza (1861-1929), founder of the publishing house L’Édition d’art H. Piazza who was an old gentleman and whose word was like a contract. (I have also never had with BriffautGeorges Briffaut (1886-1873), founder of a French publishing house with his brother Robert Briffaut. Gerda Wegener illustrated Une Aventure d’Amour à Venise (1927), published in Le Livre du Bibliophile, edited by Georges Briffaut. who is just as honourable). We were simply good friends and trusted each other respectively. – Unfortunately PiazzaHenri Jules Piazza (1861-1929), founder of the publishing house L’Édition d’art H. Piazza died just as my drawings were almost finished. He and his successor paid me intégralement [in full] for my work. But I really do not have a written word between us. At first the young successor had some difficulties with the take-over of the large company. Then the crisis came. That is why my book still lies sleeping with him. I am going to write to him now and see if there should be a possibility of pulling the drawings from him. Let us see!

(08) As I said, it is the most beautiful book I have made, – and I rage at seeing it buried for 4 years in the back of a shop without being published. The last things were delivered just now 4 years ago. I had put many other things aside to make it. ––– Probably that would have a great success in ScandinaviaScandinavia (historical), a region in northern Europe encompassing the countries of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden and in EnglandEngland (historical), a country of the United Kingdom! It is even perfectly innocent after all. I will do what I can to get the drawings. But of course, I dare not promise anything. Unless you can give me an offer, so that I can perhaps pay the publisher in ParisParis (historical), capital of France a minimum in order to get the drawings back. You know Frenchmen and money! I would terribly like to have it published!

(09) 6) You talk about a possible provision for an intermediary in EnglandEngland (historical), a country of the United Kingdom. I’ll leave that to you entirely, it is impossible for me to arrange all such matters in detail from here. You are one of the very few whom I trust when it comes to my interests. Just make some money for me.
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(10) Speaking of EnglandEngland (historical), a country of the United Kingdom: A old English lady has let herself be introduced to me to talk to me about LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931’s book that has recently been published in EnglandEngland (historical), a country of the United Kingdom, and is supposed to be a tremendous success and and today’s great topic of conversation. It is known in LondonLondon (historical), capital of England that it is me, Gerda WegenerGerda Maria Frederikke Gottlieb Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator; married to Einar Wegener, who is GreteGrete Sparre (fictional), modeled on Gerda Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator in the book. And my old English friend deeply regretted that I was not able to come to LondonLondon (historical), capital of England at the moment as she claims that I would be “the heroine of the day”. Are you able to “use this” in some way for an edition or the like??? But in that case, do not take too long, it is always best to strike while the iron is hot. This is "just for your information". ––– LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931’s book, (which I as you know had more or less written, and which has only been trivialised and changed by the filthy Jew called Nils HøyerNiels Hoyer (historical), pseudonym of Ernst Harthern, who composed and edited Man into Woman) gives me practically nothing. He has arranged things so cleverly that I get almost nothing and he does not even keep to his contract. He rakes everything in. My former brother-in-law, engineer T.C. ThomsenThomas Christian Thomsen (1883-1963), married to Einar’s sister, Christiane Thomsen, and father of Einar’s nephew, Sigurd Thomsen, whom LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 had entrusted with the business management of the book, seems to be in collusion with HøyerNiels Hoyer (historical), pseudonym of Ernst Harthern, who composed and edited Man into Woman. What do you want me to do at this distance, dear? After all I cannot sit and make a lawsuit against HøyerNiels Hoyer (historical), pseudonym of Ernst Harthern, who composed and edited Man into Woman from here! You who are a lawyer tell me if there is anything to be done? –––

(11) If you see VibekeVibeke Knudsen (dates unknown), married to Poul Knudsen from 1925 to 1938, then send her my love. I will write to her soon. For now I am going to move at the 1st of November. But after that I shall write. – My address will remain the same. NandoFernando Porta (b. 1897), Gerda Wegener’s second husband is always in the consulate a couple of times a day as you know.

(12) The kindest regards from us both plus from two dog boys and a red cat girl.

(13) Yours sincerely

GerdaGerda Maria Frederikke Gottlieb Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator; married to Einar Wegener

P.S. Read BriffautGeorges Briffaut (1886-1873), founder of a French publishing house with his brother Robert Briffaut. Gerda Wegener illustrated Une Aventure d’Amour à Venise (1927), published in Le Livre du Bibliophile, edited by Georges Briffaut.’s letter and if you like, write to him yourself. You see what he says about Decameron! but perhaps it would be something for EnglandEngland (historical), a country of the United Kingdom?? Always keep me a jour [up to date] with your address. -@Editor: RJP