Document Metadata

Team member project IDs can be seen on mouse-over of their name. These IDs are used throughout the archival texts— linking editor and translator notes to the team member responsible for the note.

  • Photographed by Pamela L. Caughie
  • Images prepared by Matthew Gallagher
  • Transcription completed by Kristin Jacobsen
  • Translation completed by Kristin Jacobsen, Maiken Boysen
  • Translation reviewed by Marianne Ølholm
  • Encoding completed by Taylor Brown
  • Encoding assistance and/or XML proofing completed by Rebecca J. Parker, Nikolaus Wasmoen
  • XML transformed into HTML on 08/26/2019 by Rebecca J. Parker
  • HTML proofing completed by Cristiana Bertola, Emily Datskou

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. For more information please see our Copyright page.

Description of original facsimile: All items in brackets were written by Sigurd Wegener Thomson and are not translator insertions. Sigurd seems to have written in haste, leading to a number of mistakes, missing words, or incomplete sentences, which are noted when practical. The original letter includes notations and underlining in red and sometimes black, which most likely were added by Harthern. Between pages 3 and 4 a loose diary entry from December, 1924 is included in the chronological order of the other diary entries.

Letter to Ernst Ludwig Harthern by Sigurd Thomsen


Page 1

SIGURD WEGENER THOMSENSigurd Wegener Thomsen (historical) Linked to: #nephew – Einar Wegener’s nephew; son of Christiane Wegener Thomsen, Einar’s sister





(001) Kære Red. HarthernErnst Harthern (historical) Linked to: #hoyerNiels – Harthern used the pseudonym Niels Hoyer!

(002) Mange tak for sidst -– og tak fordi de -@Translator: KEJ vilde låne mig den bog,-– som jeg desværre glemte over vor interessante samtale.-–

(003) Jeg havde fået det indtryk, at de vilde skrive bogen råt og brutalt -– og det glædede mig overordentligt at se, at de ikke vil det -– men gøre den ægte, sandfærdig og menneskelig -– og
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“germanisere” bogens atmosfære.

(004) Jeg er enig med dem i deres syn på hvordan bogen skulde skrives -– og er oprigtig ked af det, at de bunden af et utilfredsstillende grundlag og af personlige hensyn -– fordi bogen skal skrives nu. -–

(005) Jeg vil gerne hjælpe dem så meget jeg kan -– ved at sætte dem ind i hendes reactioner i den første tid hun var her i DanmarkDenmark – Country in Europe, idet jeg er ganske tryg mht. deres discretion. -–


(006) Da jeg -– som vordende læge, også har interesseret mig meget for det anatomiske og
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fysiologiske, har jeg en del optegnelser vedrørende disse ^ ting -@Translator: KEJ -– Da de pointerede, at de ikke var interreserede heri,- springer jeg dem over -– eller medtager dem i forkortet form -– hvis de bidrager til forståelse af hendes psyche. -–


(007) 16/8-31.

(008) LiliLili (fictional and historical) Linked to: #sparreAn #wegenerE – Our project editors have been unable to verify that Lili Elbe used the pseudonym Lili Courtaud outside of its use in the narrative. og GerdaGerda Wegener (historical) Linked to: #sparreGre – kom her til formiddag. LiliLili (fictional and historical) Linked to: #sparreAn #wegenerE – Our project editors have been unable to verify that Lili Elbe used the pseudonym Lili Courtaud outside of its use in the narrative. skal bo her. Hun er her i KøbenhavnCopenhagen – City in Denmark for at få ansigtshuden feminiseret.

(009) Hendes psyche er ganske kvindelig - -

(010) - - . Det svage punkt er ansigtet. Håret er: paryk! Og underansigtet er endu masculint.–
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De brune øjne er imidlertid decideret kvindelige og ganske smukke, – med pæne øjenbryn og vipper.

(011) Jeg gik en tur i haven – og ned langs med GentofteGentofter Lake – Not mentioned in D1 and D1-TR sø, og fik talt med hende. Hendes menneskelige atmosfære er fuldent feminin.

(012) - - Han og GerdaGerda Wegener (historical) Linked to: #sparreGre – havde jo aldrig sådan været gift: kun været gode kammerater og suppleret hinanden.

