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VICE - - VERSA -@Translator: AC

un Homme change de sexe

D'après les documents authentiques et scientifiques réunis par Niels HoyerNiels Hoyer (historical), pseudonym of Ernst Harthern, who composed and edited Man into Woman

(01) Lorsque, après sa première opération, Andreas SparreAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter entra en convalescence, il prit définitivement le nom de LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931. D'ailleurs, son aspect extérieur n'avait plus rien de masculin et il avait une voix de soprano. La garde-robe de l'ex-AndreasAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter fut troquée pour de pimpantes toilettes féminines, et LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 fit sa premiére sortie en compagnie de la fidèle GreteGrete Sparre (fictional), modeled on Gerda Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator. La convalescente se fit passer pour une jeune Parisienne, et la mystification fut complète. Après avoir fréquenté quelques amis et connaissances, LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 alla voir plusieurs médecins qui l'avaient traitée alors qu'elle était homme. Aucun d'eux ne la reconnut, et elle dut se rendre à l'évidence: il lui était absolument impossible de prouver que la sémillante LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 et le mélancolique Andreas SparreAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter n'étaient qu'une seule et même personne...

(02) Peu de temps après ces étranges expériences, LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 partit pour DresdeDresden (historical), city in Germany en compagnie de GreteGrete Sparre (fictional), modeled on Gerda Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator, que la loi considérait encore comme sa -@Translator: CB femme. Le fidèle NielsNiels Hvide (fictional), modeled on Poul Knudsen (1889-1974), Danish lawyer and writer, friend of the Wegeners, married to Vibeke 1925-1938 avait tenu à faire route avec ses amis. Werner KreutzProfessor Werner Kreutz (fictional), modelled on Kurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist admit la patienteLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 dans sa cliniqueMunicipal Women's Clinic (fictional and historical) is the Staatliche Frauenklinik in Dresden, directed by Professor Kurt Warnekros from 1925 to 1948." et pratiqua une opération, que GreteGrete Sparre (fictional), modeled on Gerda Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator définit de la façon suivante dans une lettre à des amis:

(03) « Lorsque son -@Translator: CB corps fut ouvert (c'est-à-dire le corps de Lili) on aperçut un enchevêtrement d'organes que l'imagination la plus débridée n'aurait pu concevoir: des organes féminins atrophiés qui ne s'étaient pas développés voisinaient avec des glandes séminales dont un destin capricieux avait doté ce corps. Le secret de cette double constitution qu'aucun médecin n'avait pu soupçonner, a été dévoilé par Werner KreutzProfessor Werner Kreutz (fictional), modelled on Kurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist, lequel avait d'ailleurs déchiffré les données essentielles du problème lors de sa première consultation à ParisParis (historical), capital of France.

(04) Et à présent cette infortunée créature, si cruelement « handicapée » dès sa -@Translator: CB naissance, a subi le traitement qui doit la sauver. Après avoir supprimé l'obstacle empêchant le développement des organes féminins, le professeurProfessor Werner Kreutz (fictional), modelled on Kurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist a pratiqué la greffe de deux ovaires empruntées à une femme jeune et robuste. »

(05) Ainsi, après la castration subie à BerlinBerlin (historical), capital of Germany, l'ex-AndreasAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter fut doté de nouvelles glandes ovariennes, et la dernière partie de ses attributs virils fut en même temps supprimée. Tel est le caractère scientifique et chirurgical de cette nouvelle métamorphose. On en trouvera le côté psychologique et humain dans le récit qui va suivre.

(06) IV.(1)*See mouse-over. — A LA CLINIQUE FÉMININEMunicipal Women's Clinic (fictional and historical) is the Staatliche Frauenklinik in Dresden, directed by Professor Kurt Warnekros from 1925 to 1948." DE DRESDEDresden (historical), city in Germany

(07) L'ARRIVÉE à DresdeDresden (historical), city in Germany, et les premières impressions de cette ville, qui devait jouer un rôle si important dans sa vie, demeurèrent fort vagues dans le souvenir de LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 (car c'est ainsi, qu'à l'exemple de ses proches, nous appellerons Andreas SparreAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter métamorphosé en femme). A la descente du train, elle avait hélé un taxi et y était montée en compagnie de GreteGrete Sparre (fictional), modeled on Gerda Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator et de NielsNiels Hvide (fictional), modeled on Poul Knudsen (1889-1974), Danish lawyer and writer, friend of the Wegeners, married to Vibeke 1925-1938. Après avoir quitté les rues commerçantes, ils s'étaient engagés dans les faubourgs verdoyants, où s'étalaient villas et jardins. Enfin, après avoir contourné une rangée de vastes édifices, ils aperçurent de sveltes bouleaux aux troncs argentés dressant leur feuillage de filigrane au-dessus du mur d'un jardin; au fond, l'on voyait les façades grises de plusieurs bâtiments d'un aspect sévère:

(08) — Arrêtez, s'écria LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931, nous voici arrivés.

(09) Le taxi stoppa devant un portail sur lequel on lisait: CLINIQUE FÉMININE MUNICIPALEMunicipal Women's Clinic (fictional and historical) is the Staatliche Frauenklinik in Dresden, directed by Professor Kurt Warnekros from 1925 to 1948.".

(10) — Comment avez-vous fait pour reconnaître la cliniqueMunicipal Women's Clinic (fictional and historical) is the Staatliche Frauenklinik in Dresden, directed by Professor Kurt Warnekros from 1925 to 1948."? s'écria son compagnonGrete Sparre (fictional), modeled on Gerda Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator avec surprise.

(11) — Je l'ai deviné, murmura LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 faiblement, et à présent aidez-moi à descendre; je suis lasse...

(12) Une infirmière vêtue de blanc apparut à l'une des fenêtres.

(13) — Vous cherchez le service des malades privées?... Veuillez traverser le jardin...

(14) Le soir tombait, le ciel crépusculaire versait une lumière très douce et comme fluide sur le jardin. LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 marchait en tête du petit groupe. Elle était enfin arrivée au bercail.

