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  • Photographed by Pamela L. Caughie
  • Images prepared by Matthew Gallagher
  • Transcription completed by Kristin Jacobsen
  • Translation completed by Kristin Jacobsen, Maiken Boysen
  • Translation reviewed by Marianne Ølholm
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Letter to Poul Knudsen by Lili Ilse Elvenes


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LindevangenLindevangen – In Denmark 8


(001) Kære PoulPoul Knudsen (historical) Linked to: #hvideNiels – Husband of Vibeke Knudsen

(002) Jeg har lige læst Hr. Erwin MagnusErwin Magnus (historical) – German literary agent, author and translator Brev til Direktor HasselbalchSteen Hasselbach (historical) – Danish publisher – og for nylig Brudstykket af Manuskriptet. Fru Loulou LassenLoulou Lassen (historical) – Danish journalist har arrangeret det efter mit og afdæmpet det til Brug for om jeg saa maa sige ”kyske og kyniske danske Øren” - og saa har det endda været for skrapt.

(003) Det har ikke været beregnet paa Export, og havde Hr. HasselbalchSteen Hasselbach (historical) – Danish publisher spurgt mig, havde jeg gjort opmærksom derpaa.

(004) Det hele beror altsaa paa Misforstaaelser og Fejltagelser o.s.v.. Mit Manuskript er langt mere pikant og fuldt af næbbede Bemærkninger.

(005) Der er pjanket som jeg selv – en Dyd ogsaa for et Manuskript!

(006) Det er en Apotheose til Werner von KreutzKreutz Werner (fictional) Linked to: #warnekros – – naturligvis!

(007) Men det er lige nedskrevet og ikke omarbejdet – altsaa Raamateriale paa daarligt Dansk, da jeg havde glemt en hel Del af Sprogets Finesser og Grovheder. Du husker jo nok, BéEinar Wegener (historical) Linked to: #sparreAn #lili – var og er en læst og pæn fransk Forfatter. ”Le Livre de Viking”. 20 Oplag.

(008) Jeg vil ikke skejule for Dig, at jeg er meget ulykkelig over Forsinkelsen med min Bog – som jeg skylder min Skyhed og jomfruelige Tilbageholdenhed. Jeg har endnu ikke talt med HasselbalchSteen Hasselbach (historical) – Danish publisher.

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(009) Tusinde Hilsener til VibekeVibeke Knudsen (historical) Linked to: #hvideIng – Wife of Poul Knudsen

(010) Men hvorledes kan vi organisere et Samarbejde Paa Grundlag af mit Manuskript?

(011) Ser Du, kære PoulPoul Knudsen (historical) Linked to: #hvideNiels – Husband of Vibeke Knudsen, jeg ejer nu lidt over 25 Kr. saa Penge begynder at interessere mig. Der skal noget til til [sic] de daglige Silkestrømper.

(012) Hvorledes kan vi arrangere os rent økonomisk?

(013) Altsaa Delingen af Rovet!

(014) Jeg kan laane Penge og komme en Tur til BerlinBerlin – City in Germany, hvis det vil være godt.

(015) Vær rar hurtigst at tale med Hr. MagnusErwin Magnus (historical) – German literary agent, author and translator derom; thi det haster! Jeg kaster Blod op af Sorrig over denne Historie, men er ligeglad. Gaar det ikke med min Bog, gaar det heller ikke med mig.

(016) Maa vi betragte Hr. HasselbalchSteen Hasselbach (historical) – Danish publishers Mission som endt – eller vil det være honnet af Hensyn til Hr. Erwin MagnusErwin Magnus (historical) – German literary agent, author and translator at lade det gaa igennem den danske Forlægger, hvis det er Meningen eller at henvende sig til UllsteinUllstein – German publishing house -@Translator: KEJ.

(017) Jeg venter iøvrigt snart Svar fra “Drei MaskenDrei Masken – German publishing house -@Translator: KEJ”

(018) Forøvrigt giver det første Brudstykke slet ikke nogen komplet Idé om Bogen, der er fast komponeret – og Slutningen er det bedste.