(013) [Skildring af EinarsEinar Wegener (historical) Linked to: #sparreAn #lili – påtænkte selvmord.] – Dette fortalte hun mig i en pjanket tone, men jeg har indtryk af, at det var Be’sEinar Wegener (historical) Linked to: #sparreAn #lili – alvor. –

(014) 18/8
[Page 5]

(015) LiliLili (fictional and historical) Linked to: #sparreAn #wegenerE – Our project editors have been unable to verify that Lili Elbe used the pseudonym Lili Courtaud outside of its use in the narrative. og jeg har snakket meget sammen på vore små ture ved Gentofte søGentofter Lake – Not mentioned in D1 and D1-TR – som hun finder “aldeles henrivende”.

(016) Bag det pjankede pigebarn, er der et meget klart tænkende, forstående og følende sjæl. Det er nemlig mormother (fictional) Linked to: #wegenerAM – Andreas Sparre’s mother in narrative vi har drøftet. LiliLili (fictional and historical) Linked to: #sparreAn #wegenerE – Our project editors have been unable to verify that Lili Elbe used the pseudonym Lili Courtaud outside of its use in the narrative. synes morsmother (fictional) Linked to: #wegenerAM – Andreas Sparre’s mother in narrative mangler består i

(017) 1. - - - - - - Vil man endelig fortælle om sine sygdomme olig. skal man gøre det livligt og spøgende – og kun én gang!- - - -

(018) 4. -@Translator: KEJ Forsømt sit ydre
[Page 6]

(019) LiliLili (fictional and historical) Linked to: #sparreAn #wegenerE – Our project editors have been unable to verify that Lili Elbe used the pseudonym Lili Courtaud outside of its use in the narrative. og jeg er bleven meget fine venner, – og jeg sætter mere og mere pris på hende.

(020) 22/8

(021) Mormother (fictional) Linked to: #wegenerAM – Andreas Sparre’s mother in narrative har nu fortalt LiliLili (fictional and historical) Linked to: #sparreAn #wegenerE – Our project editors have been unable to verify that Lili Elbe used the pseudonym Lili Courtaud outside of its use in the narrative. hele historien -@Translator: KEJ – og LiliLili (fictional and historical) Linked to: #sparreAn #wegenerE – Our project editors have been unable to verify that Lili Elbe used the pseudonym Lili Courtaud outside of its use in the narrative. har tålmodigt ofret den nødvendige eftermiddag. Ovenpå det var hun temmelig ødelagt – og mormother (fictional) Linked to: #wegenerAM – Andreas Sparre’s mother in narrative oprevet. LiliLili (fictional and historical) Linked to: #sparreAn #wegenerE – Our project editors have been unable to verify that Lili Elbe used the pseudonym Lili Courtaud outside of its use in the narrative. blev uenig med mormother (fictional) Linked to: #wegenerAM – Andreas Sparre’s mother in narrative over en lille biting – og sa havde mormother (fictional) Linked to: #wegenerAM – Andreas Sparre’s mother in narrative sagt, at så måtte LiliLili (fictional and historical) Linked to: #sparreAn #wegenerE – Our project editors have been unable to verify that Lili Elbe used the pseudonym Lili Courtaud outside of its use in the narrative. hellere flytte.

(022) LiliLili (fictional and historical) Linked to: #sparreAn #wegenerE – Our project editors have been unable to verify that Lili Elbe used the pseudonym Lili Courtaud outside of its use in the narrative. tog det imidlertid roligt – og det kom ikke til brud. –
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- - Mormother (fictional) Linked to: #wegenerAM – Andreas Sparre’s mother in narrative været modstander af operationen – og forfærdet og uforstående overfor det hele - - sorgeligt og tragisk, at hendes brorEinar Wegener (historical) Linked to: #sparreAn #lili – , som hun holdt så meget af,– er bleven et pjanket, forfængeligt væsen.–

(023) - - Også navnet “LiliLili (fictional and historical) Linked to: #sparreAn #wegenerE – Our project editors have been unable to verify that Lili Elbe used the pseudonym Lili Courtaud outside of its use in the narrative.” finder hun forfærdeligt. Det havde hans mormother (fictional) Linked to: #wegenerAM – Andreas Sparre’s mother in narrative aldrig kaldt ham, hvis han havde begyndt som pige. - -

(024) 23/8

(025) GerdaGerda Wegener (historical) Linked to: #sparreGre – var her. Hun er stadig sløj ovenpå operationen – og bekymringer over LiliLili (fictional and historical) Linked to: #sparreAn #wegenerE – Our project editors have been unable to verify that Lili Elbe used the pseudonym Lili Courtaud outside of its use in the narrative..