(15) Il y avait de cela deux mois, le professeur Werner KreutzProfessor Werner Kreutz (fictional), modelled on Kurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist avait eu une entrevue — la seule d'ailleurs — avec Andreas SparreAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter. Aujourd'hui, il allait pouvoir contempler pour la première fois ce phénomène étrange qu'il avait fait surgir: Andreas SparreAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter réincarné, transformé en jeune fille.

(16) C'est avec une courtoisie un peu solennelle, comme lors de sa première visite à ParisParis (historical), capital of France, que Werner KreutzProfessor Werner Kreutz (fictional), modelled on Kurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist introduisit « sa patienteLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 » dans son cabinet de consultation, mais presque aussitôt, son visage austère s'éclaira d'un sourire.

(17) Le professeur ArnsProfessor Arns (fictional), also Arno; possibly modeled on Arthur Weil, who invented a bold test and worked at Magnus Hirschfeld’s Institute in Berlin vous a-t-il communiqué les résultats de son analyse chimique et microscopique? demanda-t-il.

(18) — Non, murmura LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931, timidement.

(19) — En ce cas, je serai le premier à vous annoncer une bonne nouvelle. Cet examen, fait par mon collègueProfessor Arns (fictional), also Arno; possibly modeled on Arthur Weil, who invented a bold test and worked at Magnus Hirschfeld’s Institute in Berlin, a pleinement confirmé mon hypothèse.

(20) LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 écoutait la voix profonde et veloutée de l'hommeProfessor Werner Kreutz (fictional), modelled on Kurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist qui lui parlait, et un sentiment de bonheur infini l'enveloppa tout entière...

(21) — J'avais l'intention de vous faire admettre immédiatement dans cette cliniqueMunicipal Women's Clinic (fictional and historical) is the Staatliche Frauenklinik in Dresden, directed by Professor Kurt Warnekros from 1925 to 1948.", commença-t-il, mais, malheureusement, tous les lits sont occupés en ce moment. D'ailleurs cela vaut mieux, car je suis à la recherche de glandes pour vous, des glandes particulièrement saines et vigoureuses...

(22) Cette façon de s'exprimer, concrète et prosaïque, fit frissonner LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931; elle ne savait ou tourner la tête, tellement elle se sentait intimidée, rougissante...

(23) — J'estime, reprit le savantProfessor Werner Kreutz (fictional), modelled on Kurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist, que vous ne pourez que profiter d'un bref séjour à l'hôtel. Visitez notre villeDresden (historical), city in Germany et ses musées, faites de la peinture...

(24) Ces paroles achevèrent de démoraliser la patienteLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931. Elle voulut implorer, protester, mais elle ne put que murmurer en baissant les yeux:

(25) — C'est entendu, docteurProfessor Werner Kreutz (fictional), modelled on Kurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist.

(26) Muette, elle serra la main qu'il lui tendit et sortit dans le couloir ou GreteGrete Sparre (fictional), modeled on Gerda Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator l'attendait. Un seul regard de cet hommeProfessor Werner Kreutz (fictional), modelled on Kurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist l'avait privée de sa volonté, étouffé sa révolte. Elle se sentait devant lui faible et impuissante. Ce ne fut que bien plus tard qu'elle comprit le secret de cette réaction: son nouveau cœur, son cœur de femme avait tremblé, il avait tressailli pour la premiére fois, devant son seigneur et maître.

(27) LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 passa une huitaine de jours á l'hôtel en proie à une profonde mélancolie. Et cette dépression si douloureuse céda à un sentiment de panique, lorsqu'un jour le portier lui remit un paquet de lettres que la cliniqueMunicipal Women's Clinic (fictional and historical) is the Staatliche Frauenklinik in Dresden, directed by Professor Kurt Warnekros from 1925 to 1948." lui avait fait suivre et qui étaient adressées à « Monsieur Andreas SparreAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter ».

(28) Il sembla un instant à LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 que son sosie masculin cherchait à revivre, à s'affirmer une fois de plus. Et cette sensation de cauchemar, cette peur hallucinante furent si vives, que LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 jeta les lettres au feu, sans même se résoudre à les ouvrir... Une angoisse terrible s'était emparée d'elle. Sa métamorphose n'était-elle après tout qu'une triste imposture? Elle ne faisait que répéter d'une voix désolée: « Jamais ils ne voudront de moi à la clinique féminineMunicipal Women's Clinic (fictional and historical) is the Staatliche Frauenklinik in Dresden, directed by Professor Kurt Warnekros from 1925 to 1948.", ces lettres ont tout compromis... il ne nous reste qu'à fuir... »

(29) Ce jour même, alors que LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 avait abandonné tout espoir, elle reçut un message de Werner KreutzProfessor Werner Kreutz (fictional), modelled on Kurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist, lui faisant savoir qu'une chambre avait été réservée pour elle, et qu'elle pourrait dès ce soir entrer à la cliniqueMunicipal Women's Clinic (fictional and historical) is the Staatliche Frauenklinik in Dresden, directed by Professor Kurt Warnekros from 1925 to 1948.".

(30) Son âme fut submergée par le sentiment d'une paix immense... Toute angoisse, toute inquiétude avaient fui. Sa propre vie lui semblait à présent sans importance. Un sentiment presque de dévotion l'exaltait, le sentiment de participer à une expérience grandiose, extraordinaire, qui dépassait de beaucoup son propre destin.

(31) Une chambre de malade toute blanche. Les visites de l'infirmière, au bonnet blanc empesé, posé sur sa chevelure grise... Tel était à présent l'univers de LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931. De temps en temps, la porte s'ouvrait, une svelte silhouette masculine, vêtue d'une blouse blanche, faisait son apparition dans la chambre, se tenait à son chevet... De ces visites de Werner KreutzProfessor Werner Kreutz (fictional), modelled on Kurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist, LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 devait garder un souvenir quasi magique: une présence, une voix, qui la remplissaient d'espoir, de radieuse confiance.