(019) Som Titel havde jeg: ”Hvorledes LiliLili (fictional and historical) Linked to: #sparreAn #wegenerE – Our project editors have been unable to verify that Lili Elbe used the pseudonym Lili Courtaud outside of its use in the narrative. blev til en rigtig Pige”

(020) ”Fra Mand til Kvinde” er lidt tør og misvisende. BéEinar Wegener (historical) Linked to: #sparreAn #lili – var nok en Gentleman, men eller [sic] tror jeg ikke han havde meget at rose sig af. Sligt husker heldigvis Din lille uskyldige Veninde ikke noget om.

(021) Din

LiliLili (fictional and historical) Linked to: #sparreAn #wegenerE – Our project editors have been unable to verify that Lili Elbe used the pseudonym Lili Courtaud outside of its use in the narrative.


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LindevangenLindevangen – In Denmark 8


(001) Dear PoulPoul Knudsen (historical) Linked to: #hvideNiels – Husband of Vibeke Knudsen

(002) I have just read Mr. Erwin MagnusErwin Magnus (historical) – German literary agent, author and translator’ letter to Director HasselbalchSteen Hasselbach (historical) – Danish publisher – and recently the fragment of the manuscript. Mrs. Loulou LassenLoulou Lassen (historical) – Danish journalist has arranged it and toned it down for what I call “chaste and cynical Danish ears” – and even then it was too blunt.

(003) It has not been intended for export, and had Mr. HasselbalchSteen Hasselbach (historical) – Danish publisher asked me, I would have made him aware of this.

(004) Therefore it is all due to misunderstandings and mistakes and so on. My manuscript is far more graphic and full of bickering comments.

(005) It is just as giddy as I am – a virtue also for a manuscript!

(006) It is an apotheosis to Werner von KreutzKreutz Werner (fictional) Linked to: #warnekros – – of course!

(007) But it is just written and not edited – thus raw material in bad Danish, because I had forgotten some parts of the language’s subtelties and harshness. As you remember, BéEinar Wegener (historical) Linked to: #sparreAn #lili – was and is a read and respectable French author. “The Viking Book,” 20th printing.

(008) I do not want to hide from you that I am very unhappy about the delay of my book – which I blame on my shyness and virginal restraint. I have not yet spoken with HasselbalchSteen Hasselbach (historical) – Danish publisher.

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(009) A thousand greetings to VibekeVibeke Knudsen (historical) Linked to: #hvideIng – Wife of Poul Knudsen

(010) But how can we organize a collaboration based on my manuscript?

(011) You see, dear PoulPoul Knudsen (historical) Linked to: #hvideNiels – Husband of Vibeke Knudsen, I now own a little more than 25 Kr. so money begins to interest me. It is necessary to buy the daily silk stockings.

(012) How can we arrange ourselves financially?

(013) That is, the sharing of the spoils!

(014) I can borrow money and make a trip to BerlinBerlin – City in Germany, if it will be good.

(015) Please talk soon with Mr. MagnusErwin Magnus (historical) – German literary agent, author and translator about this; for it is urgent! I throw up blood in sorrow over this story, but I don’t care. If it is not going well with my book, it won’t go well with me.

(016) Must we consider Mr. HasselbalchSteen Hasselbach (historical) – Danish publisher’s mission as ended – or will it be respectful of Mr. Erwin MagnusErwin Magnus (historical) – German literary agent, author and translator to let it go through the Danish publisher, if that is the intention or to turn to UllsteinUllstein – German publishing house.

(017) By the way, I am awaiting a response from ”Drei MaskenDrei Masken – German publishing house” soon

(018) However, the first fragment by itself does not give a complete idea about the book, which is tightly written – and the end is the best.

(019) As the title I had: ”How LiliLili (fictional and historical) Linked to: #sparreAn #wegenerE – Our project editors have been unable to verify that Lili Elbe used the pseudonym Lili Courtaud outside of its use in the narrative. Became a Real Girl”

(020) “From Man Into Woman” is a little dry and misleading. BéEinar Wegener (historical) Linked to: #sparreAn #lili – might have been a gentleman, but apart from that I do not think he had much to boast of. Fortunately, that is something your little innocent friend does not remember.

(021) Your

LiliLili (fictional and historical) Linked to: #sparreAn #wegenerE – Our project editors have been unable to verify that Lili Elbe used the pseudonym Lili Courtaud outside of its use in the narrative.