(026) LiliLili (fictional and historical) Linked to: #sparreAn #wegenerE – Our project editors have been unable to verify that Lili Elbe used the pseudonym Lili Courtaud outside of its use in the narrative. har lavet hende de
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frygteligste scener over sit udseende, og snakket om selvmord, hvis hun ikke hurtigt kom til at se godt ud.

(027) GerdaGerda Wegener (historical) Linked to: #sparreGre – bad os søge at gøre LiliLili (fictional and historical) Linked to: #sparreAn #wegenerE – Our project editors have been unable to verify that Lili Elbe used the pseudonym Lili Courtaud outside of its use in the narrative. mindre selvoptaget, og se at få hende til at skrive på sin bog.

(028) 24/8

(029) Talt med LiliLili (fictional and historical) Linked to: #sparreAn #wegenerE – Our project editors have been unable to verify that Lili Elbe used the pseudonym Lili Courtaud outside of its use in the narrative.. Nu er hun godt i gange med at skrive på sin bog. Lod hende begynde inde hos mig – medens jeg sad og læste anatomi. Arbejdsatmosfæren påvirkede hende – og hun vilde ikke forstyrre mig
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eller risikere min utilfreshed, hvis hun var doven.

(030) 25/8

(031) Mormother (fictional) Linked to: #wegenerAM – Andreas Sparre’s mother in narrative kom grædende ind til LiliLili (fictional and historical) Linked to: #sparreAn #wegenerE – Our project editors have been unable to verify that Lili Elbe used the pseudonym Lili Courtaud outside of its use in the narrative. kl 7 og vækkede hende. LiliLili (fictional and historical) Linked to: #sparreAn #wegenerE – Our project editors have been unable to verify that Lili Elbe used the pseudonym Lili Courtaud outside of its use in the narrative. tabte tålmodigheden og fortalte - -


(032) 18/9.

(033) LiliLili (fictional and historical) Linked to: #sparreAn #wegenerE – Our project editors have been unable to verify that Lili Elbe used the pseudonym Lili Courtaud outside of its use in the narrative. bor nu her og skriver på sin bog.

(034) GerdaGerda Wegener (historical) Linked to: #sparreGre – fortæller mig, at alle deres venner søger at få hende til at skilles – ikke alene formelt – men også reelt fra LiliLili (fictional and historical) Linked to: #sparreAn #wegenerE – Our project editors have been unable to verify that Lili Elbe used the pseudonym Lili Courtaud outside of its use in the narrative.. –
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Hun er uhyre forfengelig og hævder at “skønhed er en kvindes existens berettigelse”!!

(035) Når vi skal gå en tur, spørger hun, om man kan “se noget”. – I betragtning af den enorme mængde “kosmetik” anvendt,– er dette som regel umuligt. – Svarer jeg -@Translator: KEJ benægtende – tror hun mig ikke – men binder et silke lommetørklæde om underansigtet, som havde hun tandpine.

(036) Den første tid hun var her – var hun virkelig sky af sig – og holdt ikke af at møde mennesker, – og jeg tog hende derfor ad
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biveje. – Nu er det bleven mindre – og hun koketterer endog med det!

(037) Hun er meget interesseret i mænd – og fortæller med alle tegn på fryd,– hvor “væmmeligt” det er, at de ser efter hende!

(038) Hun elsker at tro sig selv en “skælvende due” forfulgt af store, interesserede mandfolk. –

(039) 6/10.

(040) Hun holder ikke på kvindens frigørelse. Hun siger,– at hvis hun bliver gift, vil hun elske sin mand, gøre det hvad han
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siger – og hun tænke på at være så smuk som mulig – glæde ham – og opmuntre ham, når han kommer fra kontoret. –


(041) Hun holder meget af kærtegn og af at kærtegne. Farfather (fictional) Linked to: #wegenerV – Andreas Sparre’s father in narrative tillader hende at kysse ham farvel om morgenen og godnat om aftenen.

(042) Jeg vil ikke.