(32) Un matin, l'infirmière-majorMatron (fictional), modeled on Margarete Leifert (possibly Seifert), who co-signed a letter (April 5, 1930) to the Ministry of Justice in Copenhagen conveying Lili’s request to change her name to Lili Elben and her sex to female entra toute souriante dans sa chambre: « L'opération est pour demain, mademoiselle LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931. Mais vous n'avez rien à craindre... Il s'agit d'une simple bagatelle... »

(33) LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 se mit à rire: « Je n'ai pas peur, madameMatron (fictional), modeled on Margarete Leifert (possibly Seifert), who co-signed a letter (April 5, 1930) to the Ministry of Justice in Copenhagen conveying Lili’s request to change her name to Lili Elben and her sex to female! Sachez qu'à BerlinBerlin (historical), capital of Germany également, on me dit qu'il s'agissait d'une bagatelle... Mais j'appris plus tard que j'étais restée une heure et demie sur la table d'opération... N'importe, je ne suis pas venue iei pour mourir...

(34) L'infirmièreMatron (fictional), modeled on Margarete Leifert (possibly Seifert), who co-signed a letter (April 5, 1930) to the Ministry of Justice in Copenhagen conveying Lili’s request to change her name to Lili Elben and her sex to female prit alors un air confidentiel: « Vous serez heureuse d'apprendre, MademoiselleLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931, que le professeurProfessor Werner Kreutz (fictional), modelled on Kurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist vous greffera des ovaires qui vous donneront une jeunesse nouvelle. C'est une jeune femme de vingt-sept ans qui vous les fournit. »

(35) Cette journée, qu'elle appela plus tard « le jour de ma vraie naissance » lui laissa un souvenir confus, comme baigné de brumes épaisses. Debout à son chevet, le professeur Werner KreutzProfessor Werner Kreutz (fictional), modelled on Kurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist assisté du médecin-chef, lui avait donné un ordre bref: « Comptez en danois ou en français, comme vous voudrez... »

(36) LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931, docile, se mit à compter: « Un, deux, trois... » Un masque à éther fut doucement posé sur son visage, elle continua à épeler les chiffres: « Quatre, cinq, six... » Elle avait de plus en plus de difficultés à remuer la langue. Lorsqu'elle eut atteint 18, elle se sentit suffoquer, et le professeurProfessor Werner Kreutz (fictional), modelled on Kurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist reprit le compte... Sa voix se faisait de plus en plus forte, elle résonnait à présent comme un immense bourdon... LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 perdit connaissance.

(37) Elle fut réveillée par une douleur intense
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et aperçut GreteGrete Sparre (fictional), modeled on Gerda Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator qui, debout près de son lit, lui tendait un bouquet de tulipes rouges. Une infirmière entra, lui administra de la morphine. Puis le professeurProfessor Werner Kreutz (fictional), modelled on Kurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist parut, lui prit la main en murmurant des paroles inintelligibles. Mais elle sentit sur elle son regard clair-obscur, et sombra une fois de plus dans le néant. Peu à peu, LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 s'accoutuma à la souffrance, se disant qu'il fallait bien payer ce prix pour la nouvelle vie qui naissait en elle... Des perspectives radieuses s'ouvraient. Sa chambre blanche était un paradis terrestre, dont le professeurProfessor Werner Kreutz (fictional), modelled on Kurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist était le gardien.

(38) L'opération avait pleinement réussi. GreteGrete Sparre (fictional), modeled on Gerda Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator repartit pour ParisParis (historical), capital of France. LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 se remettait lentement, et passait de longues heures dans le jardin de la cliniqueMunicipal Women's Clinic (fictional and historical) is the Staatliche Frauenklinik in Dresden, directed by Professor Kurt Warnekros from 1925 to 1948.", qu'un souffle printanier animait. Chaque jour ses amis parisiens lui envoyaient des messages d'encouragement et de réconfort. GreteGrete Sparre (fictional), modeled on Gerda Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator se préoccupait sans cesse d'elle. ClaudeClaude Lejeune (fictional), modeled on Claude Prévost, friend of Lili’s whom Gerda Wegener painted in 1923 lui écrivait des lettres pleines d'affection... Elle répondait aux uns et aux autres, les tenant au courant des moindres détails de son traitement:

(39) DresdeDresden (historical), city in Germany, 25 mai.

(40) « Ma chère GreteGrete Sparre (fictional), modeled on Gerda Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator,

(41) « C'est à demain qu'est fixée ma troisième opération. Une fois de plus l'infirmière-majorMatron (fictional), modeled on Margarete Leifert (possibly Seifert), who co-signed a letter (April 5, 1930) to the Ministry of Justice in Copenhagen conveying Lili’s request to change her name to Lili Elben and her sex to female vint m'assurer que cette intervention était sans gravité... D'ailleurs, les opérations elles-mêmes deviennent affaire d'habitude. Ce matin, j'ai mis de l'ordre dans mon armoire et ma commode. Mon petit « institut de beauté » est sur une table à portée de ma main. Je ne te cacherai pas que je suis coquette et que je voudrais toujours faire honneur au professeurProfessor Werner Kreutz (fictional), modelled on Kurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist.

(42) Affectueusement, LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931. »

(43) DresdeDresden (historical), city in Germany, 27 mai.

(44) « Ma chère GreteGrete Sparre (fictional), modeled on Gerda Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator,

(45) « A présent, cela va un peu mieux et je ne sens presque plus aucune douleur. Je sais que le professeurProfessor Werner Kreutz (fictional), modelled on Kurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist t'a télégraphié que tout s'est bien passé. Mais le réveil après l'opération fut affreux. « Il faut rester tranquille », me dit le professeurProfessor Werner Kreutz (fictional), modelled on Kurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist, et c'est alors que je m'aperçus que mes jambes étaient sans cesse en mouvement, comme si elles activaient des pédales invisibles... à force de souffrance! Mais sous le regard de KreutzProfessor Werner Kreutz (fictional), modelled on Kurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist, je devins aussitôt immobile et bien sage, si grand est son empire sur moi. Plus tard, il m'attacha aux pieds des sacs remplis de sable. Je ne sais trop comment la soirée et la nuit se sont écoulées. Tout ce que je sais, c'est que ce fut horrible.