(043) Hun gør stadig, spøgende tilløb til det,– og kilder mig katteagtigt op ad armen. Men jeg afværger venligt og fast. – og det respekterer hun – og kalder mig
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“den strenge Hr. DoktorSigurd Wegener Thomsen (historical) Linked to: #nephew – Einar Wegener’s nephew; son of Christiane Wegener Thomsen, Einar’s sister” –


(044) Overfor farfather (fictional) Linked to: #wegenerV – Andreas Sparre’s father in narrative og jeg er hun skikkelig: – GerdaGerda Wegener (historical) Linked to: #sparreGre – laver hun ofte hysteriske scener – med hysterisk tøsestemme – og ender med at tude. –

(045) Nå – ovenpå hvad hun har ha -@Translator: KEJ gået igennem, er det ikke så mærkeligt – at hendes sind er vanskeligt.


(046) I dag blev GerdasGerda Wegener (historical) Linked to: #sparreGre – og LilisLili (fictional and historical) Linked to: #sparreAn #wegenerE – Our project editors have been unable to verify that Lili Elbe used the pseudonym Lili Courtaud outside of its use in the narrative. ægteskab omstødt.

(047) Jeg spurgte LiliLili (fictional and historical) Linked to: #sparreAn #wegenerE – Our project editors have been unable to verify that Lili Elbe used the pseudonym Lili Courtaud outside of its use in the narrative.:

(048) – Var det civilretten?

(049) – Ja, sagde LilliLili (fictional and historical) Linked to: #sparreAn #wegenerE – Our project editors have been unable to verify that Lili Elbe used the pseudonym Lili Courtaud outside of its use in the narrative.

(050) – Hvor ved du det fra?

(051) – Dommeren var i civil! -@Translator: KEJ


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Hun omtaler ofte sig selv som “stakkels lille LiliLili (fictional and historical) Linked to: #sparreAn #wegenerE – Our project editors have been unable to verify that Lili Elbe used the pseudonym Lili Courtaud outside of its use in the narrative.” – og ønsker at blive trøstet og kælet for - - - . Men i det store og hele er hun i godt humør. og gouterer en vittighed – selvom den går ud over hende selv – når blot den er god!

(053) Hun er rar og venlig og optager alt i bedste mening.


(054) Den ene dag taler hun om at gå i kloster. Den næste om at gå i harem. – Lige efter operationen havde hun en “nonneperiode” siger hun. –

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Hun er meget forfængelig af sin figur og ben – og mangler i nogen grad blufærdighed – der dog vist delvis skyldes hendes mangel på øvelse i at sidde – etc. – i kvindetøj. –


(056) Psykisk – som kvinde -@Translator: KEJ, har hun to aldre. – Når hun kan bruge den viden som EinarEinar Wegener (historical) Linked to: #sparreAn #lili – havde – og det af hans karakter, – der er almenmenneskeligt – er hun en godmodig, klog og vittig kvinde – godt op i fyrrene! men når hun taler om “mænd” eller “klæder”. – er hun en pjanket pige på sejsten! -@Translator: KEJ –


(057) NB!

(058) 13/6

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Tænker jeg tilbage – og skal sige noget om hendes udvikling siden operationen. – må det være dette. –

(060) Hendes skyhed overfor mennesker i almindelighed og mænd i særdeleshed er total forsvunden, – og hendes glæde over den opsigt hun vækker hos mændene, er lidt pralende – og henføres til en “mystisk tiltrækning kraft” – og ikke til hendes umådeholdne brug af pudder. og rødt – o.s.v. –

(061) I begyndelsen var hun slankere, virkede næsten mere feminin sjæleligt end
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nu, – hvor så meget er forceret og uægte, – og besad virkelig en egen indtagende “jomfruelighed” – der nu desværre ganske er forsvunden.

(062) At hendes venner har svigtet hende, har gjort hende ondt – men ikke bitter, – de hun har en så venlig ^ forstående -@Translator: KEJ natur.


(063) Jeg håber at de kan have nogen fornøjelse af dette.

(064) En dag jeg er inde i byen, vil jeg gerne have lov til at hente den bog de var så venlig at tilbyde at låne mig. – Jeg ringer i forvejen.

(065) Igen tak for sidst.

(066) deres -@Translator: KEJ ærbødige.

Sigurd ThomsenSigurd Wegener Thomsen (historical) Linked to: #nephew – Einar Wegener’s nephew; son of Christiane Wegener Thomsen, Einar’s sister


Page 1

SIGURD WEGENER THOMSENSigurd Wegener Thomsen (historical) Linked to: #nephew – Einar Wegener’s nephew; son of Christiane Wegener Thomsen, Einar’s sister





(001) Dear Ed. HarthernErnst Harthern (historical) Linked to: #hoyerNiels – Harthern used the pseudonym Niels Hoyer!