(46) Affectueusement, LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931. »

(47) DresdeDresden (historical), city in Germany, 28 mai.

(48) « Ma GreteGrete Sparre (fictional), modeled on Gerda Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator chérie,

(49) « N'importe l'horreur de mon état actuel, je dois le supporter... Dieu sait la quantité de morphine que j'ai prise depuis hier... Sans doute, entendait-on à une lieue de distance mes cris et mes gémissements... Je puis dire qu'avant cette opération, j'ignorais ce que c'était que la douleur.

(50) Ta LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931. »

(51) DresdeDresden (historical), city in Germany, 29 mai.

(52) « Ma chère GreteGrete Sparre (fictional), modeled on Gerda Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator,

(53) « Je n'aime point me montrer au professeurProfessor Werner Kreutz (fictional), modelled on Kurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist sans poudre et sans rouge. Chaque matin, je passe des heures entières à ma toilette, n'importe l'effort que cela me coûte. Vanité? oui, sans doute, et c'est elle qui me soutient; elle est ce qu'il y a de plus immortel en moi.

(54) LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931. »

(55) Le départ de DresdeDresden (historical), city in Germany se fit plus tranquillement et plus doucement que LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 ne l'avait supposé. GreteGrete Sparre (fictional), modeled on Gerda Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator était revenue auprès d'elle afin de l'emmener à BerlinBerlin (historical), capital of Germany, puis au DanemarkDenmark is a Scandinavian country in northern Europe whose capital is Copenhagen., leur patrie commune. Lorsque le professeurProfessor Werner Kreutz (fictional), modelled on Kurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist vint prendre congé de sa patiente, LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 dit simplement: « Je vous dois non seulement une nouvelle vie, mais aussi ma foi dans l'avenir. Je vais tenter de me plonger dans le tourbillon de la vie, mais si je rencontre de nouvelles épreuves, puis-je revenir auprès de vous? »

(56) Et Werner KreutzProfessor Werner Kreutz (fictional), modelled on Kurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist répondit, en prenant sa main dans la sienne: « Tenez-moi au courant de tout, écrivez-moi régulièrement. Et si vous avez besoin d'aide, vous trouverez toujours un refuge et des amis dans cetter maison! »

(57) Hélas! ce ne fut que bien plus tard que GreteGrete Sparre (fictional), modeled on Gerda Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator -@Editor: PLC devait se rendre compte à quel point le séjour de BerlinBerlin (historical), capital of Germany marqua une transition brutale et douloureuse entre la paix de la cliniqueMunicipal Women's Clinic (fictional and historical) is the Staatliche Frauenklinik in Dresden, directed by Professor Kurt Warnekros from 1925 to 1948." et le brouhaha du monde extérieur. Elle se trouva dans une vaste cité bruyanteDresden (historical), city in Germany, au milieu d'une foule affairée et indifférente. Il s'agissait à présent d'apprendre à vivre en femme parmi les hommes, à partager de plus le rythme fiévreux de l'existence moderne.

(58) Certains jours, elle sentait son cœur profondément ulcéré, oppressé par l'angoisse. Elle se disait qu'après tout, il lui serait facile de mener dans BerlinBerlin (historical), capital of Germany une vie obscure et anonyme, parmi des étrangers.

(59) Elle songeait aussi à sa famille en DanemarkDenmark is a Scandinavian country in northern Europe whose capital is Copenhagen.. Enfin, elle se préoccupait du sort de GreteGrete Sparre (fictional), modeled on Gerda Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator... Fallait-il fuir pour lui éviter une explication trop cruelle, ou lui dire simplement, en pleine franchise, que l'heure de la séparation avait sonné?

(60) Ces journées ou elle était assaillie de vaines questions étaient suivies de nuits plus torturantes encore... Puis, peu à peu, deux noms surgirent dans son cerveau mis au supplice, deux visages apparurent dans ses rêves: celui de Claude LejeuneClaude Lejeune (fictional), modeled on Claude Prévost, friend of Lili’s whom Gerda Wegener painted in 1923 et celui d'un jeune Italien, le lieutenant FeruzziRidolfo Feruzzi (fictional), modeled on Fernando Porta (b. 1897), Gerda Wegener’s second husband, qu'ils avaient naguère connu à RomeRome (historical), capital of Italy. Un lien d'affection profonde liait ce jeune hommeRidolfo Feruzzi (fictional), modeled on Fernando Porta (b. 1897), Gerda Wegener’s second husband à GreteGrete Sparre (fictional), modeled on Gerda Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator; au moment ou AndreasAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter traversait une de ses crises les plus douloureuses, sa femmeGrete Sparre (fictional), modeled on Gerda Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator s'était instinctivement tournée vers FeruzziRidolfo Feruzzi (fictional), modeled on Fernando Porta (b. 1897), Gerda Wegener’s second husband, afin de chercher son soutien. AndreasAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter le savait, et ce fut, à RomeRome (historical), capital of Italy qu'il avait fait son serment solennel: disparaître afin que GreteGrete Sparre (fictional), modeled on Gerda Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator puisse refaire sa vie...

(61) Au cours de ces longs mois de maladie, ni GreteGrete Sparre (fictional), modeled on Gerda Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator, ni LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 n'avaient osé prononcer le nom de cet amiRidolfo Feruzzi (fictional), modeled on Fernando Porta (b. 1897), Gerda Wegener’s second husband. L'heure n'était-elle pas venue de l'appeler?