(002) Thank you for last time – and thank you for letting me borrow your book – which I unfortunately forgot as a result of our interesting conversation.

(003) I had gotten the impression that you wanted to write the book rough and crude – and it made me extraordinarily happy to see that you do not want that – but make it real, true, and human – and
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“Germanize” the book’s atmosphere.

(004) I agree with you in your thinking about how the book should be written – and am sincerely sorry that you are bound by an unsatisfactory reason and by personal regard – because the book should be written now.–-

(005) I would like to help you as much as I can – by explaining her reactions during the first time she was here in DenmarkDenmark – Country in Europe, because I am quite sure about your discretion.-–


(006) Because I – as a doctor in waiting, have a great interest in the anatomical and
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physiological, I have some notes concerning these matters – Since you pointed out that you were not interested herein I will skip over them – or include them in an abbreviated form – if they will contribute to understanding her psyche.-–


(007) 16/8-31.

(008) LiliLili (fictional and historical) Linked to: #sparreAn #wegenerE – Our project editors have been unable to verify that Lili Elbe used the pseudonym Lili Courtaud outside of its use in the narrative. and GerdaGerda Wegener (historical) Linked to: #sparreGre – came here this morning. LiliLili (fictional and historical) Linked to: #sparreAn #wegenerE – Our project editors have been unable to verify that Lili Elbe used the pseudonym Lili Courtaud outside of its use in the narrative. will live here. She is here in CopenhagenCopenhagen – City in Denmark to get her facial skin feminized.

(009) Her psyche is quite womanly - -

(010) - -. A weak point is her face. Her hair is: a wig! And her lower face is still masculine. –
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However, the brown eyes are decidedly womanly and quite beautiful, with pretty eyebrows and lashes.

(011) I took a walk in the garden – and along Gentofte LakeGentofter Lake – Not mentioned in D1 and D1-TR, and talked with her. Her human atmosphere is fully feminine.

(012) - - He and GerdaGerda Wegener (historical) Linked to: #sparreGre – had never really been married: only been good friends and complemented each other.

(013) [The description of Einar’sEinar Wegener (historical) Linked to: #sparreAn #lili – planned suicide.] This she told me in a silly tone, but I have the impression that BéEinar Wegener (historical) Linked to: #sparreAn #lili – was serious.-–

(014) 18/8.
[Page 5]

(015) LiliLili (fictional and historical) Linked to: #sparreAn #wegenerE – Our project editors have been unable to verify that Lili Elbe used the pseudonym Lili Courtaud outside of its use in the narrative. and I have talked a lot together on our little walks by Gentofte LakeGentofter Lake – Not mentioned in D1 and D1-TR – which she finds “utterly adorable”.

(016) Behind the silly girl, there is a very clearly thinking, understanding and feeling soul. It is namely mother we have discussed. LiliLili (fictional and historical) Linked to: #sparreAn #wegenerE – Our project editors have been unable to verify that Lili Elbe used the pseudonym Lili Courtaud outside of its use in the narrative. thinks mother’smother (fictional) Linked to: #wegenerAM – Andreas Sparre’s mother in narrative deficiencies consist of

(017) 1. - - - - - - If one really wants to tell about one’s sickness and so on, one should do it lively and jokingly – and only one time! - - - -

(018) 4. Neglected her appearance
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(019) LiliLili (fictional and historical) Linked to: #sparreAn #wegenerE – Our project editors have been unable to verify that Lili Elbe used the pseudonym Lili Courtaud outside of its use in the narrative. and I have become very fine friends, – and I value her more and more.

(020) 22/8

(021) Mothermother (fictional) Linked to: #wegenerAM – Andreas Sparre’s mother in narrative has now told LiliLili (fictional and historical) Linked to: #sparreAn #wegenerE – Our project editors have been unable to verify that Lili Elbe used the pseudonym Lili Courtaud outside of its use in the narrative. the whole story – and LiliLili (fictional and historical) Linked to: #sparreAn #wegenerE – Our project editors have been unable to verify that Lili Elbe used the pseudonym Lili Courtaud outside of its use in the narrative. has patiently sacrificed the necessary afternoon. Afterwards she was quite destroyed – and mothermother (fictional) Linked to: #wegenerAM – Andreas Sparre’s mother in narrative upset. LiliLili (fictional and historical) Linked to: #sparreAn #wegenerE – Our project editors have been unable to verify that Lili Elbe used the pseudonym Lili Courtaud outside of its use in the narrative. quarreled with mother about a little detail – and then mothermother (fictional) Linked to: #wegenerAM – Andreas Sparre’s mother in narrative had said that LiliLili (fictional and historical) Linked to: #sparreAn #wegenerE – Our project editors have been unable to verify that Lili Elbe used the pseudonym Lili Courtaud outside of its use in the narrative. had better move.