(62) Une nuit, LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 se réveilla brusquement, quitta son lit et s'assit au chevet de GreteGrete Sparre (fictional), modeled on Gerda Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator. La jeune femmeGrete Sparre (fictional), modeled on Gerda Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator ouvrit les yeux en souriant:

(63) — Je viens de faire un si beau rêve! s'écria-t-elle.

(64) — Et où étais-tu, GreteGrete Sparre (fictional), modeled on Gerda Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator? demanda LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931.

(65) — En ItalieItaly is a European country whose capital is Rome., à RomeRome (historical), capital of Italy...

(66) — Et je parie que FeruzziRidolfo Feruzzi (fictional), modeled on Fernando Porta (b. 1897), Gerda Wegener’s second husband était auprès de toi, ajouta LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931, gaîment. Elles demeurèrent fraternellement enlacées, leurs cœurs pleins de douce émotion.

(67) Le lendemain, LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 écrivit à l'ItalienRidolfo Feruzzi (fictional), modeled on Fernando Porta (b. 1897), Gerda Wegener’s second husband:

(68) « Cher amiRidolfo Feruzzi (fictional), modeled on Fernando Porta (b. 1897), Gerda Wegener’s second husband,

(69) « Il me suffira de vous dire qu'AndreasAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter a tenu parole et qu'il est mort. Je sais que GreteGrete Sparre (fictional), modeled on Gerda Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator ne vous a encore rien dit. Ecrivez-lui, et ne l'abandonnez pas.

(70) LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931. »

(71) Ce jour-là, elle dit à GreteGrete Sparre (fictional), modeled on Gerda Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator:

(72) — Je me porte à merveille, il est temps de rentrer.

(73) — Rentrer? s'écria la jeune femmeGrete Sparre (fictional), modeled on Gerda Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator surprise.

(74) — Oui, regagner le DanemarkDenmark is a Scandinavian country in northern Europe whose capital is Copenhagen.... afin que tu puisses te défaire d'un être qui est mort depuis longtemps et que chacune de nous puisse recommencer sa vie.

(75) (A suivre.) Niels HOYER.Niels Hoyer (historical), pseudonym of Ernst Harthern, who composed and edited Man into Woman

(76) Reproduction, même partielle interdite. (Copyright Niels HoyerNiels Hoyer (historical), pseudonym of Ernst Harthern, who composed and edited Man into Woman 1934).


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A man changes sex

Based on authentic documents by Niels HoyerNiels Hoyer (historical), pseudonym of Ernst Harthern, who composed and edited Man into Woman

(01) When, after his first surgery, Andreas SparreAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter began his convalescence, he permanently took the name LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931. Moreover, his outer aspect didn’t have anything masculine any longer and he had a soprano voice. The wardrobe of the former AndreasAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter was traded for elegant, feminine outfits, and LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 went out for the first time in the company of her faithful GreteGrete Sparre (fictional), modeled on Gerda Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator. The convalescent passed as a young Parisian, and the mystification was complete. After she saw a few friends and acquaintances, LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 went to several doctors who had treated her when she was a man. None recognized her and she had to accept the reality: it was absolutely impossible for her to prove that the vivacious LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 and the melancholic Andreas SparreAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter were one and the same person...

(02) Soon after these strange experiences, LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 went to DresdenDresden (historical), city in Germany, accompanied by GreteGrete Sparre (fictional), modeled on Gerda Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator, whom the law still considered as her wife. The loyal NielsNiels Hvide (fictional), modeled on Poul Knudsen (1889-1974), Danish lawyer and writer, friend of the Wegeners, married to Vibeke 1925-1938 insisted on going along with his friends. Werner KreutzProfessor Werner Kreutz (fictional), modelled on Kurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist admitted the patientLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 in his clinicMunicipal Women's Clinic (fictional and historical) is the Staatliche Frauenklinik in Dresden, directed by Professor Kurt Warnekros from 1925 to 1948." and performed a surgery that GreteGrete Sparre (fictional), modeled on Gerda Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator described as follows in a letter to some friends:

(03) "When her body was opened, they saw an entanglement of organs that the most unbridled imagination couldn’t have conceived: atrophied feminine organs with seminal glands with which a capricious fate had endowed this body. The secret of this double constitution that no doctor could figure out has been revealed by Werner KreutzProfessor Werner Kreutz (fictional), modelled on Kurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist, who had moreover deciphered the essential data of the problem since his first consultation in ParisParis (historical), capital of France.

(04) And now, this unfortunate creature, so cruelly ‘handicapped’ since her birth, has undergone the treatment that must save her. After he removed the obstacle preventing the development of the feminine organs, the professorProfessor Werner Kreutz (fictional), modelled on Kurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist transplanted two ovaries borrowed from a young and robust woman."

(05) Thus, after the castration undergone in BerlinBerlin (historical), capital of Germany, the former AndreasAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter has been endowed with new ovarian glands, and the last part of his virile attributes had been removed at the same time. Such is the scientific and surgical nature of this new metamorphosis. We will find its psychological and human side in the following story.

(06) IV.(1)*See mouse-over.— AT THE WOMEN'S CLINICMunicipal Women's Clinic (fictional and historical) is the Staatliche Frauenklinik in Dresden, directed by Professor Kurt Warnekros from 1925 to 1948." IN DRESDENDresden (historical), city in Germany

(07) THE ARRIVAL at DresdenDresden (historical), city in Germany and the first impressions about this city, which was to play such an important role in her life, remained very vague in LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931’s memory (because this is how, following the example of her close friends, we will call Andreas SparreAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter metamorphosized into a woman). Off the train, she hailed a taxi and got in accompanied by GreteGrete Sparre (fictional), modeled on Gerda Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator and NielsNiels Hvide (fictional), modeled on Poul Knudsen (1889-1974), Danish lawyer and writer, friend of the Wegeners, married to Vibeke 1925-1938. After leaving the shopping streets, they entered the verdant suburbs with sprawling villas and gardens. Finally, after driving around a row of vast edifices, they saw some slender birch trees with silvery trunks rising their filigree leaves above the wall of a garden; in the back, one saw the grey facades of several buildings with a stern appearance:

(08) — Stop, LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 cried out, we have arrived.