(022) LiliLili (fictional and historical) Linked to: #sparreAn #wegenerE – Our project editors have been unable to verify that Lili Elbe used the pseudonym Lili Courtaud outside of its use in the narrative. took it, however, quietly – and it did not come to a break up.-–
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- - Mothermother (fictional) Linked to: #wegenerAM – Andreas Sparre’s mother in narrative was an opponent of the operation -– and terrified and uncomprehending about it all - - sad and tragic that her brotherEinar Wegener (historical) Linked to: #sparreAn #lili – , whom she loved so much, - has become a giddy, vain creature.

(023) - - Also the name “LiliLili (fictional and historical) Linked to: #sparreAn #wegenerE – Our project editors have been unable to verify that Lili Elbe used the pseudonym Lili Courtaud outside of its use in the narrative.” –- she finds terrible. His mothermother (fictional) Linked to: #wegenerAM – Andreas Sparre’s mother in narrative would never have called him this, if he had started as a girl. - -

(024) 23/8

(025) GerdaGerda Wegener (historical) Linked to: #sparreGre – was here. She is still not feeling well after the operation -– and worries about LiliLili (fictional and historical) Linked to: #sparreAn #wegenerE – Our project editors have been unable to verify that Lili Elbe used the pseudonym Lili Courtaud outside of its use in the narrative..

(026) LiliLili (fictional and historical) Linked to: #sparreAn #wegenerE – Our project editors have been unable to verify that Lili Elbe used the pseudonym Lili Courtaud outside of its use in the narrative. has made the
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most horrible scenes over her appearance, and talked about suicide, if she could not look good quickly.

(027) GerdaGerda Wegener (historical) Linked to: #sparreGre – asked us to try to help LiliLili (fictional and historical) Linked to: #sparreAn #wegenerE – Our project editors have been unable to verify that Lili Elbe used the pseudonym Lili Courtaud outside of its use in the narrative. be less self-absorbed, and get her to write on her book.

(028) 24/8

(029) Talked with LiliLili (fictional and historical) Linked to: #sparreAn #wegenerE – Our project editors have been unable to verify that Lili Elbe used the pseudonym Lili Courtaud outside of its use in the narrative.. Now she is doing well with writing on her book. I let her begin at my house -– while I studied anatomy. The work atmosphere affected her –- and she did not want to disturb me
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or to risk my discontent, if she was lazy.

(030) 25/8

(031) Mothermother (fictional) Linked to: #wegenerAM – Andreas Sparre’s mother in narrative came crying to Lili’sLili (fictional and historical) Linked to: #sparreAn #wegenerE – Our project editors have been unable to verify that Lili Elbe used the pseudonym Lili Courtaud outside of its use in the narrative. room at 7 o’clock and woke her. LiliLili (fictional and historical) Linked to: #sparreAn #wegenerE – Our project editors have been unable to verify that Lili Elbe used the pseudonym Lili Courtaud outside of its use in the narrative. lost her patience and told - -


(032) 18/9.

(033) LiliLili (fictional and historical) Linked to: #sparreAn #wegenerE – Our project editors have been unable to verify that Lili Elbe used the pseudonym Lili Courtaud outside of its use in the narrative. lives here now and writes on her book.

(034) GerdaGerda Wegener (historical) Linked to: #sparreGre – tells me that all their friends seek to get her to get a divorce –- not just formally –- but also in actual fact from LiliLili (fictional and historical) Linked to: #sparreAn #wegenerE – Our project editors have been unable to verify that Lili Elbe used the pseudonym Lili Courtaud outside of its use in the narrative.. –-
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She is extremely vain and claims that “beauty is a woman’s reason for existence”!!

(035) When we go for a walk, she asks if one can “see something”. -– In consideration of the enormous amount of “cosmetics” used, -– this is usually impossible. -– If I answer negatively -– she does not believe me -– but binds a silk handkerchief around her lower face as if she had a toothache.