(09) The taxi stopped in front of a portal on which one read: MUNICIPAL WOMEN’S CLINICMunicipal Women's Clinic (fictional and historical) is the Staatliche Frauenklinik in Dresden, directed by Professor Kurt Warnekros from 1925 to 1948.".

(10) — How did you recognize the clinicMunicipal Women's Clinic (fictional and historical) is the Staatliche Frauenklinik in Dresden, directed by Professor Kurt Warnekros from 1925 to 1948."? exclaimed her companionGrete Sparre (fictional), modeled on Gerda Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator, surprised.

(11) — I guessed, LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 whispered softly, and now help me get out; I am tired...

(12) A nurse dressed in white appeared at one of the windows.

(13) — Are you looking for the private patients’ service?... Kindly cross the garden...

(14) The evening was falling, the twilight sky was shedding a very soft and fluid light over the garden. LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 walked in front of the small group. She had finally arrived at home.

(15) Two months earlier, Professor Werner KreutzProfessor Werner Kreutz (fictional), modelled on Kurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist had a meeting — the only one, as a matter of fact — with Andreas SparreAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter. Today, he could contemplate for the first time this strange phenomenon that he had brought forth: Andreas SparreAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter reincarnated, transformed into a girl.

(16) With a courtesy a bit solemn, as during his first visit in ParisParis (historical), capital of France, Werner KreutzProfessor Werner Kreutz (fictional), modelled on Kurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist led "his patientLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931" into his consulting room, but almost immediately, his serious face lit up with a smile.

(17) — Has professor ArnsProfessor Arns (fictional), also Arno; possibly modeled on Arthur Weil, who invented a bold test and worked at Magnus Hirschfeld’s Institute in Berlin communicated the results of his chemical and microscopic analysis? he asked.

(18) — No, LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 whispered timidly.

(19) — In that case, I will be the first to give you the good news. This examination, by my colleagueProfessor Arns (fictional), also Arno; possibly modeled on Arthur Weil, who invented a bold test and worked at Magnus Hirschfeld’s Institute in Berlin, has fully confirmed my hypothesis.

(20) LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 listened to the deep and velvety voice of the manProfessor Werner Kreutz (fictional), modelled on Kurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist who was talking to her, and a feeling of infinite happiness enveloped her entirely...

(21) — I had the intention to admit you to the clinicMunicipal Women's Clinic (fictional and historical) is the Staatliche Frauenklinik in Dresden, directed by Professor Kurt Warnekros from 1925 to 1948." immediately, but unfortunately all the beds are occupied at the moment. Besides, this is better, because for now I am searching for glands for you, glands particularly healthy and vigorous...

(22) This manner of speaking, concrete and prosaic, made LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 shudder; she didn’t know where to turn her head, so much she felt intimidated, blushing...

(23) — I think, the doctorProfessor Werner Kreutz (fictional), modelled on Kurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist resumed, that a brief stay at hotel will be advantageous for you. Visit our cityDresden (historical), city in Germany and museums, paint...

(24) These words ended up demoralizing the patientLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931. She wanted to entreat, to protest, but all she could do was to whisper lowering her eyes:

(25) — I understand, doctorProfessor Werner Kreutz (fictional), modelled on Kurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist.

(26) Mute, she shook the hand he held out and went out on the corridor where GreteGrete Sparre (fictional), modeled on Gerda Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator was waiting for her. Only one glance from this manProfessor Werner Kreutz (fictional), modelled on Kurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist had deprived her of her will, stifled her revolt. In front of him, she felt weak and powerless. Only later did she understand the secret of this reaction: her new heart, her trembling woman’s heart, had started for the first time in front of her lord and master.

(27) LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 spent about eight days at a hotel prey to a profound melancholy. And this painful depression yielded to a feeling of panic when, one day the porter presented her with a pile of letters that the clinicMunicipal Women's Clinic (fictional and historical) is the Staatliche Frauenklinik in Dresden, directed by Professor Kurt Warnekros from 1925 to 1948." sent to her and which were addressed to "Mister Andreas SparreAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter".

(28) For a second, it seemed to LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 that her masculine double was trying to come alive again, to affirm himself once more. And this nightmarish feeling, this hallucinatory fear was so keen, that LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 threw the letters into the fire, without even bringing herself to open them... A terrible anguish seized her. After all, was her metamorphosis only a sad imposture? All she could do was to repeat in a desolate voice: "They will never want me in the women’s clinicMunicipal Women's Clinic (fictional and historical) is the Staatliche Frauenklinik in Dresden, directed by Professor Kurt Warnekros from 1925 to 1948.", these letters have compromised everything... all that’s left for us is to flee..."

(29) The same day that LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 had abandoned all hope, she received a message from Werner KreutzProfessor Werner Kreutz (fictional), modelled on Kurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist, letting her know that a room had been booked for her and that she could return to the hospitalMunicipal Women's Clinic (fictional and historical) is the Staatliche Frauenklinik in Dresden, directed by Professor Kurt Warnekros from 1925 to 1948." starting with that very evening.

(30) Her soul was flooded with the feeling of an immense peace... All the anguish, all the anxiety had fled. Her own life now seemed to her unimportant. A feeling verging on devotion uplifted her, the feeling of partaking in a grand, extraordinary experience, which went far beyond her own destiny.

(31) A sick room completely white. The visits of the nurse, with a starched, white cap, placed over her grey hair... Such was now LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931’s universe. At times, the door opened, a masculine silhouette, slim, dressed in a white smock, appeared in the room, stood at her bedside...Of these visits by Werner KreutzProfessor Werner Kreutz (fictional), modelled on Kurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist, LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 was keeping an almost magical memory: a presence, a voice, that was filling her with hope, with radiant confidence.