(036) In the beginning when she was here –- she was really shy –- and was uncomfortable meeting people, –- and that’s why I took her along
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the side roads. –- Now it is less –- and she even flirts with it!

(037) She is very interested in men –- and tells me with all signs of joy, –- how “nasty” it is that they look at her!

(038) She loves to think herself a “trembling dove” persecuted by big, interested menfolk. -–

(039) 6/10.

(040) She does not agree with women’s liberation. She says, –- that if she gets married, she will love her husband, do everything that he
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says –- and only think of being as beautiful as possible –- making him happy –- and cheering him up, when he comes from the office. –-


(041) She likes caresses and to caress. Fatherfather (fictional) Linked to: #wegenerV – Andreas Sparre’s father in narrative allows her to kiss him goodbye in the morning and goodnight in the evening.

(042) I don’t want that.

(043) She continues to jokingly make attempts,–- and tickles me catlike up my arm. But I fend her off kindly and firmly. –- and she respects that –- and calls me
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“the strict Mr. DoctorSigurd Wegener Thomsen (historical) Linked to: #nephew – Einar Wegener’s nephew; son of Christiane Wegener Thomsen, Einar’s sister” -–


(044) Towards fatherfather (fictional) Linked to: #wegenerV – Andreas Sparre’s father in narrative and me she is good natured: towards GerdaGerda Wegener (historical) Linked to: #sparreGre – she often makes hysterical scenes –- with hysterical girly voice –- and ends with crying. –-

(045) Well – after what she has belief gone through it is not so odd–- that her mind is difficult.


(046) Today Gerda’sGerda Wegener (historical) Linked to: #sparreGre – and Lili’sLili (fictional and historical) Linked to: #sparreAn #wegenerE – Our project editors have been unable to verify that Lili Elbe used the pseudonym Lili Courtaud outside of its use in the narrative. marriage was revoked.

(047) I asked LiliLili (fictional and historical) Linked to: #sparreAn #wegenerE – Our project editors have been unable to verify that Lili Elbe used the pseudonym Lili Courtaud outside of its use in the narrative.:

(048) – Was it the civil court?

(049) – Yes, said LilliLili (fictional and historical) Linked to: #sparreAn #wegenerE – Our project editors have been unable to verify that Lili Elbe used the pseudonym Lili Courtaud outside of its use in the narrative..

(050) – How do you know that?

(051) – The judge was in civil!


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She often refers to herself as “poor little LiliLili (fictional and historical) Linked to: #sparreAn #wegenerE – Our project editors have been unable to verify that Lili Elbe used the pseudonym Lili Courtaud outside of its use in the narrative.” -– and wishes to be comforted and cuddled - - - . But overall she is in good humor. And appreciates a joke -– even though it is at her expense -– as long as it is good!

(053) She is nice and friendly and takes everything in the best way.


(054) One day she talks about going to a convent. The next about going to a harem. -– Just after the operation she said she had a “nun period.” -–

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She is very vain about her figure and legs -– and to some degree lacks modesty -– partially owing to her lack of practice in sitting -– etc. -– in woman’s clothing.


(056) Mentally –- as a woman, she has two ages . -– When she can use the knowledge that EinarEinar Wegener (historical) Linked to: #sparreAn #lili – had -– and that of his character, -– that is only human -– she is a good-natured, smart and witty woman –- well up in her forties! –- but when she talks about “men” or “clothes”.-– she is a giddy girl of sixteen!–


(057) NB!

(058) 13/6

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When I think back -– and should say something about her development since the operation, –- it must be this.

(060) Her shyness towards people in general and men in particular has totally disappeared, –- and her joy over the stir she causes among the men, is a little boastful –- and is being attributed to a “mysterious power of attraction” –- and not to her excessive use of powder. and rouge –- and so on –-

(061) In the beginning she was slimmer, seemed almost more feminine mentally than
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now, where so much is forced and fake, –- and she really possessed her own endearing “virginity” -– which unfortunately has quite gone.

(062) That her friends have betrayed her, has caused her pain –- but not bitterness, –- as she has such a friendly, understanding nature.


(063) I hope that you can have some pleasure of this.

(064) One day when I am in town, I would like to pick up the book you were so kind to offer to lend me. I will call beforehand.

(065) Again, thank you for last time.

(066) Yours sincerely.

Sigurd ThomsenSigurd Wegener Thomsen (historical) Linked to: #nephew – Einar Wegener’s nephew; son of Christiane Wegener Thomsen, Einar’s sister