(32) One day, the head nurseMatron (fictional), modeled on Margarete Leifert (possibly Seifert), who co-signed a letter (April 5, 1930) to the Ministry of Justice in Copenhagen conveying Lili’s request to change her name to Lili Elben and her sex to female entered her room all smiles: "The surgery is tomorrow, miss LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931. But you shouldn’t be afraid... It’s a mere trifle..."

(33) LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 started to laugh: "I am not afraid, madamMatron (fictional), modeled on Margarete Leifert (possibly Seifert), who co-signed a letter (April 5, 1930) to the Ministry of Justice in Copenhagen conveying Lili’s request to change her name to Lili Elben and her sex to female! Know that in BerlinBerlin (historical), capital of Germany too, I was told that it was a trifle... But later I learned that I had remained on the surgery table for an hour and a half... It doesn’t matter, I didn’t come here to die..."

(34) The nurseMatron (fictional), modeled on Margarete Leifert (possibly Seifert), who co-signed a letter (April 5, 1930) to the Ministry of Justice in Copenhagen conveying Lili’s request to change her name to Lili Elben and her sex to female assumed then an air of confidentiality: "You will be happy to know, MissLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931, that the ProfessorProfessor Werner Kreutz (fictional), modelled on Kurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist will transplant ovaries that will give you new youth. It is a young woman of 27 years who provides them for you."

(35) That day, which she later called "the day of my real birth," left her a confused recollection, as if bathed in thick mists. Standing by her bedside, Professor Werner KreutzProfessor Werner Kreutz (fictional), modelled on Kurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist attended by the chief physician, gave her a brief order: "Count in Danish or in French, however you wish..."

(36) LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931, docile, started to count: "One, two, three..." An ether mask was gently placed over her face, she continued to count -@Editor: PLC: "Four, five, six..." It was increasingly difficult for her to move her tongue. When she reached 18, she felt suffocated, and the ProfessorProfessor Werner Kreutz (fictional), modelled on Kurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist resumed the counting... His voice was growing stronger, now it was reverberating like an immense drone... LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 lost her consciousness.

(37) She was awakened by an intense pain
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and saw GreteGrete Sparre (fictional), modeled on Gerda Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator who, by her bedside, held out a bouquet of tulips to her. A nurse came in, gave her morphine. Then the ProfessorProfessor Werner Kreutz (fictional), modelled on Kurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist appeared, seized her hand and whispered unintelligible words. But she felt upon her his shaded glance and sank down once more into the void. Gradually, LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 got accustomed to suffering, telling herself that she had to pay this price for the new life awakening in her... Radiant prospects were opening. Her white room was a terrestrial paradise of which the ProfessorProfessor Werner Kreutz (fictional), modelled on Kurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist was the guardian.

(38) The surgery had fully succeeded. GreteGrete Sparre (fictional), modeled on Gerda Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator went back to ParisParis (historical), capital of France. LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 was slowly getting better, spending many hours in the clinicMunicipal Women's Clinic (fictional and historical) is the Staatliche Frauenklinik in Dresden, directed by Professor Kurt Warnekros from 1925 to 1948."’s garden, animated by a spring blast. Each day, her Parisian friends sent her comforting messages of encouragement. GreteGrete Sparre (fictional), modeled on Gerda Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator constantly worried about her. ClaudeClaude Lejeune (fictional), modeled on Claude Prévost, friend of Lili’s whom Gerda Wegener painted in 1923 wrote her letters filled with affection... She answered all of them, keeping them informed in minute detail about her treatment:

(39) DresdenDresden (historical), city in Germany, 25 May.

(40) "My dear GreteGrete Sparre (fictional), modeled on Gerda Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator,

(41) "They decided that tomorrow will be my third surgery. Once more, the MatronMatron (fictional), modeled on Margarete Leifert (possibly Seifert), who co-signed a letter (April 5, 1930) to the Ministry of Justice in Copenhagen conveying Lili’s request to change her name to Lili Elben and her sex to female came to assure me that this intervention will not be difficult... Besides, the surgeries themselves become a matter of habit. This morning, I tidied up my wardrobe and the chest of drawer. My small 'beauty institute' is on a table, within the reach of my hand. I will not hide from you that I am coquettish and that I would always like to honor the ProfessorProfessor Werner Kreutz (fictional), modelled on Kurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist.

(42) Affectionately, LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931."

(43) DresdenDresden (historical), city in Germany, 27 May.

(44) "My dear GreteGrete Sparre (fictional), modeled on Gerda Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator,

(45) "For now, it is a bit better and I feel almost no pain. I know the ProfessorProfessor Werner Kreutz (fictional), modelled on Kurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist has telegraphed you that everything went well. But the dream after the surgery was dreadful. 'You must keep still', the ProfessorProfessor Werner Kreutz (fictional), modelled on Kurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist told me and only then I realized that my legs were constantly moving, as if they pushed invisible pedals... because of the pain! But under the eyes of KreutzProfessor Werner Kreutz (fictional), modelled on Kurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist, I immediately became motionless and well behaved, so great is the influence he holds over me. Later, they attached sacs full of sand to my legs. I don’t know any more of how the evening and the night passed. All I know is that it was horrible.

(46) Affectionately, LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931."

(47) DresdenDresden (historical), city in Germany, 28 May.

(48) "My GreteGrete Sparre (fictional), modeled on Gerda Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator dearest,

(49) "No matter how horrible my actual state, I must endure it... Only God knows how much morphine I took since yesterday... No doubt, one could hear my screams and moans from a league away... I can say that, before this surgery, I did not know what pain was.

(50) Your LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931."

(51) DresdenDresden (historical), city in Germany, 29 May.

(52) "My dear GreteGrete Sparre (fictional), modeled on Gerda Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator,

(53) "I don’t like at all to appear in front of the ProfessorProfessor Werner Kreutz (fictional), modelled on Kurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist without powder and rouge. Each morning, I spend long hours at my dressing table, no matter how much effort it takes me. Vanity? yes, no doubt, and this is what sustains me; it is the most immortal part of me.

(54) LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931."

(55) Leaving DresdenDresden (historical), city in Germany was calmer and gentler than LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 had anticipated. GreteGrete Sparre (fictional), modeled on Gerda Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator had returned in order to bring her to BerlinBerlin (historical), capital of Germany, then to DenmarkDenmark is a Scandinavian country in northern Europe whose capital is Copenhagen., their common country. When the ProfessorProfessor Werner Kreutz (fictional), modelled on Kurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist came to say goodbye to his patient, LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 said unaffectedly: "I owe you not only a new life, but also my faith in the future. I will try to dive in the whirlwind of my life, but if I encounter new trials, can I return to you?"

(56) And Werner KreutzProfessor Werner Kreutz (fictional), modelled on Kurt Warnekros (1882–1949), a German gynecologist answered, taking her hand into his: "Keep me up to date with everything, write to me regularly. And if you need help, you will always find a refuge and friends in this house!"

(57) Alas!, it was only too late that GreteGrete Sparre (fictional), modeled on Gerda Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator -@Editor: PLC realized to what extent the sojourn in BerlinBerlin (historical), capital of Germany marked a brutal and painful transition between the peace of the clinicMunicipal Women's Clinic (fictional and historical) is the Staatliche Frauenklinik in Dresden, directed by Professor Kurt Warnekros from 1925 to 1948." and the commotion of the outside world. She found herself in a vast, noisy cityDresden (historical), city in Germany, in the middle of a busy and indifferent crowd. Now she had to learn to live as a woman among men, to partake more in the feverish rhythm of the modern existence.

(58) Certain days, she felt her heart deeply blistered, oppressed by anguish. She told herself that after all, it would be easy for her to lead an obscure and anonymous life, among strangers in BerlinBerlin (historical), capital of Germany.

(59) She was also thinking of her family in DenmarkDenmark is a Scandinavian country in northern Europe whose capital is Copenhagen.. She worried about GreteGrete Sparre (fictional), modeled on Gerda Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator’s fate... Should she run away to avoid an explanation too cruel or should she simply tell her, in full frankness, that the hour of separation had come?

(60) These days when vain questions assaulted her were followed by even more torturing nights... Then, slowly, two names emerged from her agonizing brain, two faces appeared in her dreams: that of Claude LejeuneClaude Lejeune (fictional), modeled on Claude Prévost, friend of Lili’s whom Gerda Wegener painted in 1923 and that of a young Italian, Lieutenant FeruzziRidolfo Feruzzi (fictional), modeled on Fernando Porta (b. 1897), Gerda Wegener’s second husband, whom they had previously met in RomeRome (historical), capital of Italy. A bond of profound affection linked this young manRidolfo Feruzzi (fictional), modeled on Fernando Porta (b. 1897), Gerda Wegener’s second husband to GreteGrete Sparre (fictional), modeled on Gerda Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator; at the time when AndreasAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter was crossing one of his most painful crises, his wifeGrete Sparre (fictional), modeled on Gerda Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator had turned instinctively toward FeruzziRidolfo Feruzzi (fictional), modeled on Fernando Porta (b. 1897), Gerda Wegener’s second husband, to find support. AndreasAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter knew it and in RomeRome (historical), capital of Italy he had made a solemn promise: to disappear so that GreteGrete Sparre (fictional), modeled on Gerda Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator could rebuild her life...

(61) During those long months of illness, neither GreteGrete Sparre (fictional), modeled on Gerda Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator nor LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 had dared utter the name of this friendRidolfo Feruzzi (fictional), modeled on Fernando Porta (b. 1897), Gerda Wegener’s second husband. Wasn’t it the time to call him?

(62) One night, LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 woke up suddenly, left her bed and sat by GreteGrete Sparre (fictional), modeled on Gerda Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator’s bedside. The young womanGrete Sparre (fictional), modeled on Gerda Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator opened the eyes and smiled:

(63) — I just had such a beautiful dream! she exclaimed.

(64) — And where were you, GreteGrete Sparre (fictional), modeled on Gerda Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator? LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 asked.

(65) — In ItalyItaly is a European country whose capital is Rome., in RomeRome (historical), capital of Italy...

(66) — And I bet FeruzziRidolfo Feruzzi (fictional), modeled on Fernando Porta (b. 1897), Gerda Wegener’s second husband was near you, LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 added cheerfully. They remained in a tight sisterly -@Editor: PLC embrace, their hearts full of a sweet emotion.

(67) The next day, LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931 wrote to the ItalianRidolfo Feruzzi (fictional), modeled on Fernando Porta (b. 1897), Gerda Wegener’s second husband:

(68) "Dear friendRidolfo Feruzzi (fictional), modeled on Fernando Porta (b. 1897), Gerda Wegener’s second husband,

(69) "It will suffice to tell you that AndreasAndreas Sparre (fictional), modeled on Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener (b. 1882), a Danish painter has kept his word and died. I know GreteGrete Sparre (fictional), modeled on Gerda Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator hasn’t yet told you anything. Write to her, do not abandon her.

(70) LiliLili Elbe (fictional and historical), legal name Lili Ilse Elvenes; born Einar Wegener (1882), died in Dresden, 1931."

(71) That day, she told GreteGrete Sparre (fictional), modeled on Gerda Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator:

(72) — I feel wonderful, it’s time to go back.

(73) — Go back? the young womanGrete Sparre (fictional), modeled on Gerda Wegener (1885-1940), an art deco painter and illustrator exclaimed with surprise.

(74) — Yes, return to DenmarkDenmark is a Scandinavian country in northern Europe whose capital is Copenhagen.... so that you can separate yourself from a being who died long ago and each of us can start her life over again.

(75) (To be continued.) Niels HoyerNiels Hoyer (historical), pseudonym of Ernst Harthern, who composed and edited Man into Woman

(76) Even partial reproduction is forbidden. Copyright by Niels HoyerNiels Hoyer (historical), pseudonym of Ernst Harthern, who composed and edited Man into Woman 1934).